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Abigail: Dr. Richards' Littles 11 Page 4
Abigail: Dr. Richards' Littles 11 Read online
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“What’s that, Mommy?” she asked with a scared voice.
“It’s just Mommy’s helper,” April explained patiently. She pressed the nozzle against Abigail’s anus and pushed it firmly inside despite the Little girl’s attempts to prevent its entry by clenching her anus tightly. “Don’t be naughty, Abigail. The enema is going inside of you.” She entered the enema syringe fully into Abigail and hesitated a minute to allow her to adjust to the feel of being filled by the syringe. April reached under Abigail’s widely spread legs to run her fingers through the slick fluid that was gathering. She began to stroke Abigail’s clitoris lightly as she squeezed the bulb ejecting a large portion of the cleansing fluid into her bottom. Pulling it out, she refilled it watching Abigail jump again at the sound of the syringe sucking up more fluid.
“No, Mommy, no! I don’t need an enema,” Abigail begged. “Don’t give me any more.” Abigail pulled at the restraints only to realize that she couldn’t escape. Her mommy was in charge. The first dose of cleansing fluid rolled in Abigail’s bottom. “I don’t like this!”
The nozzle paused at the entrance to Abigail’s bottom before being pressed fully inside. “Mommies know when their Little girls need an enema. I will always take care of your cute tummy.” She squeezed the bulb again ejecting more fluid into Abigail’s intestine before withdrawing the nozzle and filling it again. Repeating the process six more times to fill Abigail’s bottom full of the cleansing mixture, April alternated between comforting Abigail as she pleaded for her to stop and stimulating Abigail by running her probing fingers in her aroused, pink folds.
Finally, all the fluid was inside Abigail. April picked up the final item on the tray and pressed a medium sized anal plug into her bottom to trap the fluid inside. “Okay, baby. The cleanser needs to stay inside you for a little while. I’ll get the enema equipment cleaned up and put away for next time and I’ll be back to help you pass the time before you can expel the fluid. Just wait here for Mommy,” she instructed as she patted Abigail on the bare bottom pausing to twist the anal plug inside her rectum to make sure it was well seated.
Ignoring all Abigail’s requests to go to the bathroom, April took her time cleaning the equipment with the water on high to drowned out the increasingly desperate pleas to use the restroom. Finally, she washed and dried her hands before returning to Abigail’s side. She rubbed her shoulders and ran her fingers through her hair to comfort her before moving to her side to rub her tummy deeply. “I can feel all the poop that is stuffing your tummy, baby. It’s not healthy to have that much waste inside you. Mommy will have to give you an enema regularly,” April paused when Abigail began to cry, sobbing “No, Mommy, no!”
“I know it’s hard, baby. Mommy knows your tummy is not happy now. I promise you that you’ll be glad you had an enema later. Let’s see if Mommy can make you a little happier now.” Running her massaging hands down between Abigail’s thighs, April pressed a finger into her vagina through a sea of moisture. “My baby’s so wet. I think you might be enjoying your enema more than you are admitting to yourself.” April ignored the protests that Abigail made refuting this. “Hush, Little girl. Mommy knows your secrets.” She tapped on the anal plug before kneeling behind Abigail and first kissing her spread labia before beginning to taste her Little girl with firm strokes of her tongue.
“Mmmmmm! You taste so good, baby,” April praised.
Abigail froze in place. The pressure of the enema raised the stimulation of first April’s hands and now her tongue. Abigail couldn’t believe that April was licking and sucking on her most private areas. She gasped aloud as her Mommy sucked her clitoris gently into her mouth as the fingers from one hand tapped on the anal plug. When April pressed a finger deep within Abigail’s tight vagina, that was the last bit of stimulation that she needed to orgasm ferociously. Over and over, April drove Abigail over the brink of ecstasy until she hung limply over the enema horsie.
April kissed Abigail’s plump bottom that had attracted her so long ago, and quietly stood. The loving Mommy crossed the room to remove the guard closing the hole in the potty chair before slowly releasing the restraints. She helped the overwhelmed Little girl off the enema horsie and across the floor. Bending her over, April removed the anal plug and allowed Abigail to sit quickly on the potty.
