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Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards' Littles 8 Page 5
Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards' Littles 8 Read online
Page 5
To Isabella’s horror, Noah stopped washing and poured a large plastic cup of soapy water into the bag to refill it partially. The water spurted into Isabella’s intestines. “Please, Daddy. I’ve been good. Let me go to the bathroom. I don’t need any more water,” Isabella turned her tear-filled eyes his way hoping to sway him.
“Soon, sweetheart.” Noah finished one set of toes and began to work on the other. Finally, he was finished and he lifted Isabella from the bathtub. He dried her quickly and wrapped her in the large towel. Noah leaned her over his knee and stretched her buttocks apart allowing the enema to gush into her bottom. He held her in place until the bag was empty and he had clicked the valve shut on the hose. Noah led her over to her pink potty chair next to Sofia.
Isabella jumped on to the potty when the nozzle was removed. She immediately lost control of holding in the enema and the liquid surged into the potty. Isabella hid her face in her hands. She was so embarrassed to be expelling the enema with loud bursts and smells with both her sister and Noah next to her.
Sofia patted her on the thigh. “It’s okay. I was really embarrassed, too. But I hate to admit it. My stomach feels so much better. Daddy does know what we need. You’ll feel better soon.”
“Come here, Little one,” Noah gathered her into his arms and he hugged her tightly before parting her bottom and wiping her clean. “I’m glad you feel better. He picked her up and carried her back to the changing table. Noah wrapped her bottom in a thick diaper and picked her up in his arms. He walked to the large armless rocking chair and sat down holding her tightly against him. Noah leaned Sofia back to recline in his arms and he held a bottle to her lips sliding the nipple in deeply when her mouth opened in surprise. “Suck on the bottle, Sofia. I know it feels a little funny at first but it will help you sleep. He rocked her and watched as she rolled the nipple around in her mouth before pulling weakly on it to taste the liquid. One taste of the formula was all it took. His Little girls began to suck strongly on the nipple as her thick eyelashes drooped to lay against her cheeks. When she had finished the bottle, Noah carried her into the dimly light master bathroom and brushed her teeth gently before taking her back into the nursery and laying her in her crib. He covered the Little girl dressed only in her diaper. He watched her shift into a comfortable position before immediately falling asleep.
Returning to Isabella’s side, he asked kneeling next to her, “Sweetheart, you’re doing a great job letting all the medicine out of your bottom. Do you think you’re ready to go put on your diaper?”
Isabella desperately shook her head, “No! It’s still coming out!” Gushes of water and poop once again jetted into the potty.
“It’s okay, Isabella. Your bottom had obviously needed to be cleaned out for a while. You’ll feel better in a little while. Just relax and let the liquid flow out. Don’t push it. There’s no rush,” Noah leaned over and kissed her deeply for several minutes as he fingers slid between Isabella’s thighs. He raised his head to look deeply in her brown eyes and said, “Can you come again for Daddy?”
Isabella’s breath became irregular as Noah caressed her sensitive areas repeatedly. He helped distract her from the enema escaping by building her arousal. “Daddy, don’t . . .” Isabella protested weakly.
“Don’t tell your Daddy, ‘no,’ Isabella. I’m in charge.” Noah pinched her clitoris gently and that was enough to launch Isabella into another orgasm. Noah listened as the water emission were slower and slower. He cuddled Isabella against him until she said, “Daddy, I think the enema is gone. I can get up now.”
He kissed her forehead and lifted Isabella up to carry her to the changing table. Noah cleaned up her bottom before wrapping a diaper around her full hips and carrying her to the rocking chair to have her bottle. Isabella took immediately to the bottle, smacking her lips in enjoyment as she drank. Just like her sister, the bottle helped Isabella relax and almost fall asleep. After brushing her teeth, Noah tucked the second twin into bed and covered her naked torso with a soft blanket as she cuddled into her crib and fell deeply asleep.
