Picking Poppy Read online

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  Dr. Richards’ Littles: MM Collection

  Grace: Dr. Richards’ Littles 24

  Tales from Zoey’s Corner - ABC

  Steven: Dr. Richards’ Littles 25

  Sylvie: Dr. Richards’ Littles 26 (Coming Summer 2019)

  Tami: Dr. Richards’ Littles 27

  Liam: Dr. Richards’ Littles 28

  Dr. Richards’ Littles: 2nd Anniversary Collection


  Pepper North introduces you to an age play community that is isolated from the surrounding world. Here Littles can be Little, and Daddies can care for their Littles and keep them protected from the outside world.

  Sharing Shelby: A SANCTUM Novel

  Looking After Lindy: A SANCTUM Novel

  Protecting Priscilla: A SANCTUM Novel

  One Sweet Treat: A SANCTUM Novel

  Picking Poppy: A SANCTUM Novel

  The Keepers

  This series from Pepper North is a twist on contemporary age play romances. Here are the stories of humans cared for by specially selected Keepers of an alien race. These are science fiction novels that age play readers will love!

  The Keepers: Payi

  The Keepers: Pien

  The Keepers: Naja

  The Keepers Collection

  The Magic of Twelve

  The Magic of Twelve features the stories of twelve women transported on their 22nd birthday to a new life as the droblin (cherished Little one) of a Sorcerer of Bairn. These magic wielders have waited a long time to take complete care of their droblin’s needs. They will protect their precious one to their last drop of magic from a growing menace. Each novel is a complete story.

  The Magic of Twelve: Violet

  The Magic of Twelve: Marigold

  The Magic of Twelve: Hazel

  The Magic of Twelve: Sienna

  The Magic of Twelve: Pearl

  The Magic of Twelve: Violet, Marigold, Hazel

  The Magic of Twelve: Primrose

  The Magic of Twelve: Sky

  Other Titles

  Electrostatic Bonds

  An invitation to be part of Pepper’s Littles League!

  Want to read more stories featuring Zoey and all the Littles? Join Pepper North’s newsletter. Every other issue will include a short story as well as other fun features! She promises not to overwhelm your mailbox and you can unsubscribe at any time.

  As a special bonus, Pepper will send you a free collection of three short stories to get you started on all the Littles’ fun activities!

  Here’s the link:


  About the Author

  Pepper North is an indie author whose erotic romances have won the hearts of many loyal readers. After publishing her first book, Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1 on Amazon in June 2017, she now has thirty-seven books available on Amazon in four series with one series widely available on Smashwords, Kobo, & Barnes and Noble She is one of Amazon’s Most Popular Erotic Authors, rising as high as 4th in the top 100 and is a PAN (Professional Authors Network) member of the RWA (Romance Writers of America). She credits her success to her amazing fans, the support of the writing community, and her dedication to writing.

  Excerpt From Tony: Dr. Richards’ Littles 10

  The sound of a loud motorcycle engine interrupted the music playing in the car repair bay of the service station. The owner Rob Harris straightened up from his position under the hood of the sports car he was working on to turn and watch as an old-school chopper pulled in to park at the entrance to the shop. He grabbed an almost clean rag from his back pocket and started walking to the front of the shop as the motorcyclist pulled off his gloves and helmet before swinging his leg over with the grace of an experienced rider. He ran a hand through his thick black hair and looked up as Rob walked out to greet him.

  “Afternoon. Is there something that I can do for you?” Rob asked as he cleaned his hand on the rag.

  “Good afternoon. I’m Tony Perez. I came to apply for the job listed in your window,” Tony said in his deep, gravelly voice. He was tan and slim but very physically fit. As he looked Rob in the eyes, Rob got his first glimpse at his unusual, ice-blue eyes.

  “Do you have any experience?” Rob asked, looking curiously at the young man.

