Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards' Littles 8 Read online

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  Chapter Six

  He had heard her rush into the room when she heard him begin to spank Sofia. She had been ready to rush to her aid only to stop still as she watched her twin’s bottom turn red under his discipline. “Hug your sister good night and go undress completely and get in bed, Sofia.” He waited until Sofia left the room, “Come here, Isabella.” As she approached slowly, he stood up and swept his hand through her long hair to hold her head in place for him to kiss her deeply. Hearing her moan, Noah placed several soft kisses to her lips and lifted her in his arms to sit down with her on his lap. Isabella tried to scoot off but Noah held her easily in place.

  “Isabella, I know you are the more independent one. I will allow you to make some decisions but some decisions will be made by your Daddy only. Can you allow this?” he asked seriously. A full minute of silence spread between them. Noah waited. She alone could make this decision.

  “It’s hard for me to let someone else make the decisions,” she admitted finally.

  “I know Isabella. Do you want me to be your Daddy?” Noah asked.

  “I know it doesn’t make sense. I am very independent but I know I need someone to be in charge. I’m probably going to be the worst Little ever . . .” Isabella tried to answer honestly.

  Noah interrupted her. “I believe that I told you I would not allow you to talk poorly about yourself. Do you remember?” Isabella froze in place and slowly nodded. “You are not going to be the worst Little ever. You are going to be my treasured daughter who I will love because she of all Littles trusts me enough to be in charge and make decisions for our family. You just watched your sister’s spanking. You have just earned your own. Stand up, Isabella.” Just as he expected, Sofia who was the more restrained twin had protested and struggled against him. Isabella stood passively as he stripped her jeans and panties off. She went easily over his knee. Noah again rested his hand on her bare bottom to let her get accustomed to laying over his lap. This time he ran his fingers down the soft crevasse of her bottom. He smiled as he saw her automatically widen her thighs to encourage his touch. He brushed through her folds sliding easily through the slick fluid that had gathered there. This naughty twin had enjoyed her sister’s spanking and was looking forward to hers. She moaned as she felt his fingers brush her sensitive tissues. Noah held her in place with a strong arm across her waist and began to pepper her bottom with small, frequent spanks. Isabella was more sensitive then Sofia. He could tell that the lighter spanks were more appropriate for her as he watched her muscles in her buttocks and thighs jump in reaction to her spanking. Again, he let her body tell him when to stop. When she had collapsed over his legs and he could hear her sobs, Noah rotated her to sit on her sore bottom.

  “Shhhhh! Little one. You did very well taking your first spanking.” He chuckled when she looked at him sharply. “Yes, Isabella. You will have many more spankings in the future.” Noah kissed her softly and then, he gathered her in his arms to pull her strongly against him. He kissed her deeply enjoying hearing her moan in arousal as her hips moved restlessly on his thighs. Noah dropped a strong hand to her thighs holding her in place. “No wiggling. I do not wish you to masturbate this evening or tomorrow. I want you to think about how you feel right now. Remember this. Tomorrow, we’ll spend more time together and your Daddy will be glad to help you feel very good but only he gets to play here for a while.” Noah cupped his hand between her legs feeling the moisture and the heat bursting from this area. “No touching, vibrators, or even shower heads. Do you understand?”

  Isabella smiled and laid her head against his shoulder. “I understand. No orgasms without Daddy.”

  “Good girl. Off to bed with you. You heard my instructions to Sofia. No covering on this sweet bottom in bed tonight. Check up on each other tomorrow morning to make sure that you’ve both followed my directions. Call me when you’re both home. Now, lock the door behind me. I want to make sure that you are safe.” Noah instructed as he walked to the door and opened it, stepping outside quickly to avoid exposing the half nude Isabella to anyone else. He waited until he heard the door lock and then he blew a kiss at the peep hole. “Sweet dreams, sweetheart.” He heard a faint, “Good night, Daddy” come from the other side of the door.

  Noah grinned all the way home. It looked like PLAYTIME would have another perfect match.

  Chapter Seven

  The day dragged on for all three very hopeful people. Isabella and Sofia had woken up early like usual to have a cup of coffee and a bowl of cereal before heading to the veterinary clinic. They had laughed at each other when their alarms went off and they met each other in the hallway only wearing the top to their pajamas.

  Sofia shook her finger in warning at Isabella. “You’re wearing socks. That’s something on your bottom half. I could tell on you.”

  Her sister froze and then responded by lifting her top to expose her bare pelvis. “He only said on our bottoms, silly.”

  “I know,” Sofia answered with a big grin. “It was fun to see you panic for a few seconds. His hand spanks hard, doesn’t it?” Both laughed out loud as they automatically rubbed their bottoms at exactly the same time.

  Meanwhile, Noah forced himself to work on his latest computer project while Isabella and Sofia were busy seeing four-legged customers and their owners. At noon, Noah closed down his computer and wandered through his house making sure everything was in order for his guests. He’d had an extra crib delivered to the house and he enjoyed putting it together and rearranging the nursery for two Littles instead of one. Noah was very pleased with the coziness of the arrangement. He knew the sisters needed to be together but both needed to have some private space as well. With that important task completed, Noah went shopping for extra supplies for his guests that he hoped would spend the night.

