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Amy: Dr. Richards' Littles 2 Page 7

  Chapter Fifteen

  Soon all the kids were diapered and ready to eat lunch. The parents washed their hands and the Little hands before Dr. Richards served grilled hotdogs and chips with cherry Kool-Aid for the kids and iced tea for the adults. The kids were all quiet after all their play time and they ate enthusiastically as their parent fed them bite by bite of the delicious food.

  Amy sat wrapped in her fluffy towel and diaper on Mr. Smythe’s lap. He held her sandwich to her lips and fed her chips while getting her to drink several glasses of Kool-Aid. Amy’s tummy was full. She yawned big and leaned back against Mr. Smythe’s chest. She shook her head the next time Mr. Smythe tried to get her to take a bite.

  “Looks like you’re worn out, Amy. Stand up and let’s get you settled down for a nap,” Mr. Smythe nudged Amy off his lap and held her against him as she swayed tiredly. He picked up her blanket and carried her over to the shade of a nearby tree. Spreading out her blanket, he helped Amy lay down on it. He pulled the damp towel away from her body leaving her lying on her back dressed only in her diaper. Mr. Smythe rubbed her breasts and her nipples which immediately tightened into points. “What a beautiful baby you are, Amy. Go to sleep. We’ll go home after your nap.”

  Dr. Richards brought a sleepy Zoey over as well. “Amy, can Zoey share your blanket? She needs a nap too,” Dr. Richards questioned.

  Amy rolled over on her side and Zoey laid down next to her. Quickly the two girls closed their eyes and fell asleep as the other parents settled their children down for a nap as well. All stood over the kids as they slept quietly.

  “Aren’t they just precious?” questioned Sarah’s Daddy with emotion etched in his face. “I’m so glad I found my daughter. This has been a great day, Matt,” he addressed Dr. Richards. “Thanks for inviting us all over today.”

  Dr. Richards motioned all the adults back over to the chairs so they wouldn’t disturb the kids. They all settled back into their chairs and enjoyed talking to each other about caring for their kids, their behavior, and ways to encourage good behavior while dealing with poor behavior.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Amy woke up with her tummy cramping. She needed to use the potty fast. She struggled to wake up quickly and had made it half way over to Mr. Smythe when her bowels emptied into her diaper. Amy started crying. Almost immediately, Mr. Smythe was next to her, rubbing her back and whispering to her to let it all out. He pressed on her tummy and Amy felt warm urine gush also into the diaper. She sobbed loudly.

  “My baby woke up cranky,” Mr. Smythe told the adults. “Let me get her all cleaned up and she’ll feel much better.” Spreading out a changing mat, Amy was laid down and her legs spread widely.

  Dr. Richards walked over as Mr. Smythe unfastened her diaper. “Looks like that medicine is working well. I’m glad to see that it’s effective. How often are you giving her the suppositories?” he questioned privately.

  “I’ve found that Amy needs two suppositories twice a day for her to have a daily bowel movement. I did wonder if I should still give her an enema to fully clean her intestines out on a regular basis.” Mr. Smythe looked seriously at Dr. Richards as he carefully wiped the mess from Amy’s bottom.

  “Definitely. All Little girls need a thorough cleaning at least weekly. Try giving her a two quart enema with a cup of cleanser. That’s a lot of cleanser so be sure to follow the cleaning enema with at least one 3 quart enema. You may need three or four to flush out all the suds. Amy should hold the cleansing enema for 30 minutes. An hour would be even better but you may need to build up to that length of time. The rinse enemas should be held at least twenty minutes each.” Dr. Richards detailed her treatment. “I think Amy’s coming back to see me next week. Try the enemas this week and you can tell me how much fecal material Amy still has in her system after the suppository regimen. Then, we can fine-tune her treatment.”

  Amy sobbed as Mr. Smythe cleaned her and the doctor shared his advice. She couldn’t believe that she had messed her diaper at the party in front of everyone and now, Mr. Smythe was getting instructions to give her enemas every week.