  “I just got my auto and motorcycle repair certification from the local junior college. I built my own bike from parts I scavenged from the junkyard in my hometown. I’ve done a fair amount of work on cars, but I’ll admit, more on motorcycles. I’m a fast learner and a hard worker, sir. I promise. You won’t be sorry you’ve hired me,” Tony spoke quickly with a devastating white smile.

  “You’re not from around here, are you, Tony?” Rob asked, looking past him to his motorcycle with the attached sleeping bag and duffle.

  “No, sir. I came here to go to school. I grew up in Lincoln in the next state over,” Tony admitted. His smile faded. “I’ll be honest with you, sir. I left town because the local sheriff was trying to put me away for dating one of his children. He didn’t care for me much. It was better for me to move on,” Tony said simply.

  “Oh, he didn’t like you dating his daughter, huh?” Rob said with a chuckle.

  “No, sir... his son,” Tony watched him carefully to see if his sexual preference would keep him from getting this job.

  Rob looked at him carefully. “I see. I’m Rob Harris, the owner of this service station. Bring your fancy certificates with you and come back to the office. I’ll buy you a soda, and we’ll talk. You may decide that my shop isn’t what you’re looking for, but I need a break anyway, and I could really use some help.” Rob watched as Tony’s generous lips spread into a big grin.

  Wow, this young man is stunning, Rob thought to himself. He was going to have to be careful to keep his distance. Tony had to be ten years younger than he was. Rob couldn’t keep his eyes from following Tony’s walk back to his motorcycle, and he tried not to groan as he leaned over to open his duffle to pull out the certificates. Lord, have mercy, Rob kept the conversation going in his brain. That young man had a bottom that he’d see in his dreams for a while.

  Read Tony’s story today on Amazon!

  Coming to Audiobook in July 2019

  Excerpt From The Magic of Twelve: Sky

  Sky tugged her form-fitting pencil skirt down her full thighs, wishing for the fortieth time that morning that she had purchased another suit. The sales lady and even a couple of random women in the dressing room had raved over the professional look of the tailored suit on her curvy body. They didn’t have to walk in it, she thought as she rolled her eyes.

  She stood outside the impressive carved wooden door of the Public Relations firm where she had an interview in fifteen minutes. She was applying for a job on their technical support team. Nervously, she coughed to clear her throat before entering. A flurry of pigeons exploded from the ledge above her at the startling sound.

  Sky felt something land on one side of her hair. Raising a hand to smooth over her long black hair that she had collected in a restrained twist at the back of her head, she felt some wet and gooey. Her hand darted into her eyesight with a panic. It had! Some crappy bird literally had just pooped on her head. What should I do? Her heart began to pound in panic.

  A whisper of a sound in front of her cleared her vision and Sky saw a well-dressed young woman about her age standing in the now open doorway. “I hate those pigeons. They do that to me at least once a month, and I know to dodge them. Come in. I’ll show where the restrooms are so you can clean off that…stuff,” the friendly voice chirped.

  Looking into the cute, petite blonde’s friendly brown eyes, Sky gratefully thanked her, “I was starting to panic as I tried to figure out what to do. Thanks for rescuing me.”

  The blonde’s smile widened even more. “Come on. You must be Sky. Your eyes are beautiful. I bet that’s where you got your unique name,” she chattered as she led the bewildered applicant to the luxurious bathroom. “You’ve got about ten minutes before Mr. Winds
om is ready to see you. I’ve got to get back to my desk, or I’d stay to help.”

  “Oh, no. I don’t want to trouble you any more. Thank you so much for your help!” When the door shut behind her savior, Sky rushed to the huge mirror to check the damage. Yuck! I now officially hate pigeons, too! she thought as she grabbed a paper towel and plucked the poop laying on the top surface of her tightly restrained hair. A few swipes of a damp one, and it looked like all the damage had been erased. She shivered in disgust. She’d go home after the interview and wash her long hair a dozen times to make sure it was clean.

  Her shoulders relaxed slightly as her tension receded somewhat. Her eyes looked directly into the mirror as she spoke out loud to herself, “I hope that wasn’t an omen and this job interview is jinxed.”

