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Abigail: Dr. Richards' Littles 11 Page 5

  “Abigail, I need to check your weight and height. Stand up here facing me. That’s right. Put your back to the scale.” A number flashed that only April and Dr. Richards could see. Dr. Richards raised the height lever and lowered it slightly saying, “No slouching, Abigail. Put your shoulders back and stand tall.” When she had straightened her posture, the doctor lowered the device to rest against Abigail’s head and recorded the two measurements.

  “Up on the exam table, Abigail. Roll over on your tummy.” The doctor instructed as pulled on a pair of gloves. As Abigail was settling into position with her Mommy standing at the top of the table holding her hands, he lifted a large thermometer and dipped it into lubricant. Scooping up a bit of lubricant, Dr. Richards turned to the table and spread Abigail’s bottom. When she tensed, Dr. Richards patted her red bottom kindly. “Relax, Abigail. You don’t want any more spankings from your Mommy and I just want to measure your temperature. I’m sorry this is always cold. Hold still, now,” he said as he dabbed lubricant on her anus before pressing his large finger into her rectum. “Good girl, Abigail.” He moved his finger around inside of the Little girl until he felt that she was ready. Pulling out his finger, he pressed the thermometer in deeply. “Ten minutes, young lady,” he said cupping a hand around the bottom of the thermometer to hold it in place.

  “Abigail, tell me about your sexual history. Have you had intercourse with a man?” Dr. Richards asked professionally.

  Abigail shook her head, “No!” as she hid her flushed face against the table’s padded surface.

  “Have you had intercourse with a woman?” Dr. Richards asked.

  “Ummmm, Mommy?” Abigail raised her head to look at April.

  “I have stimulated her manually and with my mouth to orgasm several times,” April said easily.

  Dr. Richards checked a few boxes. “For what type of contact would you like Abigail to be prepared? Vaginal and anal penetration?”

  “Yes, Dr. Richards. Her vagina is very narrow and she is uncomfortable with small anal probes. I’d like your opinion on using an anal dilator set. Is there anything that you were suggest for vaginal penetration? I will only be using my fingers and a vibrator but she is too tight currently to accept a small vibrator. Her hymen appears to be very tight and I don’t want to hurt her,” April explained and Abigail began to wish that she was anywhere else.

  “Definitely, we’ll come up with a plan to keep Abigail healthy and sexually fulfilled. I’ll have suggestions after I conduct a pelvic exam,” Dr. Richards’ answered drawing the thermometer slowly out of her bottom.

  “Abigail, your temperature is a little high. That’s probably because you’re nervous but we’ll check it again before you go home to make sure. I want you to roll over carefully and sit on the edge of the table,” Dr. Richards asked as he stripped off his gloves. He checked Abigail’s ears, eyes, and throat before putting his stethoscope on and holding the cold bell of the instrument to different places on her bare chest and back. “Breathe deeply, Abigail.”

  Removing his stethoscope from his ears, he said. “Put your hands behind your head for me, Abigail. Pull your elbows back. I’m going to start your breast exam,” Dr. Richards talked to April as he pressed in a circular pattern around each breast urging her to check April’s breasts frequently. “You are just looking for something unusually that hasn’t been there earlier. Always make sure to pull firmly on each nipple to check for discharge.” He demonstrated pulling on each nipple several times. Abigail gasped as the nipple stimulation seemed to be an electric shock straight to her groin. “Little girls usually like that part,” Dr. Richards smiled. He patted Abigail on her hip and said, “Lay back flat on the table next, Abigail.”

  Dr. Richards quickly rechecked her breasts lying down before he fitted the stethoscope back into his ears and listened to her tummy. “I’m not hearing very many rumbles of bowel movement in your tummy, Abigail. Do you have problems pooping?”

  Abigail immediately shook her head, “No.”

  April squeezed her hand to warn her. “Tell the truth, Abigail”

  Abigail closed her eyes so she wouldn’t have to look at anyone. Several seconds later she admitted, “I have a little trouble going to the bathroom.”

  “Is Abigail wearing a diaper full time now?” Dr. Richards asked.

  “Ye. I’d like her to use her diaper for all her needs, but she has only pooped after an enema I gave her yesterday. I think it was somewhat effective but not fully,” April answered.