Bursts of fluid and poop exploded from her bottom. Abigail dropped her face into her hands in embarrassment as she heard the enema flushing a large amount of waste out of her tummy. She looked at her Mommy as April began to wash a cool cloth over her face to remove the tears and sweat that had covered it while she’d held the enema. Instantly, she felt better as April took gentle care of her.
“Mommy?” Abigail asked.
“Yes, baby?” her Mommy answered wiping the cloth over the back of her neck and over her bare breasts.
“I really had a lot of poop in my tummy, didn’t I?” she asked flushing red from embarrassment.
“You did, Little girl. It needed to come out,” her Mommy comforted her.
“I don’t like enemas,” Abigail said quickly.
“I know, Abigail. But sometimes, Mommy knows it’s the best thing for tummies packed with poop. You just let Mommy worry about when you need a good cleaning out, okay? You let me know if your tummy hurts and you need to feel better as well. It’s important to be clean inside,” April explained.
“Okay, Mommy,” Abigail said as the last bursts of poop exited her rectum. She had not liked the feeling of the liquid inside her but she was amazed at the amount of poop that had been washed out of her. She knew her Mommy was right that she needed the enema but she would always have to protest. Little girls didn’t always do what their Mommies wanted.
As her Mommy got her cleaned up, rediapered and dressed, April told her Little girl that she’d already called to make an appointment with Dr. Richards for the next day. “He’s the best doctor. He’s very kind and love Littles. He cares for all the Little boys and girls in town. His Little girl, Zoey, is a sweetheart. You’ll enjoy playing with her.”
Chapter Nine
After her enema, April and Abigail had stretched out together on the large, plush couch in April’s family room. They watched a silly animated film together and ate lots of butter popcorn. It was just nice to hang out together and relax. April was still very much Abigail’s Mommy. Abigail was just happy to relax and let April be in charge. Her Mommy enjoyed taking care of her as she held her cuddled against her body throughout the movie.
Halfway through the movie, Abigail slid down her Mommy’s side to curl up with her head in April’s lap. Feeling her Mommy’s fingers thread through her hair to stroke her head lightly, Abigail laughed quietly.
“What are you laughing at, baby?” April asked smiling because her Little girl was so happy.
“You’re going to think I’m silly,” Abigail laughed again.
“I promise I won’t ever judge you,” April said gently.
Abigail kept her eyes on the TV screen. It felt easier to talk without looking at her Mommy. “I know that’s what makes this so unbelievable. I mean us. I was just lost. I couldn’t understand why I wasn’t interested in the guys at high school and in college. I thought maybe I was gay but I really didn’t feel any attraction to the girls either. Then I meet you and my whole world and purpose turn upside down. If anyone had suggested that I’d even try being someone’s Little girl three months ago, I would have thought that they were crazy. Now, I’m here and I don’t want to be anyplace else. That’s what’s funny. This is so unexpected. It’s such a strange way to live but it already feels like where I’m supposed to be - here -with you!
The slow caress of her brown hair continued. April said gently, “I don’t think anyone ever expects to find something as rare as what our relationship can turn out to be. No one knows what the future brings but I have great hope in us.” She leaned over and kissed the side of Abigail’s face. “I am a little worried about you thinking such heavy thoughts in the middle of an animated movie about
a kangaroo lost in Las Vegas.” April curled her fingers and began tickling Abigail’s ribs.
Peals of laughter echoed through family room. Abigail rolled around the couch trying to avoid the tickling hands of her Mommy. When she was out of breath, she collapsed laying between April’s thighs with her eyes at chest level. Her Mommy’s large nipples pushed through her bra. Immediately, Abigail froze before throwing caution to the wind and pressing her mouth to one breast. Hearing her Mommy’s moan of arousal, Abigail kissed her way to the other breast as she slid her hand under April’s shirt to run her fingers across the firm skin. April’s hands gripped the hem of her tee shirt and lifted it over her head revealing a delicate, pink lace bra framing her beautiful breasts.
Abigail looked up at her Mommy’s face and met her gorgeous green eyes. “Mommy, do Little girls get to kiss their Mommies all over?”