  “Amy, you are going to make yourself ill. Calm down. It’s natural that you would use your diaper. That’s what Little girls do. Dr. Richards wants you to feel good. I know you don’t like enemas but I’ll do my best to help you enjoy them,” Mr. Smythe crooned softly to her. He began to rub her clitoris and dip his fingers into her vagina.

  Amy closed her eyes. Dr. Richards was still standing right over her. She tried to stay still but it felt so good. Her hips began to rise as Mr. Smythe touched all her favorite spots. Amy felt her nipples tighten as the breeze blew over her exposed breasts. She tried to squeeze her legs together but Mr. Smythe knelt between her legs and blocked her movement. She felt her body tense and then explode in a body-shaking climax. Mr. Smythe continued to stroke between her legs until her shudders diminished and her body relaxed.

  “What a beautiful girl you are, Amy. I love you very much.” Mr. Smythe whispered to her. Amy opened her eyes to see that they were alone. “Let’s get you diapered and dressed. I think it’s time for us to head home. You’ve had a lot of excitement today.” He smoothed her nap-rumpled hair from her face and quickly fastened her diaper. Leading her over to his chair, Mr. Smythe pulled her ladybug dress over her head and put on her sandals.

  The other Mommies and Daddies were also waking their up children from their naps. Soon, all were ready to go home.

  “Thank Dr. Richards and Zoey for having us over to play, Amy,” Mr. Smythe instructed and pushed her toward the smiling man and his cute daughter.

  Amy shuffled her feet over to Dr. Richards. “Thank you Dr. Richards for inviting me today. I had a good time,” Amy repeated politely.

  Zoey scooted forward and hugged Amy eagerly. “I’m so glad you came over, Amy. I think you are my new favorite friend. Will you come play with me again?” Zoey pleaded.

  Amy hugged her back and said, “I would love to come back to play with you, Zoey.”

  All the other kids clustered together and Amy got lots of hugs and wet kisses to the cheek. Finally, she turned to Mr. Smythe and he held out his hand. Putting her hand into his large one, Amy turned to head back to the car looking back every few steps to smile and wave goodbye at her new friends.

  Buckled back in her car seat, Amy smiled at Mr. Smythe’s reflection in the mirror. He turned to smile back at her. “I’m glad you had a good day, Amy. It’s important to have friends. Shall we go back to play again?” he questioned.

  “Let’s go soon,” Amy answered. She’d been embarrassed several times during the afternoon but everything had been okay. No one seemed to think it was strange that Mr. Smythe was her Daddy and that she had to take medicine and use her diaper. She’d been naked in front of the whole group several times and no one reacted like it was anything weird. She’d met several other adults being cared for as children and she’d liked all of them. She wasn’t looking forward to going back to the doctor’s office but she really liked Zoey and couldn’t wait to visit their home again.

  Chapter Seventeen

  When they got home, Amy was very quiet. “You are thinking awfully hard, little girl,” Mr. Smythe questioned gently. “Is everything okay?”

  “I think I’ve decided I really like my new life, Daddy. I don’t think I need a few more months trying out how I feel as your daughter. Do we have to wait for the six months to be up to decide if we want to continue as a family?” Amy had tears in her eyes as she looked hopefully up at Mr. Smythe.

  Mr. Smythe was silent for ten seconds and Amy started to worry that Mr. Smythe wasn’t happy with her. Then Mr. Smythe wrapped his arms around Amy and lifted her off her feet. He swung her around in a circle until Amy started getting dizzy. “Amy, I love you very much. I am so happy you want to stay with me. As far as I’m concerned, you are my daughter for the rest of time. I want to make sure you understand that I will love you always and give you treats when you’re good, punish you when you’re b
ad, and take care of all your needs day in and day out. You will have to follow my instructions always,” Mr. Smythe looked seriously down at Amy.

  “I understand, Daddy. I’ll try to be good.” Amy promised in her Little girl voice.