  “I think you are correct. As I feel Abigail’s intestinal tract, she is still very constipated high in her small colon. We need to flush that out to avoid dangerous problems. I can take care of that today if that fits in with your schedule?” Dr. Richards questioned.

  Abigail shook her head desperately, “No!” but April answered,” Dr. Richards, I think that is a great idea. Abigail won’t have to dread coming back. She took at little encouragement to visit you today.”

  Dr. Richards’ chuckled. “Scoot that red bottom to the bottom of the table here, Abigail.” Dr. Richards helped her move down so that her bottom was on the edge of the exam table. He lifted her right foot and placed it in the stirrups that extended on both sides. He fastened her leg in place with a strap around her calf and thigh before turning to repeat the process for her left foot. The final restraint was a strap that ran across her body just under her exposed breasts. Once she was fully secured, Dr. Richards ran a comforting hand down the inside of her thigh.

  “Just relax, Abigail. I’m just going to examine you to make sure everything is healthy. It is very possible that you may feel aroused as I test your reactions. It would be very good if I am able to see you orgasm,” Dr. Richards explained patiently as he pulled on a new set of gloves. He sat down between Abigail’s widely spread thighs and turned on his light to shine on her pubic area. He ran a hand over her curly pubic hair and suggested, “April, you may wish to use your professional skills to wax away Abigail’s big girl curls here. When Little girls are wearing diapers, it is easier to keep them cleaner if the hair is removed.”

  “I had the same thought, Dr. Richards. I think we’ll go to the salon tomorrow to take care of that,” April smiled. She ran her hand through Abigail’s short brown hair to brush it out of her eyes. “I think Abigail could have her haircut as well.”

  Abigail was so worried about Dr. Richards sitting right there between her thighs looking at her private areas. Only her Mommy had looked between her thighs and now he was looking at her. Abigail tried to pull her thighs together but they were well secured. She whispered, “Mommy, I don’t like this. Can’t we go home now?”

  April leaned down to kiss her lips softly as Dr. Richards began touching the pink tissue in front of him. “You’re okay, baby. I know it’s uncomfortable to have the doctor examine you but Dr. Richards will help you feel good. Just close your eyes and imagine that we’re at home in your pretty nursery and Mommy is touching you.”

  Abigail immediately closed her eyes. She felt fingers separate her inner folds pulling them apart gently. The fingers ran up and down her inner labia and circling her sensitive clitoris. One large finger entered her vagina and rotated to touch the inner walls. She gasped as the finger tested her opening - stretching it gently. Abigail could feel her body emitting a flood of arousal fluid making everything slick and responsive to the touch. She focused on the feelings that were gathering and tuned out the talk between the doctor and her Mommy.

  “April, her hymen is definitely intact and very solid. There’s a couple of options that we could do. I can numb the area and surgically sever it. That can be painful for several days and often is emotionally damaging as well for a sensitive patient. The second option is that you gradually stretch the vaginal opening with a set of vaginal dilators. Abigail would need to wear one for several hours each day or overnight. She would size up to the next dilator when you see that the smaller dilator has stretched the tissues. That’s what I would suggest. You can help her enjoy it b
y using it during your private time with your Little girl. Gordon’s carries a good set of vaginal dilators. They also carry a seat to which the dilators affix easily. She can sit on the seat with the dilator firmly implanted in her vagina. It can also work with anal dilators. Littles usually don’t like the seat but it’s a great, naughty Little punishment,” Dr. Richards suggested as his hands moved in and out of Abigail’s body stimulating her tissues.

  Within just a few minutes, Abigail felt her body dive into an enormous orgasm that caused shivers and tremors throughout her body. She opened her eyes after she had recovered to look up on April’s beautiful green eyes. “Mommy?” she asked in a whisper.

  “Little girl, you are so precious to me,” April praised kissing her forehead. “What a good girl you are!”

  “Abigail, you are going to feel an instrument sliding into your vagina. You’re very lubricated so it shouldn’t hurt but it may be uncomfortable when I open it up. Hold your Mommy’s hand if you’d like,” Dr. Richards suggested.

  “Oooohh!” Abigail squealed. “It’s so cold.”

