Olivia Read online

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  “Now, Daddy. Come inside me now!” Olivia responded urgently. She felt him reach past her to open a drawer next to the big bed. She heard the rustle of the wrapper as he used his teeth to open the condom. She wanted to help him. Anything to get closer to his body. Her hands remained captured in his. She felt him roll the condom on with one hand before she felt the stretch of the head of his penis as it dipped into her vagina. She began to tense up. “Would he even fit?” she thought to herself.

  “Relax, Olivia. Trust your Daddy. My penis will fit in your vagina. I’ll move very slowly but you need to relax,” he instructed as he made shallow thrusts in and out moving a little deeper each time. The clutch of her tight channel lured him inside.

  “Oooooohhhhh!” Olivia moaned. The energy and focus of her entire body was concentrated between her thighs. Olivia had slept with a small number of men. None compared to Ethan. He glided deeper than anyone had ever been. There, she felt his wiry public hair brush her clitoris as the wide root of his penis invaded her vagina. Her channel was stretched widely. “You feel so good, Daddy,” she whispered as he held himself still.

  Ethan groaned lowly at her words. He began to thrust inside her pulling out a little more with each inward stroke. He shifted position looking for her most sensitive spots to scrape across. His Little girl was so sensitive. He knew that he wouldn’t last long inside the tight embrace of her vagina. He concentrated his internal caresses there – against that smooth spot on the upper wall of her vagina and rubbing against her clitoris. He felt his climax looming. “Come for Daddy, Little girl,” he commanded and felt her clamp on his penis as she shuddered from her orgasm. Instantly, he stilled against her as his penis spilled his ejaculate into the confining condom. Ethan dropped his head to kiss her lips deeply as pleasure rolled over his body. He held his weight supported above her until their aftershocks subsided. Finally, he moved to lay next to her sated body.

  “Is it always like that?” she asked softly.

  “Never,” he answered quickly. “Only with you, Little girl.” His heart skipped a beat at her answering smile. He’d never let her go now.

  Chapter Sixteen

  They rested in each other’s arms until Olivia began to wiggle against him. He knew what the problem was immediately. Ethan reached over the side of the bed and picked up the discarded diaper. He fastened it around her hips without a word and stood to lift her from the bed. He curled his arms around her back and began to press her tummy into his muscled abs as he walked to the nursery. Her small gasp as she lost control made him smile. His baby had needed to potty.

  He felt her relax against him in relief. Tenderly, he kissed her temple before laying her on the changing table. He pressed his large hand over her bladder to make sure that she had totally emptied her bladder and heard the hiss of urine. “All out?” he asked softly when the sound faded away.

  She nodded shyly. She laid there passively as he removed the soaked diaper and cleaned her bottom. The soft strokes of the wipe made her shudder in an echo of the pleasure that they had just shared. She tried to protest when he rolled her over on her side. She knew what was coming next. “I feel good this morning, Daddy,” she began. Her voice squeaked as his large finger pressed lubricant into her rectum.

  “I’m glad you feel well this morning, honey. I feel amazing. Daddy will take your temperature every morning,” he began to explain before pausing. His finger pressed around inside of her bottom and he began to press against her abdomen. “It’s important that you always tell Daddy the truth. Your bottom is packed with fecal matter. Has it been several days since you pooped?” he asked as he removed his finger and wiped it clean. He held her gaze in his.

  She looked back over her shoulder at his serious face and blushed bright red. She couldn’t believe he would ask a question like that. Olivia started to shake her head, “no,” but saw his eyebrows raise in disbelief. She couldn’t lie to him. She dropped her eyes and shakily admitted, “Yes. It’s been so crazy. Getting ready for the wedding and then, being on the road,” she began. She listened to her own voice and her eyes leapt to his. “I remember. I was getting married and we had moved into a hotel for all the festivities before the wedding.” Her delight in gaining her memories crashed. “I don’t remember anything after that. Something happened but I can’t remember. I just remember running away and driving . . . here.”