Noah quietly dumped and cleaned the basins in the potty chairs. He had been correct. Their Little bottoms had been very clogged with poop. They would need frequent enemas to regulate their systems. He’d call Dr. Richards in the morning to make appointments for the girls. They needed to be on a regular schedule.
Noah turned on the baby monitors. He stopped by each crib and watched his Little girls sleep. He adjusted the blankets to cover Isabella’s exposed breast and Sofia’s shapely leg and thigh as he lifted the high railings to keep the twins safe in their cribs. They would need a diaper change in about two hours as the mild soap residue left inside their intestines continue to soften up the fecal material and irritate their systems. Noah left the nightlight on by each crib and quietly left the room to take a shower and read while he waited to hear them become restless. He certainly was a lucky man.
Chapter Twelve
Ninety minutes later, soft snuffles and rustling of covers began in the nursery. Noah listened carefully to the sounds as he pulled up the nursery’s video feed on his tablet. Isabella sat up in her crib looking sleepily around at the unfamiliar room. He saw her push off her cover only to realize that she was nude except for the diaper around her hips. Isabella grabbed the blanket back to wrap around her shoulders. Noah watched her rub her tummy a few times and then wrap her arms across her abdomen and lean over. Isabella reached a hand out to rattle the crib railing. She stood up in the crib and tried to press the railing down. Isabella squatted down in her crib and covered her face. Noah waited a few minutes to make sure that she had messed her diaper before opening the door and walking to her crib to help.
“You should be asleep, Isabella. Is your tummy hurting?” Noah asked as he lowered the railing after unlatching the floor lever. He caught Isabella as she came tumbling toward him.
“I’m so sorry. I had to go to the bathroom but I couldn’t get the side of the crib down. Can I go to the bathroom now?” Isabella said urgently.
“Do you need to sit on your potty, Isabella?” Noah asked rubbing her back. He pulled the blanket from her clutching hands while she was distracted.
“No. . . Okay, I messed my pants. I need to get cleaned up,” Isabella said turning red even in the dim light. “I’m so embarrassed.”
Noah picked her up and lifted her over the lowered crib railing. He carried her slowly over to her changing table and laid her down. Leaning over her, he kissed her forehead. “Isabella, remember, I want to be your Daddy. That means that I want to take care of you always.” He started unfastening her diaper. “You’re wearing a diaper because all Little girls make messes in their diapers. You wouldn’t be wearing one if you didn’t need it.” Noah pulled the front of her diaper down exposing her soft brown curls and a messy diaper. He lifted her hips up off the table by raising her legs straight up. He grabbed a moist towelette and wiped the mess from her buttocks being sure to clean all her folds thoroughly. When she was clean, he slipped the messy diaper from under her raised hips and placed another one under her.
Noah set her hips back down on the changing table to use both hands to open a canister and pull out two large, white suppositories. He pressed her thighs back to raise her bottom and spread her bottom exposing her clenched anus. Noah began pressing the first suppository into her rectum. “Relax your bottom, sweetheart. This is some medicine to help you sleep better. It goes deep in your bottom,” he explained as the first suppository slipped into her and he pressed it as deep as his finger could reach before pressing the second one in as well.”
“Will it make me stop going to the bathroom,” Isabella wailed. “I don’t want to mess in my pants again.”
“Isabella, you will get used to using your diaper. Daddy’s going to help you. Soon, you won’t even think twice about it.” Noah leaned over and kissed her before kissing down her body stopping at each clenched nipple to suck on the tip. “You are such a pretty baby. I’m a very lucky Daddy.�
�� He ruffled her pubic hair and said, “We’ll have to trim this all away. Baby girls need to be clean and this big girl hair just gets in the way.” Noah watched her yawn and she nodded sleepily. The suppositories worked quickly. She would sleep through the night. He would come back to the nursery to change her diaper in three or four hours. He’d need to change her diaper again when she woke up around 8. The suppositories contained both a sleep aid and stool softener. Isabella’s tummy was going to feel so much better tomorrow with all that poop cleared out. He fastened the diaper snuggly around her and carried her back to her crib. Before covering her again, Noah looked down at her nude body wrapped only by a diaper. She was so precious. Noah laid the blanket over her carefully and raised the crib railing to secure her inside.