  Both her Mommy and Dr. Richards laughed. “I promise it will warm up Little one,” Dr. Richards said as he slowly opened it up watching Abigail’s face for any discomfort. Once, he had it fully opened he visually examined her vaginal walls and cervix. He performed a quick pap smear and removed the speculum gently.

  “One last area to examine,” Dr. Richards said as he spread lubricant around Abigail’s anus and pressed a finger deep inside her rectum. He pressed different places on her tummy as he moved his finger around. “Abigail, I’m going to look inside your bottom now.” Dr. Richards pressed the anal speculum into the Little girl’s rectum opening it widely as Abigail squirmed as she attempted to sit up or free herself. “Settle down, Abigail. Your Mommy is going to help you get used to having much bigger things in your bottom. First, I need to make sure that your bottom is healthy,” Dr. Richards reproached her.

  Abigail felt the cold metal speculum in her bottom. She tried to hold still but it was impossible. She kept trying to tell herself that she wanted him to pull that thing out immediately but her mind imagined her body leaning over her Mommy’s lap as she pressed a large dilator in Abigail’s anus. Somehow the punishment didn’t seem like a punishment when her body craved it.

  “Your Little girl is very responsive to anal stimulation. She may protest anything being in her bottom but her body welcomes it. I have found that a very effective punishment for Littles with efficient anal arousal is to simply remove their diapers, lean them over your lap or a support of some kind, and to plant a finger or fingers into their rectum holding it there for a specified time period or until they remember their manners. You may wish to try that with Abigail,” he suggested to April. Abigail shook her head violently, “No!” at this suggestion.

  The speculum moved slowly in her bottom as Dr. Richards examined her rectum and swabbed the sides for the lab. He released the latch allowing it to compress again. Pulling it out of her bottom, Dr. Richards placed it in a bin in one of the exam table drawers below her body.

  Dr. Richards opened a package of disinfecting wipes and began to thoroughly clean all the lubricant and traces of arousal from Abigail’s groin. He pulled apart her labia and focused on cleaning around her urethra.

  “I have to go to the bathroom,” Abigail said urgently as the cold towelettes made her need to urinate.

  “Very good, Abigail. I need a urine specimen from you for the lab,” Dr. Richards pushed a button on the table and it rotated to sit her up still restrained with her legs apart and from the strap around her torso. Dr. Richards opened a specimen cup and held it to her urethra. “Okay, Abigail. Go potty.”

  Abigail looked at him with wide eyes. “I can’t go the bathroom in here with you both looking.”

  Dr. Richards pressed firmly on her bladder causing it to release urine into the cup. “Sure, you can, Abigail. You just needed some help.” When she was finished, he screwed the top on the jar and labeled it with her name as the table glided down to its previous position. “Last sample for the lab, Abigail. I need to draw some blood.” He wrapped a rubber tourniquet around her upper arm and skillfully withdrew several tubes of blood before putting a pressure bandage on the injection site.

  He looked at April and said, “The lab usually gets the results to me in a couple of days. I’ll formulate a vitamin suppository for Abigail and give you a call when they are available to pick up. I do not recommend pills or tablets for any conditions but find suppositories are much more effective. If you find Abigail need medicine for headaches, allergies, or anything else. I have suppositories prepared for those ailments. You can also find them at Gordon’s if that is more convenient for you. I’ll send home a week’s supply of a general vitamin suppository tonight. Press one suppository deep within Abigail’s bottom every night before she goes to sleep and in the morning when you change her diaper. Suppositories can leak from the rectum. That’s normal. Wearing a diaper takes care of that. They also work well when Littles have their periods.”

  Abigail’s head dropped down to her chest as her cheeks flushed bright red. She hadn’t thought about wearing her diaper when she had her period. It would be so messy and her Mommy would see it all. Her head was spinning so much from the exam and talk about dilating her anus and vagina. She’d never heard a doctor talk so bluntly. She was so involved in her thoughts that she lost track of what the doctor was doing.

  Chapter Twelve

  Suddenly, she felt the table begin to lower down to the reclined position and then, the head of the table lowered more leaving her at an angle with her head below her hips. Abigail looked up to see Dr. Richards wheeling a medical stand over to her side. The bag hanging on the stand became the focus of all Abigail’s attention. It was a large, yellow enema bag that bulged with a soapy mixture. Abigail could see the froth on the top of the open enema bag.