  Ethan smoothly slid the thermometer into her bottom while she was distracted. “See, honey. Your memory is coming back to you. You’ve made great leaps in remembering. You’ll fill in the missing gaps. I’m just glad you ran before the wedding,” he smiled as he swirled the thermometer in her bottom. His eyes slowly drifted over her nude body. Here and there he could see red patches on her delicate skin where his evening whiskers had abraded her skin. He’d have to remember that she was so sensitive and shave before taking her back to his bed. He watched her struggle to relax and allow him to take care of her. He held her on her side firmly. After several minutes, he saw her muscles relax. “Good girl, Olivia. Just let Daddy be in charge.”

  “It so hard,” she sighed.

  “I know, honey. It’s very hard in the beginning. Soon, however, you’ll see that it’s amazing to have a home where you don’t have to make any decisions. Daddy takes care of everything. You get to ignore the everyday worries,” Ethan reassured her.

  Olivia was quiet. She was thinking about being able to relinquish control over everything. Her life always seemed so harried. She raced here and there doing all sorts of things because they were expected of her. What it they weren’t? “It seems like a dream to not have to worry about anything,” she shared with the strong man behind her.

  “Dreams do come true, Little girl,” Ethan smiled at her as she peeked over her shoulder. He slid the thermometer out of her bottom and raised it to read her temperature. Olivia blushed and turned away as Ethan grabbed a wipe to clean the thermometer of the smear of brown. He rubbed her shoulder and pronounced. “Your temperature is perfect, honey. Daddy’s going to let you play for a few minutes while he takes a quick shower. Then, we’ll have some breakfast. I’ll treat your congested tummy later.”

  Ethan wrapped her in a fresh diaper, pulled a clean tee shirt over her head, and sat her on the floor next to a toy chest. Raising the lid, he watched her eyes widen in delight as she instantly reached in to pull out a set of connecting toys. She dumped them on the floor and was immediately entranced. She began feeding blue sticks into the connector cogs. The tip of her pink tongue poked from the corner of her mouth as she concentrated on her creation. Ethan walked to the doorway and looked back. She was so busy playing. He knew she’d never miss him. He walked to the master bath and quickly showered.

  Looking in the mirror at his reflection as he towel-dried his hair, Ethan stated aloud as if to create a permanent relationship, “That Little girl is mine. I’m never letting her go.” His reflection nodded back at him as in agreement.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Dressed in clean clothes and shaved smooth, Ethan stopped in the nursery to pick up Olivia and carry her to the kitchen. She had been having so much fun with her toys that Ethan had taken the connector set with them. By the time he’d scrambled some eggs and made coffee, the kitchen table was decorated with long strands of colorful rods all connected together.

  “What are you doing, Little girl,” Ethan asked as he watched her angle the long, connect strand across to the opposite side of the table.

  “I’m going to push that chair out for you,” Olivia said proudly as the spindly pole reached the chair and she concentrated on moving the chair. “Crash!” All the parts fell into their individual pieces as soon as she poked the chair. “Oh, no!” Olivia shouted, and tears began to gather in her eyes.

  Ethan quickly scooted all the pieces to one end of the table and sat in a different chair right next to the high chair. “That pole just knew it was time for breakfast. It’s so well behaved it just fell apart, so you could eat with your Daddy. What good manners i
t has!” he enthused. He saw Olivia pause and consider her words before she became very upset.

  With tears still shining in her eyes, Olivia asked, “Do you really think it knew breakfast was ready?”

  “Without a doubt,” Ethan answered. He scooped up a bite of egg on his fork and held it to her lips. “Try Daddy’s eggs. Do you like them?”

  Chewing thoughtfully, Olivia nodded after several seconds. “Your eggs are good, Daddy. You try them,” she ordered. A bright smile spread across her face as he followed her directions and tasted the eggs.

  “Wow! These are really good. I wonder if I could cook them this well again?” Ethan said teasing her. He pushed her sippy cup of milk toward her. “Drink your milk.” He took a sip of his coffee.