“Yes, baby. Mommies love to have kisses from their Little girls,” April assured her. She smiled at the precious face before her.
A wide answering grin spread over Abigail’s face as she lowered her lips to the valley between her Mommy’s breasts. She flicked the front closure of her pink bra and removing the cups to expose her pointed nipples. Immediately, her lips closed upon one, pulling and nibbling lightly on the clenched nipple before moving to the other and repeating her arousing adoration. “You taste so good, Mommy,” Abigail whispered to April as she began to kiss down her trim abdomen to the waistband of her leggings. Abigail pulled down the garment as April lifted her hips allowing her Little girl to pull off her last item of clothing.
Abigail stared at her Mommy’s nude body. She was toned and tan with beautiful, high breasts and a manicured tuft of dark curls between her legs. Abigail couldn’t resist leaning in to kiss those curls and breath in her Mommy’s scent. She tried to remember all the caresses that her Mommy had demonstrated earlier on her own body as she moved to taste the moisture between those long legs. Judging by the moans of pleasure and whispered requests by her Mommy to do that again, Abigail allowed her Mommy to teach her about giving pleasure.
When April had recovered from her baby’s caresses, she led Abigail back to her bedroom. “I think my Little girl needs to sleep with me tonight,” she shared with Abigail as she undressed her next to the big bed. Tucking Abigail in the soft covers, April made sure to turn on a soft light in the adjoining bathroom. Her baby was afraid of the dark and April wanted her to focus only on her own pleasure as she slid into bed and began to enchant her Little girl with a bedtime story.
Chapter Ten
All too soon, Abigail squirmed in the soft chair in Dr. Richards’ waiting room. She’d already gotten a spanking for refusing to come to the doctor’s office. Now, she was here and she had a sore bottom. “Wait,” she worried in her thoughts. “Do you think Dr. Richards will know that I got spanked. I’m so embarrassed. Maybe Mommy will take me home if I ask again nicely.” She peeked over at April as she filled in the new patient forms. “Nope. There’s no way she’s going to listen to me,” Abigail thought. She cleared her throat and April’s attention immediately focused on her Little girl.
“Yes, Abigail? Did you think of something to talk to the doctor about?” April asked.
“Mommy, I’m scared. What’s the doctor going to do to me?” Abigail asked.
“He’s going to examine you to make sure that you’re healthy and to help me take care of you, baby,” April said hugging Abigail to her side. “It’s okay. I’ll be there with you all the time.”
“Thank you,” whispered Abigail.
“I want you to be very polite and cooperative with Dr. Richards. He’s a very nice doctor. He’s not going to hurt you. He likes Little girls and boys. Look here are a couple of Littles coming in with their Daddy. Oh, my! They’re twins. What cute matching outfits they are wearing! We need to go shopping at Gordon’s to buy you some Little clothes. Do you like to shop, Abigail?” April asked trying to distract her.
“I like their shoes. They have pink and purple butterflies on them, Mommy,” Abigail continued to whisper as the Little twins got closer to the waiting room.
“Sofia, Isabella, sit quietly in the waiting room or go over to the play area. I will be right back,” their Daddy instructed firmly.
Sofia and Isabella came to the waiting room and demurely took a seat on the couch opposite April and Abigail. “Hi! I’m Isabella and this is my sister, Sofia,” the more talkative twin took care of introductions. “What’s your name?” she asked Abigail.
“My name is Abigail. This is April.” Abigail said with a friendly tone.
“Your Mommy lets you call her April? My bottom would be so spanked,” Sofia, the quieter twin, was scandalized.
Abigail shot a quick glance at April to see if she was in trouble but she just waved her hand indicating that Abigail should continue her conversation and she went back to the paperwork. “I’m not supposed to call her April either but I wasn’t sure what to say.”
“Are you newly Little?” Sofia asked. “We haven’t been Little for too long either. We found our Daddy on PLAYTIME.”
“It’s a dating service for Mommies, Daddies and Littles to all find each other. Our Daddy designed it. He’s super smart with computers,” Isabella bragged.
“Wow! That’s neat,” Abigail looked at the closed exam room doors and looked down at the ground worrying about her appointment.
