Rescuing Rita Read online

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  “Next time, you yell,” the waitress replied. Everyone agreed with nods and murmurs of agreement.

  Rita looked at her friends and suddenly knew for certain she didn’t belong at the bar anymore. When the next question came about when she’d be coming back, Rita looked over at Bart and smiled. Holding his beautiful blue eyes, she answered, feeling her heart moved up into her throat with apprehension, “I’m sorry. I’ll miss you all so much, but I don’t think I’ll be coming back.” Would he want her to stay in SANCTUM with him?

  “Prince Charming is stealing you away, huh?” Marie, a fellow bartender, asked with just a hint of jealousy in her voice.

  “I certainly am,” Bart answered with a smile as he wrapped his arm around Rita to squeeze her tight.

  The Little girl and her Daddy had many serious conversations in the next coming months. Bart knew in his heart, she was his. He wanted her to be as sure as he was that she was his Little girl. In the back of his mind, Bart worried that she would choose to stay with him because she felt obligated or was afraid to live her life on her own.

  “Daddy, stop asking me if I’m sure that I want to stay with you. If I hear that one more time, I will scream,” Rita shouted at the breakfast table. They were discussing selling her furniture and giving notice on her apartment. Bart had been covering the cost of her rent as she recovered.

  “Don’t raise your voice to me, Little girl,” Bart warned.

  “AAAHHH!” she defied him with an ear-piercing screech.

  Before her mouth even snapped shut, Bart unlocked the tray on her high chair. Plucking her from the seat, he draped her over his lap and began stripping off her pants.

  “No, Daddy. I didn’t mean to yell,” Rita said, backpedaling to avoid a spanking.

  Bart did not answer. His heavy hand came down on her pale skin, leaving a red handprint. As her voice rose again to a yell at him to stop, Bart smacked her bottom again and again until his Little girl laid sobbing over his lap. His hand gentled, rubbing over the fiery skin to soothe her.

  He knew it would be easier for her to talk honestly without looking at him. Caressing her punished bottom, he waited to hear the truth that he had been waiting for. Her arms wrapped around his calf, hugging him close to her body as her sobs diminished. Bart stifled a laugh as he felt her use his pant leg to wipe her tears away.

  “Daddy? I’m sorry that I haven’t told you the whole truth. I’m afraid that you only want me because you’re guilty that I lost my memory jumping into your truck, and you feel that you need to take care of me,” she admitted in the shuddering breaths still lingering from her sobs.

  “I am very sorry that you got hurt in my truck,” he said, lifting her curvy body to sit up now on his lap so he could look at her. “That is not the reason that I want you with me. I love you, honey. I love your Little side, and I love the strong woman that you are inside. I don’t want to care for you because of guilt or feeling of obligation. I want to keep you with me forever because my life is happier with you in it. I’ve been looking for my Little girl forever. You are the one who I’ve been searching for. You complete my life.”

  He watched the impact of his heartfelt words register on Rita’s face. A brilliant smile spread across her face chasing the red, blotchiness of her tears away.

  “You love me?” she asked.

  “I love you with all my heart, Ritagirl,” he answered before leaning in to kiss her tenderly.

  “I really want to stay with you. Can we get rid of all my stuff? I don’t need it,” she asked, holding his gaze steadily.

  Bart knew that he’d erased her previously unspoken reservations. She was ready and able to make the decision that he’d been waiting to hear. “We’ll go today to pick up anything that you’d like to keep, and then, I’ll arrange for everything left to be sold. We’ll put the money in an account for you to use however you wish.”

  Rita nodded happily. “Thanks, Daddy.” She lifted her lips to offer them to him.

  Kissing her deeply, Bart felt the final link click firmly into place. Now, they could enjoy the rest of their lives together. Lifting his head, Bart stood and tossed his precious Little over his shoulder before jogging down the hallway to their bedroom. She deserved a reward for finally telling him the whole truth. Listening to her giggles as he carried her through the house, Bart couldn’t resist giving that enticing bottom a playful swat.

  “Daddy!” his Little protested, giggling even more.

  Chapter 27

  Bart had finally declared that Rita could learn to ride Gumdrop. Her headaches had dwindled down to occur very infrequently. The motion didn’t make her sick. He’d already warned her he’d pull her off Gumdrop immediately if she started to feel bad.

  Rita had promised that she’d tell him the truth. The Little knew the consequences of lying to her Daddy. She’d earned two red bottoms already since Bart had decided she had recovered from worst of her concussion. The newest Little didn’t know which she disliked most, a spanking or the anal plug. She sure didn’t want to earn a punishment of both.

  Dancing happily on the left side of Gumdrop, Rita chattered happily to her four-legged friend. “Hi, Gumdrop! I finally get to ride you. Isn’t that great? You’ll let me know if I’m too heavy, right? I don’t want to hurt you?”

  Bart had already assured his Little that her weight would not burden the strong, young mare. He pulled her close to him to kiss her lips. “You will not hurt Gumdrop, Ritagirl. Are you ready to step up into the saddle?”

  When she nodded, he gave her instructions as he held on to her waist. “Put your left foot into the stirrup and hold on to the horn of the saddle. That’s right. Good girl. Now step up on the stirrup.” Bart helped lift her into the air. “Put your right leg over and sit in the saddle.”

  “Great job, Ritagirl!” he praised. “Can you put your other foot in the stirrup on the right side?”

  He waited for her to smile and nod that she had her foot placed correctly. “Hold on to the reins,” he instructed, handing them to her. “Remember not too tight. You don’t want to hurt Gumdrop’s mouth.”

  His Little had been determined to ride the beautiful horse throughout her recovery. Bart had taught her everything that he could in advance by setting a saddle on the top railing of the corral and letting her practice riding there. Leather strips attached to a post had served as reins to practice guiding the horse.