  Olivia pushed her milk away. “I don’t want milk. I want coffee,” she demanded.

  “Little girls don’t drink coffee. They drink milk or juice. Have another bite of eggs,” Ethan tried to distract her from the lure of coffee.

  “I don’t want milk,” Olivia crossed her arms in front of her body and stared at him defiantly. She turned her head away when he brought the fork to her lips.

  “You are going to be very hungry soon, Little girl,” he warned as he ate the bite she had refused. Ethan continued to eat the fluffy eggs and drink his coffee. From time to time, he would wave a fork in her direction and she would clamp her lips closed and turn away. He finished the eggs and sat back to drink his coffee watching her.

  “Crash!” Olivia pushed the sippy cup of milk off her tray. The milk splattered everywhere. “I’m not going to drink it.” She didn’t know why she was being so obstinate. She wasn’t one of the young people in her circle that lived on coffee. She usually had a cup at breakfast but that was it. Olivia just felt like she needed to make a stand. She didn’t know if she could let someone else make all her decisions.

  “Olivia, you are behaving very badly.” Ethan drained the last of his coffee and stood carrying the dishes to the sink. He walked carefully to avoid the puddles on the floor. Rinsing off the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, Ethan walked to the coffee pot and carried the carafe to the sink pouring the hot liquid down the drain. He used a damp cloth to clean up the milk from the floor.

  When everything was put away, Ethan wiped the milk that had splashed on Olivia’s legs and lifted her from her chair to take her to the nursery. Once in the nursery, he stripped off her tee shirt and diaper explaining that she couldn’t wear something splashed with milk. Then he sat her on her bare bottom by the toy chest and kissed her on the head. “Play, honey. Daddy’s going to get everything together to make you feel better.” Ethan unlocked a large storage area and pulled out a big apparatus that he sat in the center of the room.

  Olivia tried to figure out what it was. There were different flat areas that had straps with buckles and it seemed to incline up. She tried to move over to check it out more closely but her braced leg was stretched out in front of her. She couldn’t figure out how to turn over on her good knee to stand up or crawl. She was stuck.

  As she tried different options to be mobile, Ethan chuckled at her dilemma as he filled the large enema bag with the peppermint soap that Dr. Richards recommended for all the Littles in his community back home. He’d take Olivia to see him when they returned to the city but now, he knew exactly what his Little girl needed. Ethan carried the filled bag over to the medical stand attached to the enema horsie. He threw a towel over the bag to hide it from her view.

  “Okay, honey. Daddy’s going to help you feel better,” Ethan said as he picked Olivia up and laid her carefully on the enema horsie. He quickly fastened the restraints on the flat platforms securing her forearms and her uninjured leg securely. He attached a soft cloth around her braced leg to that it would be supported and so that she couldn’t thrash it around and injure herself. He stood back to make sure she was secured.

  Oliva was frozen in place for thirty seconds. “What are you doing, Ethan?” she demanded wiggling to be free. Her head was lower than her bottom. Her full breasts hung down heavily. The restraints prevented her from pulling her legs together. She could feel the air on the normally hidden area between her thighs and buttocks.

  “Thwack, thwack, thwack!” Three solid spanks landed on her spread buttocks. She whined from the sting before yelling, “You can’t do this. Let me go!” She felt three more spanks in rapid succession.

  “Olivia, I’m your Daddy. I can do whatever I need to do to take care of you. You are behaving very badly. I don’t want to spank you anymore, but I will if you don’t settle down,” he lectured sternly. When she began to wiggle again, Ethan spanked her bottom as he watched her plump, white bottom turn red. When he saw her sag over the enema horsie, he stopped spanking her immediately.

  “I know you don’t feel well, Olivia. Trust your Daddy,” he said softly. Ethan gently wiped her tear-stained cheeks with a soft cloth. He ran a loving hand from her trembling chin over her shoulder and down to her widely spread bottom. Her anus shined in the light from the lubricant he’d used during her temperature taking. “She would need more,” he decided. He walked to the changing table and picked up the lubricant. Uncapping it as he returned to her widely spread thighs, he saw Olivia startle as she recognized the sound.