  “Before you make your final decision, Amy, I want you to have several days to live as a big girl. I’m going to take you to a hotel tomorrow and you’ll stay there for 2 days by yourself. I want you to do anything you would normally do as an adult: go out with friends, go shopping, enjoy some nightlife, have a fancy dinner. Whatever you wish to do, you should do. I won’t talk to you for 48 hours. At the end of that time, I’ll come pick you up and you can decide if you really want to stay with me as my Little girl. Amy, I’m going to be praying every minute you’re out the apartment that you are coming home to stay.” Mr. Smythe looked more serious than Amy had ever seen him. “Okay, bath time and then let’s watch TV before we tuck you in your warm crib.”

  Mr. Smythe washed Amy very carefully that night. His warm washcloth stroked over every area of her body. Her nipples contacted as he repeatedly caressed the taut nubs. When he reached her sensitive areas between her legs, Mr. Smythe dropped the wash cloth into the water and soaped up his hands to rub the cleanser gently into Amy’s labia. Parting her moist folds, he pressed his fingers into her vagina and stroked her clitoris until Amy was writhing in pleasure and begging him to make her come. Mr. Smythe moved his other hand into place at her anus and while continuing his caresses to her clitoris, he pressed against her tight entrance until he could insert a long finger to probe into her rectum. Amy arched and screamed as this final invasion launched her into a strong orgasm. Lying bonelessly in the tub, Amy was barely aware of Mr. Smythe finishing her bath by shaving her pubic area to return it to a bare state. Amy was placed in her crib where she slept soundly until the morning.

  Chapter Eighteen

  When Amy awoke, the railing of her crib was lowered down so she could easily get out of bed. Folded neatly on Mr. Smythe’s chair was a pair of jeans, a tee shirt and both a bra and underwear from the storage area where her old clothes were boxed. The bathroom door, usually closed and locked, was standing open. Amy looked at the toilet. She had to pee desperately but wasn’t wearing a diaper. Was she supposed to use the big girl toilet? She stood there debating, clenching her legs together, until she was forced to run to the toilet or make a mess on the floor. Wiping herself and flushing the toilet, she missed the padding between her legs and the careful way Mr. Smythe always wiped her bottom when she messed her diaper. Still, no one came to the bedroom door.

  Amy walked slowly to the pile of clothes. She dressed herself awkwardly. The buttons and zippers were hard to work by herself. Finally, she walked through the bedroom door to find Mr. Smythe waiting for her in the living room. By his side was a small weekend suitcase. Mr. Smythe looked very sad. Amy could tell he hadn’t slept well. His eyes were lined with shadows as he watched her approach.

  “Daddy, I don’t want to go. Can’t I just stay here with you?” she pleaded.

  “Amy, once your decision is made, it will be final. I want you to be sure that you wish to live here with me.”

  Mr. Smythe picked up her suitcase and walked to the elevator. Doris was standing in the office when the metal doors opened. She hugged Amy and told her that she’d miss her. In the car, Amy sat in the front seat. Her safe car seat had disappeared from the back seat. Mr. Smythe handed Amy her old purse.

  “You’ve got plenty of money for the weekend, Amy. I’ve also put a credit card in your wallet for emergencies.”

  They were both silent as Mr. Smythe drove to the hotel. He parked and carried her suitcase into the lobby. After checking her in and getting a key, Mr. Smythe walked Amy to her door and set the suitcase inside the door. “Call if you need me, Amy. I’ll come pick you up in two days and we’ll see if you wish to return home with me or if you’d rather live as a big girl.” He kissed Amy’s forehead and gave her a big hug. “I love my Little girl but I want you to be happy.” With that final statement, he turned and disappeared down the hallway.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Amy felt lost. What should she do? Her stomach growled and she decided to go get some breakfast. The day moved slowly. Amy called a few friends who were glad to hear from her but too busy to get together. Amy was almost relieved. She really didn’t have anything in common with them anymore. She didn’t know what they would even talk about if they got together. By evening, she was lonely and unhappy. She went to bed early after eating dinner in her room. She missed Mr. Smythe’s company and his care.