  Holding onto the side of the bridle, Bart began to lead Gumdrop around the corral. Rita did an excellent job and looked at ease in the saddle. “You’re doing great, Ritagirl. I’m going to let go, and you ride Gumdrop around the corral.” Her smile widened as he stepped back from the bonded pair.

  After a few minutes of circling, Rita asked on her next pass by Bart, “Can we go outside the corral? Just for a few minutes?” she begged.

  “Go around a few more times while I get my horse saddled, and we’ll go down to the creek and swim,” Bart agreed with a smile.

  “I don’t have a bathing suit here, Daddy.”

  “We won’t need one, Little girl,” he answered before giving her a slow wink.

  “Really?” she asked with pink tinged cheeks. When Bart nodded, she bounced in the saddle. “Let’s go, Daddy.” Her excited giggles filled the air as he jogged away to the barn.

  As Bart saddled his horse, he remembered the day he had invested in the SANCTUM land. His dreams for the future had come true. Pulling his thoughts back to the present, he fit the bridle over his stallion’s head. No need to dwell on past hopes, he had a Little to spoil.

  The End


  If you’ve enjoyed this story, it will make my day if you could leave an honest review on Amazon. Reviews help other people find my books and help me continue creating more Little adventures. My thanks in advance. I always love to hear from my readers what they enjoy and dislike when reading an alternate love story featuring age-play. You can contact me on

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  I’m experimenting with Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and MeWe. You can find me there as well!

  For your reading enjoyment, my other age-play stories are:


  Pepper North introduces you to an age play community that is isolated from the surrounding world. Here Littles can be Little, and Daddies can care for their Littles and keep them protected from the outside world.

  Sharing Shelby: A SANCTUM Novel

  Looking After Lindy: A SANCTUM Novel

  Protecting Priscilla: A SANCTUM Novel

  One Sweet Treat: A SANCTUM Novel

  Picking Poppy: A SANCTUM Novel

  Dr. Richards’ Littles

  A beloved age play series that features Littles who find their forever Daddies and Mommies. Dr. Richards guides and supports their efforts to keep their Littles happy and healthy.

  Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1

  Amy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 2

  Carrie: Dr. Richards’ Littles 3

  Jake: Dr. Richards’ Littles 4

  Angelina: Dr. Richards’ Littles 5

  Brad: Dr. Richards’ Littles 6

  The Digestive Health Center: Susan’s Story

  Charlotte: Dr. Richards’ Littles 7

  Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards’ Littles 8

  Cecily: Dr. Richards’ Littles 9

  Tony: Dr. Richards’ Littles 10

  Abigail: Dr. Richards’ Littles 11

  Madi: Dr. Richards’ Littles 12

  Penelope: Dr. Richards’ Littles 13

  Christmas with the Littles & Wendy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 14

  Olivia: Dr. Richards’ Littles 15

  Matty & Emma: Dr. Richards’ Littles 16

  Fiona: Dr. Richards’ Littles 17

  Oliver: Dr. Richards’ Littles 18

  Luna: Dr. Richards’ Littles 19

  Lydia & Neil: Dr. Richards’ Littles 20

  A Little Vacation South of the Border

  Roxy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 21

  Dr. Richards’ Littles: First Anniversary Collection

  Jillian: Dr. Richards’ Littles 22

  Hunter: Dr. Richards’ Littles 23

  Dr. Richards’ Littles: MM Collection

  Grace: Dr. Richards’ Littles 24

  Tales from Zoey’s Corner - ABC

  Steven: Dr. Richards’ Littles 25

  Sylvie: Dr. Richards’ Littles 26

  (appears in the Dirty Daddies Anniversary Anthology)

  Tami: Dr. Richards’ Littles 27

  Liam: Dr. Richards’ Littles 28

  Dr. Richards’ Littles: 2nd Anniversary Collection

  Tim: Dr. Richards’ Littles 29

  Once Upon A Time: A Dr. Richards’ Littles Story

  The Keepers

  This series from Pepper North is a twist on contemporary age play romances. Here are the stories of humans cared for by specially selected Keepers of an alien race. These are science fiction novels that age play readers will love!

  The Keepers: Payi

  The Keepers: Pien

  The Keepers: Naja

  The Keepers Collection

  The Magic of Twelve

  The Magic of Twelve features the stories of twelve women transported on their 22nd birthday to a new life as the droblin (cherished Little one) of a Sorcerer of Bairn. These magic wielders have waited a long time to take complete care of their droblin’s needs. They will protect their precious one to their last drop of magic from a growing menace. Each novel is a complete story.

  The Magic of Twelve: Violet

  The Magic of Twelve: Marigold

  The Magic of Twelve: Hazel

  The Magic of Twelve: Sienna

  The Magic of Twelve: Pearl

  The Magic of Twelve: Violet, Marigold, Hazel

  The Magic of Twelve: Primrose

  The Magic of Twelve: Sky

  The Magic of Twelve: Amber

  Other Titles

  Electrostatic Bonds

  Perfectly Suited

  An invitation to be part of Pepper’s Littles League!

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  As a special bonus, Pepper will send you a free collection of three short stories to get you started on all the Littles’ fun activities!

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  About the Author

  Pepper North is an indie author whose erotic romances have won the hearts of many loyal readers. After publishing her first book, Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1 on Amazon in June 2017, she now has over forty books available on Amazon in four series. She is one of Amazon’s Most Popular Erotic Authors, rising as high as 2nd in the top 100 and is a PAN (Professional Authors Network) member of the RWA (Romance Writers of America). She credits her success to her amazing fans, the support of the writing community, and her dedication to writing.