He turned to Sofia’s crib and he looked in on his other angel. She was beginning to move restlessly. She hadn’t messed in her diaper, yet. She would. Noah quietly left the nursery keeping an eye on his tablet and the monitor nearby.
Chapter Thirteen
Almost an hour later, Noah heard Sofia begin to cry as a loud noise came from her crib signaling that she had pooped in her diaper. He started toward the door and opened it to find Sofia rattling the crib railing.
“Oh, Noah! Thank God. You’ve got to let me out of here!” Sofia began as loud wet sounds came from her diaper. “Oh, no! Please let me out!”
Noah unlatched the safety lock on the crib and lowered it to scoop Sofia out of her crib. He carried her over to her potty and unfastened her dirty diaper. He pulled it from between her thighs and she collapsed down on to the toilet and more waste jetted from her bottom. Sofia leaned over resting her forearms on her spread thighs with her head tilted down.
Moving quietly, Noah pulled down her enema bag and refilled it with plain, warm water. He hung it on a hook next to his rocking chair and lubricated the nozzle so it would be ready to go. When Sofia seemed to be finished, Noah helped her stand up and he leaned her over his knee to wipe her bottom clean. He whispered to her telling her that she was all right and that she was a wonderful Little girl doing just what her Daddy told her to do.
He led her over to the rocker and cuddled her on his lap. Holding both knees hooked around his forearm, Noah slid the nozzle into her bottom and started the flow of warm water before she could react. He began to rock and rub her tummy as the enema ran into her intestines.
“Daddy, no. I don’t want another enema.” Sofia began to cry.
“Your tummy is too full of poop, Sofia. It’s not your fault. You’re a very good Little girl. Some Little tummies just get stuck and need some help. I bet you haven’t gone to the bathroom for several days,” Noah guessed.
“I don’t know. Please make it stop!” Sofia was tired and cranky. She started to flail around trying to free herself from his firm grip. “Whack! Whack! Whack!” Sofia felt painful swats on her exposed bottom. Two landed on the nozzle and moved it deeper inside her. All were painful due to her previous spanking. Sofia wilted on Noah’s lap and she started to cry. She felt his arm release her knees and her legs were spread apart.
Noah dipped his finger into her vagina. Her body was certainly aroused. His finger glided into place aided by the slick fluid that her body was producing. He explored her sensitive tissues finding the places that made her gasp in reaction even through her tears. Soon, he was pleased to see that her tears had stopped and Sofia’s eyes were closed as she moaned in reaction to his caresses. When the enema finished, Noah clipped the valve closed and continued his explorations. The pressure from the enema raised her sensations and very soon, Noah heard his Little girl cry out her release.
He rocked her slowly for several minutes until she said very softly with amazement, “Daddy, my tummy feels better – even filled with water!”
“I’m so glad, Sofia. Let’s rock for a few more minutes and then, I’ll sit you on your potty. After you let the water out, you can go back to sleep. I’ll give you a little medicine to help settle your tummy now that it’s cleaned out. Your tummy can absorb it now,” Noah rocked his precious Little girl enjoying holding her close to him. Her curvy body was so soft again his hard angles – a perfect match.
“It’s not another enema, is it?” She asked with a trembling voice.
“No, Sofia. It’s like a magic pill. Isabella has already had hers. She’s fast asleep,” he paused so they could both listen to Isabella’s steady breathing.
“Okay, Daddy,” Sofia snuggled her head under his chin. She yawned widely. Sofia barely remembered sitting on the potty chair. Her Daddy had wrapped a strap around under her breasts to hold her in place. The enema had just flowed out of her. Her memory was hazy about Noah cleaning her bottom. She did remember the feeling of his finger in her bottom. He’d laughed with delight when she told him she liked the feel of having him in her bottom. He’d promised to visit her bottom often.