  His housekeeper, Antoinette, had prepared a light meal of a quiche and lots of fresh vegetables for him to serve. This was the first time he had asked her to leave dinner ready for himself and guests. She was very curious to see who her employer had found that was so important that he had asked her to come in on a Saturday to help him get ready to entertain. She had a feeling that the guests had something to do with the extra furniture that had been delivered to the special room upstairs. She did not ask any questions. She’d find out soon it they were the right people to make her boss happy. Her fingers were crossed. She left in the early afternoon leaving Noah to wander around the house waiting impatiently for his cell phone to ring. Finally, at 5:30, his phone buzzed and displayed the twins’ phone number.

  “Hello, sweetheart. I’ve been waiting for you or your sister to call,” Noah answered the phone with a smile.

  “The day has lasted forever for us, too. Finally, we have all the pets taken care of and we’re ready to come over,” Sofia admitted. “Would you like us to drive over?”

  “No, Sofia. I will come and get you. I don’t want you on the roads when you are tired. I’ll be there soon,” he promised.

  “You already recognize my voice or was that just a lucky guess?” Sofia teased.

  “Oh, no, Sofia. I could never get you mixed up. In my mind, there are a dozen differences to help me distinguish between the two of you. I’m looking forward to learning a dozen more in the future. I’m walking out the door,” Noah disconnected and drove swiftly to their apartment. He parked and ran up the steps to knock on their door.

  Isabella opened the door and was swept into his arms. Noah hugged her closely and then leaned back to kiss her moist lips. “Ah, Isabella, I’ve been waiting all day to see you. Where’s your sister?” he asked.

  “I’ve been waiting to see you, too. If you give me another kiss, I’ll tell you where she is?” Isabella winked at Noah.

  He leaned in to kiss her thoroughly. “You never have to bribe me to kiss you, sweetheart. I’m planning on you being drowned by kisses in the future.” He pulled her in for a hug. Noah slid his hand down her back to cup her bottom, squeezing it slightly. When she yelped a little, Noah asked, “
Is this naughty bottom a little sore?” He laughed as she nodded.

  “She didn’t wear any pants to sleep in,” Sofia said from the doorway. “She did wear socks but she said those didn’t count.”

  Isabella snorted as Noah walked quickly over to greet Sofia. Sweeping her into his arms, he kissed her many times as he breathed in the sweet essence that was Sofia. “You’re a good spy. I’ll have to remember this. And you, are you sore sweetheart,” Noah asked as he squeezed her bottom as well. When he felt Sofia jump slightly, he answered himself. “I would count that as a yes.”

  “I stood up all day,” Sofia admitted. “You have hard hands.”

  Noah saw Isabella nod in agreement. “Just another thing to remember, girls. You do not want to have a spanking from your Daddy. I thought I had gone to easy on you. I’m glad you had a reminder today as well.” He turned to Isabella keeping Sofie tucked against him, “And Sofia? Did she follow my directions as well and sleep with her bottom uncovered?”

  “She did! We both laughed at each other. We met in the hallway the minute our alarms went off to check on each other. You know we’re sisters when were ready to tattle on each other so quickly!” Isabella laughed and was quickly joined by Noah and Sofia.

  “All right, my giggling girls. Are you ready to come with me? Did you decide to spend the night?” Noah asked trying not to hold his breath.

  Both girls pointed to duffle bags behind the couch. “We’re ready,” they said in unison with the odd timing that twins often had.

  Noah slung both small bags over his shoulders and herded his twins out the door of their apartment. He waited to make sure Isabella locked both locks on the door and then, ushered them down the stairs and into their places in the back seat. He noticed that Isabella always chose to sit on the left while Sofia was seated on the right. He drove through the Saturday night traffic slightly out of town to his home. Stopping at the gate, he heard a low, “Holy Crap!” Noah turned around to see both women sitting with large eyes pointed toward the large iron gate with the huge home hiding in the trees behind it.

  “It’s just a house, Isabella and Sofia. It’s a very lonely house that has been waiting for the two of you for a long time. Will you come in and make it a home?” Noah asked quietly as he waited for the gate to open fully and for the two women to answer.

  He was very pleased to hear Sofia answer with a voice breaking with emotion, “We’ve been waiting for a home and a Daddy for a long time. Show us your house, Noah and we’ll work together to turn it into a home.” Isabella nodded her head with tears in her eyes as well.

  Noah drove slowly down the road. He saw the twins turn around when they heard the clang of the gates closing behind them. When they faced the front again, he was relieved to see that they were smiling and not alarmed by the gate closure. “The best thing about having a house with a large gate is that only those people that you want to have around and those that you trust are able to enter. That means you can be yourself without worrying about how things look to others,” Noah added quietly and saw them lace their fingers together to hold each other’s hands.

  “We’re ready, Daddy,” Isabella answered and a wide smile stretched across her lips.