  Her blue eyes reflected in the mirror. They were the first thing that everyone noticed and seemed to feel bound to comment on. A light, ice blue color, Sky’s eyes were indeed the source of her name. They were distinctive and amazingly beautiful. Her parents had been set to name her Amanda until her eyes had opened and they’d stared down into their blueness. According to her mother, the nurses had warned that often blue eyes at birth darkened into brown, but her parents had decided immediately that they would call her Sky. Amanda had been relegated to her middle name.

  Absentmindedly, she rubbed her upper arm. The darn shot she had gotten yesterday at the doctor’s office still hurt. She forced herself to lower her hand and reminded herself not to rub during the interview. The last thing she needed was for them to think she had some contagious itching disease.

  Checking her watch, Sky decided to use the restroom quickly before returning to the waiting area. She dashed into a stall and wiggled that fitted skirt up over her full hips. As she pushed her lacy panties to her knees, she sat quickly on the toilet as she took some deep breaths to try to regain her composure.

  She had just finished and was pulling toilet tissue from the roll when the gray stall wall holding the dispenser seemed to start shimmering. Wiping quickly, Sky stood up as she looked at the other sides of the stall enclosure. Dear Lord, she was losing it. Everything seemed to be evaporating.

  Am I going to faint? she wondered as she looked down and frantically tried to restore her clothing before she lost consciousness. She did not want to be found on the floor of the restroom with her panties around her knees and her skirt bunched around her waist. She’d die of embarrassment.

  That’s funny, she thought. I could have sworn the floor was slate tile. She looked down at a pale marble floor below her black stilettos.

  A throat cleared close to her and Sky looked up expecting to see the stall door in front of her. Instead, a huge man stood in front of her. He was taller than anyone she had ever met. And broad. And built. He was wearing a shirt that fit his body like a glove. Taut over his flat ripped abdomen, the shirt stretched across a chest that couldn’t possibly be that wide.

  Her eyes lifted to his face as he cleared his throat once again. He smiled at her breaking the spell that was holding her in place. Sky realized that her panties were still mid-thigh and her neatly trimmed curls were on display below her rucked up skirt.

  “Oh My God!” she said with an intonation that capitalized each word in the phrase. She scrambled to pull up her panties and yank her skirt down into position. Of course, everything got twisted as she tried to rush. When she finally had herself put back together, she froze. What should she do?

  Show no fear, said the voice at the back of her head. Sky squared her shoulders and raised herself to stand straight. Looking at the handsome man before her, she cleared her throat and tried to sound very forceful. “I don’t know who you are, but you should not be in the ladies’ bathroom. If you’ll excuse me.”

  She turned to get the hell out of the bathroom as fast as possible. Her eyes began to take in her surroundings. She wasn’t in the bathroom. Turning in a slow circle, she scanned the room with growing anxiety as her eyes took in the overly large furniture and luxurious décor.

  Finally, she was facing the large man once again. “This is scaring me. Where am I? Who are you?” she admitted with a trembling voice. She wasn’t a very forceful person. She much preferred being at home in front of her computer. Just psyching herself up for the interview had taken all morning.

  “Sky, I am pleased to have you here finally. I have been waiting for twenty-two years for your birthday to arrive finally. My name is Merrick,” the man smoothly moved forward as if he was gliding on the marble floor. He stopped in front of her to smile down at her. “Happy birthday!”

  Shocked that he seemed to know so much about her, Sky gasped and whispered, “How do you know it’s my birthday? Wait, how do you know my name?”

  “Sky, I am your Pappa. You are my droblin, my fated mate. From the moment of your conception, I have been planning for your arrival. Here, let me hold you.” Merrick moved quickly to lift her curvy body into his arms. She was perfectly sized, and he loved every inch of her beautiful form.