  “You’re not going to put all that inside me, right?” she asked frowning.

  “Just relax and let me take care of your tummy,” Dr. Richards suggested pulling on a new set of gloves and lifting the lubricant jar to scoop a large glob onto his finger tip. “Just relax your bottom, Abigail.” He pressed his large finger inside with a steady invading pace. Rubbing along the sides, he lubricated her rectum again before finally removing his finger. Immediately, Dr. Richards began to press a large plastic item into her rectum. It was large and Abigail immediately tried to force it back out but the doctor was used to Littles who tried to prevent their enemas and soon it popped into place.

  April rubbed a tissue across her Little girl’s cheeks to remove the tears. “Shhhhh,” she whispered to Abigail. “You’re okay, baby. The enema is going to help your tummy. Try to relax.”

  “I don’t want an enema. It’s scary.” Abigail protested until she heard the click releasing the water to flow into her bottom. She arched her hips trying to squeeze her bottom closed but the water just kept streaming inside her bottom. “Please, please don’t!” she begged.

  Dr. Richards’ adjusted her body on the table and rubbed her tummy to help the water flow deeply. He separated her buttocks to help the flow speed. When Abigail moaned from the never-ending invasion, he opened a drawer and withdrew a pacifier and a jar of medicine. “April, does Abigail respond well to having a pacifier in her mouth?”

  When she shrugged her shoulders and replied, “I don’t know,” the doctor opened the packaging of the pacifier and dipped the nipple in to coat it with the sticky mixture. He waited for another moan from Abigail and he pressed it into her mouth holding it in place. “Just relax, Abigail. I know this feels funny at first but the pacifier will help you relax. That helps the fluid ease in more comfortably. That’s it, just suck softly. Good girl,” he praised.

  Abigail was laying there restrained to a table with a large nozzle in her bottom with an enema flooding into her intestines. Two people were watching her bare body and rubbing her stomach to force the irritating fluid deeper and deeper into her b
ody. She didn’t know if she could do this. On the verge of panicking, Abigail felt the pacifier enter her mouth. She thrashed her head back and forth to push it out but the doctor held it in place. She finally tried sucking on it. The large nipple filled her mouth but it felt good. The nipple was coated with a sweet mixture. The more she sucked on the pacifier the more the panic ebbed away. Finally, Abigail felt her body soften on the exam table. Immediately, the enema wasn’t so unpleasant. She sighed deeply.

  Her Mommy leaned down to kiss her forehead. “It’s good that Dr. Richards knows how to take care of Little girls. You’re doing so well. I’m proud of you, baby!”

  “I’ll send this jar of medicine home with you. It calms colicky babies’ minds when they are upset for a number of reasons but it really works well during enemas and the retention period that follows,” Dr. Richards explained. “You’ll see that Abigail is almost asleep now. Come around here between her thighs. You can see that there is some space between her buttocks. She isn’t clinching at all now. That helps the enema flow higher.” He rubbed over her tummy.

  “She’s doing great. You have a very good Little girl here. Some of my patients develop a routine after a visit here. You might think about a reward that Abigail might enjoy. Something that she would only earn if she is good at the doctor’s office. That might cut down on the red bottoms earned when she knows she needs to come see me. Mind you, a Little girl needs her bottom spanked regularly. It helps to remind her that she is Little and you’re the Mommy,” Dr. Richards advised.

  The rest of the visit was a blur for Abigail. She remembered feeling very stuffed and having to wait a long time to be allowed to use the potty. She knew that she had asked repeatedly but each time the doctor told her she needed to wait a little longer. Her Mommy was right there with her for the entire time. She stayed by her side when she was finally allowed to get up and walked unsteadily with her Mommy’s help and even as she exploded on the potty filling the bowl with liquid and poop. Even worn out, Abigail was amazed at the amount of stuff inside her. It probably wasn’t wise but she had to agree that she felt better after Dr. Richards treatment. She thought she heard her Mommy make another appointment for her next week. Abigail crossed her fingers for good luck and wished with all her might that she had imagined that part of the visit.