  Noah parked at the front entrance. His night watchman would move the car into the garage for him later in the evening. He opened Isabella’s door behind him and helped her out giving her a warm kiss and a squeeze. “Thank you for calling me, Daddy. It felt amazing from this side.”

  She whispered back, “It felt right from this side, too.”

  He held her hand and they walked to open Sofia’s door. As he helped her out, she whispered, “Thank you, Daddy.” He hugged her close and kissed her as well.

  “You two are going to make me a very happy man. You’ll keep me on my toes but very happy. I’ll work my best to take care of you and make your life happy as well,” he promised. Noah stopped and shook his head, “It looks like my computer dating app works perfectly. We have spent only a few hours together and I’ve already decided that you’re mine and I’m not letting you go. Come on, girls! Let’s go inside. I have dinner to feed you and then, I have a special surprise for you.” He led them in the front door and setting their duffle bags next to the stairs, he led them through to the kitchen.

  Chapter Eight

  Isabella and Sofia stopped abruptly upon entering the kitchen. Pulled up to the round kitchen table were two highchairs. One was purple and the other was pink. Sofia immediately walked to the purple one and ran her hand across the satiny paint. “Are these for us?” she asked with delight in her eyes.

  “Yes, Sofia. There is one for you and one for Isabella. Do you like the purple one best?” he asked with a big smile. When Sofia nodded vigorously “yes,” he turned to Isabella. “How about you, Isabella? Would you like the pink one?”

  Isabella almost danced in front of the pink highchair. “I love pink. It’s my favorite color! How did you know?”

  “Daddies know all sorts of things about their Little girls. Just like I know you’re starving because you worked through lunch, right?” Noah looked at both of them. He laughed when just at the mention of food he heard both of their stomach growl in harmony. “Well, that answers that question. Okay, Sofia. Climb up in your high chair, young lady,” Noah said as he unlatched the tray from the highchair. He fastened it safely trapping her in place. There was a secret latch that only a parent would know how to release so their Littles would be held in place. “It’s your turn, Isabella.” He helped her up in her chair and secured it as well. Noah scattered a few animal crackers on each tray to keep them busy, stopping to kiss both girls on top of their brown hair.

  They played a game of “Twenty Questions” as Noah pulled all the vegetables and the quiche from the refrigerator. He put the quiche in the microwave to reheat and sliced each of them a piece of freshly baked bread. Noah poured juice into the pink and purple sippy cups and placed them on the matching, color-coded tray. “Thank goodness, they didn’t both want the purple highchair,” he thought to himself. Finally, he had everything ready and he sat down at the table.

  Noah asked both girls if they liked butter on their bread and then, with their permission, slathered on the butter. Sofia told him that she only didn’t eat meat from an animal. She didn’t want anything to be hurt. She did eat and drink products that came without pain from an animal so milk, cheese, eggs, butter, etc. were all things that she felt were okay to eat. “That’s perfect, Sofia. You can try some quiche as well.” He filled two plates with the lukewarm quiche cut into wedges so his girls could pick them up easily and added some cut veggies with ranch dressing for dipping. Both Sofia and Isabella dived into their meal immediately. Noah ate and asked questions to get to know them better. The more they learned about each other, the more they seemed destined to be together.

  By the time dinner was finished, it was 7:30. Noah watched Sofia and Isabella hid yawns behind their hands. “Okay, sweeties. You have a little play time in the family room while I clean up the kitchen and then it’s time for baths and bed.” While they protested that they were tired at all and that it was too early to go to bed, he released Isabella first from her highchair and then, Sofia. Noah led them to the toy box in the adjoining room. “You can play with any of these toys, girls. Be sure to share with each other, okay?” he asked. “Good girls,” he praised when they both nodded.

  Noah rinsed the dishes and put away the leftovers. He was just wiping the kitchen table when he heard, “Sofia, that’s my doll. You can’t play with it. You have your own dolly.” The response from the other twin was with a loud voice, “You don’t get to make all the rules. That doll is ugly. That’s why you don’t want it.”

  Noah walked in to see both Sofia and Isabella pulling a doll like a tug-a-war rope between them. “Snap!” The doll’s head popped off. Both girls had leaned away from each other to help them pull the doll and fell back on their curvy bottoms. “Owwwww!” yelled Sofia. “Look what you did. You broke the doll and I hurt my

  Noah turned both girls toward separate corners and told them with an iron tone to walk to the corner and put their nose against the wall. He waited as they both looked back at each other with a glare before walking to their corner. Sofia was still muttering that it was all Isabella’s fault. He went back to finish cleaning the kitchen while keeping an eye on the two troublemakers.

  When the girls had been in the corner for 5 minutes, he walked to Sofia and pulled her over to a big, armless chair. He turned her to face him and said, “Sofia, I know you are tired and grumpy but you have to share the toys with your sister.” He held up a hand to stop her from speaking. “Do not interrupt me or you will be in bigger trouble than you already are.” Isabella laughed from her corner. Noah said without looking at the comedienne, “Isabella, you’ve just made your own punishment worse. I would suggest that your bottom will be happier if you don’t laugh at your sister.” The laughter ceased immediately.