  Freezing against his warm body in shock for several seconds, Sky quickly recovered and began to struggle to free herself from the muscled body that she was held tightly against. The minute her hands touched the soft fabric stretched over his warm chest, her panic calmed. He feels… right, her brain told her. She searched her mind, but there was no confusion, no doubts. It was as if her body recognized this immense man and enjoyed the close contact of their bodies pressed together.

  “I know, droblin. This is very confusing. The bond you feel is strong between us. For years, you have sent me waves of emotion and thoughts. I have returned these mental messages with my own. Do you remember feeling comforted or reassured when faced with negative events?” Merrick asked softly as he walked to an oversized chair and sat with her cradled against his chest.

  “When my dad died. I felt guilty because I had been mad at him before he left for work,” she looked at him astonished. “I felt like he answered my worries. I just knew that he hadn’t been upset with me.”

  “He wasn’t. The accident just happened. It wasn’t your fault,” Merrick reassured her. “I simply helped you realize that your father wasn’t angry with you.”

  She shook her head in disbelief. “I don’t understand this. What did you call me, a dobbin?”

  “You are my droblin. A droblin is a fated mate. Each Sorcerer of Bairn has a perfect match. We do not know when our droblins will burst into life until we feel your presence. Some sorcerers wait for many millennia, and their droblins never appear. The relationship between a Sorcerer and his droblin is very close and very strong. This is why you feel so comfortable in my arms.” Merrick explained.

  “It is also why you filled your e-reader with a certain type of books,” he said with a slow smile.

  Struggling to move away from him, Sky sputtered, “I don’t know what you’re referring to. I have all sorts of books on my tablet. I enjoy reading.” Her mind raced furiously. Somehow, immediately she knew what books he alluded to. How could he know what books she had downloaded?

  “Droblin, you can not lie to me. I know you well and lies will only lead you to earn a punishment,” Merrick calmly informed her. The expression on his face became serious and stern.

  “I still don’t know what you’re talking about,” Sky persisted in denying the contents of her virtual bookshelf. She knew there had to be other people that read the Daddy books that she loved so much. Since she had read her first age play novel, Sky had known that she was Little, if that even really existed. Who would she even ask to find out if that was a real thing?

  “You have read many books featuring a Little being cared for by her Daddy,” he informed her with a gentle smile.

  “You must have me confused with some other droblin,” she lied, trying to make her voice disdainful.

  “I am sorry that you continue to lie to me, droblin,” Merrick said as he set her on her feet and began to unfasten her blouse. He knew that it was important for Sky to understand that while she had
been fairly autonomous in her previous life, now that she was here, he would make the rules. Lying would not be tolerated.

  “What are you doing! Stop! You can’t take off my clothes.” Sky lifted one foot to kick the enormous figure in front of her. As she bent her knee to ready herself for the blow, Merrick paused in unbuttoning her top to wave a hand down the front of her legs. Immediately, something pulled her foot to the ground, and her shoes glued themselves to the floor.

  Tendrils of dark hair began to loosen from the confining twist at the back of her head as she struggled to lift either leg. Her soft pink blouse gaped open in the front as his hand pulled the smooth fabric from her waistband. Sky felt the silky blouse slide off her arms as he pulled her arms behind her. “Stop this! I don’t want you to do this,” she cried out in fright.

  Holding her hands clasped behind her, he unfastened the front clasp between the cups of her lacy bra. He gently tugged her straps down her shoulders before Merrick pulled her close to his body for a long minute. He savored the feel of her naked flesh against his body. One hand caressed the black and blue mark on her arm. He had nearly cursed the nurse who had wielded that bruising shot when he’d felt her internal cry of pain.

  That jarring memory cut short his enjoyment of holding her close. Merrick relaxed his arms to allow her to squirm slightly away from him. He looked into her captivating eyes. “You are okay, Sky. Unfortunately, you have chosen to lie, repeatedly. For that, you will be spanked. It will hurt, but I will not damage you,” he calmly explained before unzipping her snug skirt and pushing it down her thighs to puddle at her feet.