Chapter Fourteen
Isabella sat up in her crib and looked around rubbing her face sleepily with her soft pink blanket. She was a little confused for a little while as she looked at the unfamiliar room lighted by the early morning sun. It was a beautiful room of pale pink and purple decorated with different shapes of jewel colors. She shifted to look around and heard her diaper rustle. Isabella tugged at it and realized that she had messed her diaper overnight.
“Daddy? Daddy? Sofia?” Isabella said aloud her voice sounding very loud in the empty room. Very soon, she heard footsteps and her Daddy’s voice.
“Good morning, sweetheart! You slept very well in your crib. How do you feel?” Noah asked smiling at her rumpled appearance.
“I’m . . . my diaper . . .” Isabella didn’t know how to tell her Daddy.
“Let’s get you out of your crib.” Noah lowered the crib railing and lifted Isabella easily out of her crib. He carried her over to her changing table and laid her down. He unfastened her diaper but paused to ask, “Have you urinated this morning, Isabella?” When she turned bright red and shook her head “no,” he pressed down on her lower abdomen to compress her bladder.
Isabella tried to hold the liquid in but the combination of her full bladder and the targeted pressure was too much. She covered her face with her hands as they both heard the hiss of her urine escaping.
Noah looked down at his embarrassed Little and smiled. He pulled her hands away from her face with one hand and leaned over to kiss her deeply. When she began to kiss him back, Noah knew that he had distracted her from paying attention to using her diaper. He kept the pressure up as he kissed down her sensitive neck and across her chest stopping to lick and suck softly at her nipples. Soon, he raised his head and looked Isabella in the eyes. “Isabella, you don’t have to be embarrassed. I’m your Daddy. I want to take care of you. You’re my precious baby girl. Have you finished pottying or do you need to go some more?” When she said, “I’m finished” in a small voice, Noah kissed her lips one more time before starting to remove her saturate and soiled diaper. Noah chatted with Isabella as if this was the normal routine of everyone. He told her that Sofia had woken up about fifteen minutes ago and was playing next door. He wiped her bottom clean paying close attention to all her nooks and crannies before turning her over on her side and pulling out the thermometer.
“No, Daddy. I feel fine. You don’t need to take my temperature,” she tried to convince him.
“I’m going to take your temperature often, Isabella. It’s my responsibility to keep you healthy. Now, just relax.” Noah slid the thermometer in deep and held it firmly in place. “Ten minutes. Now, Sofia and I are starting to get hungry. What do you think about having some breakfast after I get you both dressed? Do you like pancakes or scrambled eggs better? I hate waffles so I’m vetoing those awful things.”
Isabella giggled. “I love waffles – especially with strawberry syrup!”
And off they went having the great waffle debate. Sofia came in shortly and kissed her sister’s cheek saying, “Good Morning,” in her cheerful voice. She wandered over and sat on the floor ne
xt to the toy chest. Sofia gave her opinion of waffles being annoying with all those holes stealing the butter. She seemed to have adjusted easily to wandering around only wearing her diaper with her large breasts bouncing happily as she moved.
Soon it was time for the thermometer to come out and her Daddy pronounced that she was perfect, of course! He turned her over on her back and put a fresh diaper on her. Her Daddy didn’t wipe the lubricant away from her anus so Isabella squirmed a little when he set her on her feet. It all felt squishy between her buttocks.
Noah led her over to the chest and opened a drawer pulling out a blue camisole. “Little girls don’t wear bras at home. Here’s an undershirt to keep you warm.” He pulled it carefully over her head and smoothed it down her torso reaching underneath to lift her breasts into the built-in shelf support. “That should feel comfy. What do you think?”
Isabella pulled the bottom out and twirled around. She wasn’t wearing a stiff bra like normal but her breasts felt supported. “This is wonderful. Thank you, Daddy.”
Noah helped thread her arms through the sleeves of a colorful blue blouse. He buttoned it and had her step into a short, ruffled skirt that matched. “You look beautiful, sweetheart.