  Amy woke up early the next day. Her tummy hurt. Amy realized she had missed getting her special suppositories yesterday. She was even sorry to remember that the previous day would have been her enema treatment if she’d been at home. “Home,” Amy thought, “I wish I was there now.” She decided to call Mr. Smythe. He didn’t answer the phone so Amy left a tearful message asking him to pick her up a day early. Amy’s phone signaled a text message back. He would be there at eight in the morning the next day. She was to go have some fun and enjoy herself.

  Amy tried. She took a cab to the museum and wandered along through the halls looking sadly at all the kids with their parents. Amy went shoe shopping – her old favorite activity – but couldn’t find any shoes she wanted to buy. She really wanted a pair of the comfortable ladybug sandals like she had worn to the picnic. Sales people looked at her strangely when she asked and said those types of shoes were for younger girls and didn’t come in her size. Finally, Amy returned to the hotel room.

  She tried calling again but there was no answer. Very depressed, Amy closed her cell phone and tucked it back in her purse. Just then a knock came at the hotel room door. Amy approached silently and put her eye to the peep hole. Mr. Smythe stood looking back at her. Amy ripped open the door and threw herself into his arms.

  “Looks like I made a good decision to come see you a little early.” Mr. Smythe chuckled.

  Amy was so happy to see him that tears coursed down her cheeks. “I missed you so much.” She hugged him even tighter.

  Mr. Smythe picked up his Little girl and carried her over the threshold into the hotel room. Letting the door slam behind him, he walked to the bed and sat down, cradling Amy in his arms. Slowly he rocked her back and forth, rubbing her back as she sobbed. Finally, her tears began to slow. Amy took several deep, shuddering breaths and sighed. Mr. Smythe continued to rock her. He was so glad to have her back in his arms. “I was miserable without you, sweetheart. I couldn’t sleep last night worrying that you were scared and alone. When you called and said you weren’t feeling well and asked to come home, it was the toughest thing I’ve ever done to allow you some time to be sure that you wanted to be my Little girl. Doris finally called me an idiot this morning and sent me to you. She said it was obvious that we were meant for each other.” He hugged her tightly.

  “It felt like my heart was missing,” Amy whispered softly. “I don’t ever want to be anywhere but in your arms. Can I come home, Daddy?”

  “Your carriage awaits, princess. Let’s gather all your stuff and get you home.” Mr. Smythe helped Amy repack her suitcase. He scolded her for the mess she’s made of the hotel room in such a short time. Mr. Smythe stopped at the desk and checked Amy out of the hotel. Carrying her suitcase, he opened the back seat. Amy clambered happily up into her car seat. Buckling her in tightly, Mr. Smythe smoothed the straps that started between her legs and up over her breasts. Hearing her catch her breath at the intimate caresses, Mr. Smythe leaned in and kissed Amy on the lips very thoroughly. “I love you Little girl.” He straightened and closed the door. Getting in and starting the car, Amy heard the back doors lock. She relaxed into her seat. She was going home.

  If you’ve enjoyed this story, please take a moment to review it on Amazon. I always love to hear from my readers about their suggestions for future stories and what they enjoy and dislike when reading an alternate love story featuring age-play. You can contact m
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  For your reading enjoyment, the other age-play stories previously published in this series are:

  Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1

  Amy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 2

  Carrie: Dr. Richards’ Littles 3

  Jake: Dr. Richards’ Littles 4

  Angelina: Dr. Richards’ Littles 5

  Brad: Dr. Richards’ Littles 6

  Charlotte: Dr. Richards’ Littles 7

  Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards’ Littles 8

  Cecily: Dr. Richards’ Littles 9

  Tony: Dr. Richards’ Littles 10

  Abigail: Dr. Richards’ Littles 11

  Excerpt from Carrie: Dr. Richards’ Littles 3