“Is this your first time at Dr. Richards’ office?” Sofia asked with concern.
“Yes,” Abigail admitted. “I’m a pretty scared.”
“Dr. Richards is a great doctor. We feel better than we ever had now that we have Daddy taking care of us and Dr. Richards’ medicine. You just have to know that he’s going to look at every bit of you and prescribe medicine to make you healthier,” Sofia shared.
“Medicine that goes in your bottom,” whispered Isabella. “He also makes sure that your tummy is all clean inside.”
“My Mommy does that now,” sighed Abigail.
“Our Daddy does, too!” Sofia and Isabella chimed in together.
“And just what do I do?” questioned a loud voice from behind the twins.
Abigail jumped because she had been so focused on the conversation with the twins that she didn’t see him approach.
“Hi, Daddy. Did you get our new vitamins? They’re not big, are they?” Sofia asked hopefully.
“I think your bottom will need to stretch a bit to let them slide inside, Sofia. Isabella’s are twice as big.” Noah Sandoval winked at Abigail and her Mommy.
“Oh, no, Daddy! That’s not fair,” Isabella started to protest only to see her Daddy’s big smile. “You’re teasing us. That’s not funny,” said Isabella stomping her feet.
“Be good, Little girl or we’ll try a new vitamin in your bottom right now,” warned Noah. He turned to April and apologized “I hope my Littles haven’t been behaving poorly.
“Oh, not at all. They are very sweet. Sofia and Isabella have been helping my Abigail relax before she sees Dr. Richards for the first time,” April complimented the twin Littles who smiled and sat up straight.
“Oh, the first time at a new doctor is kind of scary, isn’t it, Abigail? Don’t worry. Dr. Richards is a very kind doctor. He’ll take good care of you. Speak of the devil, it’s Dr. Richards himself,” Noah smiled and shook hands with the doctor. “Hi, Matt. We just came in for the new vitamins and were talking to your new patient, Abigail. The Littles have already made friends.”
“Hi, Abigail and, you must be April Heaven?” the doctor shook hands with both Mommy and Little. “I’m glad to hear you’re making friends with other Littles. They are a bonded group together and are very supportive of each other. We’re having a social gathering this Friday if you’d like to join us. One of the Daddies has a bowling alley in his home. We’re all going to invade and have some fun together.”
April was already putting that in her phone. “That sounds like a great opportunity for both of us to chat with other parents and Littles. Thank yo
u for inviting us. I saw a flyer on the desk but didn’t want to ask.”
“Please. Ask any questions. We’re a welcoming group. Pick up a flyer as you leave and you’ll have the address and the time. I’ll let Thorston know to expect another Little and Mommy,” the doctor said.
“All right, Little girls of mine, say goodbye to Abigail and we’ll see her in a few days. Nice to meet you, April. Come with questions. Mommies and Daddies all support each other and I’m amazed at the suggestions they come up with for me to help these two beauties be happy and be Little,” Noah shared. Isabella and Sofia both came over to hug Abigail goodbye. Sofia even winked and whispered, “We like to come to the doctor’s office. You’ll be okay.”
Chapter Eleven
“Let’s go into Exam room 1,” Dr. Richards suggested leading the way. He took the clipboard of papers. “April, if you’ll help Abigail take off all of her clothes, I’ll look these over quickly.”
April started by pulling Abigail’s sweatshirt over her head revealing her bare breast. Then, she unzipped and pushed down her jeans removing them along with her socks and shoes. Abigail stood still with her hands covering her breasts as April unfastened her diaper and pulled it off leaving Abigail nude.
Dr. Richards looked through the last paper and turned. He walked to Abigail and gently pulled her hands away from her chest pressing them to her sides. “I know it’s uncomfortable to be bare but the only people here are your Mommy, who I am sure has seen you naked a few times, and me. I need to see all of you to make sure you’re healthy. You don’t need to worry. You’re very safe here, okay?”
Abigail looked at the ground and nodded her head slowly. She stood rigidly with her hands gripping her thighs. “I can do this,” she just kept repeating to herself. Her Mommy finished folding everything and pulled her in for a hug whispering, “I’m here with you, baby. You’re fine.” Abigail nodded slowly.