  “No, Daddy. Don’t put anything in my bottom. I’ll be good. I’ll drink my milk,” she pleaded. Olivia gasped as she felt his large finger began to spread the cool lubricant around her tightly clenched opening before pressing firmly inside. The invading finger spread the lubricant around her inner tissues. When he finally removed his finger, Olivia felt a hard, large object glide into place stretching her rectum. She wailed wordlessly as she heard the click and the stinging, warm liquid began to flow quickly into her bottom. She tried to stop the flow by clenching her muscles but in this position, there was nothing she could do.

  Ethan stayed by her speaking to her softly and rubbing the expanse of her bare back. He lightly caressed her bottom made pink by her spanking. “You are being a very good, Little girl, Olivia. I know it’s tough to be Little. Your bottom needed some special medicine.”

  “Nooooooo! Daddy, it cramps,” Olivia begged. The strong soap mixture roiled and gushed into her packed intestines. She felt Ethan’s strong hand begin to massage her stomach in a counter clockwise motion. She sighed as the cramps faded in intensity. “Can I go to the bathroom now?” she asked urgently.

  “Soon, honey. You need to have a little more medicine,” Ethan said gently.

  Olivia was so embarrassed. She couldn’t believe that Ethan was giving her an enema and that he had spanked her. She sagged on the enema horsie.

  Ethan adjusted the large nozzle in Olivia’s bottom. The first enema was always the toughest for Little girls. Olivia would be grateful later. Now, however, he knew the medicine was tough to take. He reached between her widely spread legs to massage her lower belly. His forearm brushed her labia. Immediately, Ethan smiled widely. He ran his fingers through the saturated folds guarding her vagina. His Little girl was very aroused. He began to circle her vaginal opening and dip two fingers inside shallowly before alternating with brushing touches to her clitoris. This bundle of nerves had swollen to thrust itself from under it’s hood.

  When she wiggled trying to escape his fingers, Ethan pressed a hand to her lower back holding her in place. “Daddy’s going to help you take all your medicine, honey,” he explained as he built his caresses to distract her from the last of the enema liquid that was flowing into her bottom. At the enema bag’s gurgle, he clicked the valve on the hose closed to trap the fluid inside his Little girl. It would need to work inside her to be effective.

  Olivia’s eyes rolled up in her head. She was overwhelmed. Tethered to the enema horsie, she was unable to move. Her captured position took away the need to protest the enema. She had to take it. She didn’t have another choice. Olivia wouldn’t have to admit that she had fantasies about her fictitious Daddy forcing her to submit to his will. She had dreamed for a lon
g time of a strong man that would simply take the choice away from her. She would have never been able to ask to be restrained and subjected to intimate treatment, but she craved it. She could protest all she wished, and he would simply take care of her as he knew she needed to be treated.

  She simply gave up any illusion that she was in control. Her Daddy was in charge. He got to decide. Almost immediately, Ethan’s caresses seemed to be sharper and more focused. Her body leaped into a massive orgasm. Her anus locked on the inserted enema nozzle.

  Ethan watched the nozzle rock in her bottom. Olivia hadn’t been aware that she had spoken aloud ceding him control and the ability to make decisions for her. He closed his eyes. He couldn’t ask for anything more. This beautiful woman and delightful Little girl was his. He wasn’t letting her go. He decided she needed a reward for figuring out how to reconcile what she knew was socially acceptable and what she really needed. “I think my Little girl can have two more orgasms. Can you do that for Daddy?” he asked warmly as he continued his caresses.

  Her Little girl voice appeared - high and sweet, “Yes, Daddy.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The rocking chair moved gently. Ethan cradled his Little girl in his arms. She was his. He looked down on her relaxed face. Her thick eyelashes rested heavily on her cheeks. Olivia was exhausted both emotionally and physically. Her submission to his intimate treatments had been a turning point for both of them.