Rescuing Rita Read online

Page 6

  Rita hesitated in the doorway. Moving her head carefully, she looked each way down the hallway. To the left, she could see a lighted room. That must be the kitchen, she thought. Pointing right, she looked over her shoulder at Bart for confirmation, “That way?”

  “Exactly! The nursery is just across the hallway to the right,” Bart confirmed. “Let’s go turn the lights on so you can explore.”

  Walking into the dimly lit nursery, Rita was relieved to see that he’d turned a nightlight on for her. She never had liked the dark. “Oh, a hallway light shining into a bedroom just jumped into my mind,” she rushed to share, hesitating in the doorway.

  Bart turned on the lights and rubbed her shoulder. “Can you remember any details?” he probed.

  Rita tried to pull anything else into her brain, but it was as if she’d run into a brick wall in her mind. “I know it was my apartment, but there’s nothing else there. I keep getting flashes of my life. It’s so frustrating,” she told him, rubbing between her eyebrows to staunch the growing headache that always accompanied her efforts to remember anything.

  “Give it time. Don’t push. Go play, Ritagirl. I’ll be back in a few minutes, and we’ll get dressed to go to the barn,” Bart urged. He stepped around her and opened the thick window shades allowing the morning light to shine inside before dropping a kiss on the top of her head and leaving the nursery.

  Standing in the doorway, Rita peered into the nursery before taking a few steps inside. She knew that she’d already slept in her crib, but that had been without her knowledge. Now, she knew it was a nursery. That changed everything.

  She walked to the crib and turned to lean against it as she looked around the beautiful room. Rita loved the color of the walls. They were the same color as the lightest lilacs that had filled her grandmother’s garden. She’d always wanted purple walls, but living in an apartment meant you had to get permission to paint anything. The mere mention that she wanted to use purple received an instant refusal from the landlord. She’d had to settle for purple curtains instead.

  Wrapping her arms around her shoulders, Rita hugged herself to celebrate just a few more bits of knowledge about her old life coming back into her mind. Feeling a little less lost, she walked over to the closet and opened the door. Mostly empty, two outfits were hanging inside. Rita dismissed the possibility that both the cute dress and the colorful t-shirt and leggings would fit with a quick glance. Her bottom lip stuck out a little as she worried that Bart really did care about her size and that he wouldn’t want to be her Daddy if someone more petite came along.

  As she closed the door and wandered to the curiously padded table that she had wondered about earlier. With each step, her eyes noticed something new. There were a bunch of folded white padded things with colorful designs. Plucking one off the top of one stack, she unfolded it. A diaper! The words ricocheted through her head.

  In some of the books she’d read, the Mommies and Daddies had dressed their Littles in a diaper. Some didn’t have to use it, but many were required to potty into it. Her heart raced a bit at the idea. Would Bart wish to take such intimate care of her? she wondered. The thought both thrilled and petrified her.

  Quickly refolding and piling it back with the others, Rita turned her back on what was obviously a changing table. She walked to the big chest and scooped up the stuffed zebra that sat on top, grinning at her. Petting the soft fur, she hugged the toy to her chest and squeezed him.

  “You’re so soft,” she complimented the stuffie. “Do you belong to anyone? I’d love to have a stuffie like you. Would you mind hanging out with me for a while? You know until you see if someone better comes along?” she asked in a quiet troubled voice. The small clothes in the closet weighed heavily on her mind. That diaper had looked too small to fit around her, as well.

  Sliding down to the floor, Rita dropped her forehead against the comforting zebra’s mane. Had there ever been anyone who had wanted her just as she was? She wasn’t wearing a wedding ring, so she didn’t think that she was married. She’d know if she was married, right? Her mind whirled a million miles a minute. Somehow, she knew inside that she hadn’t ever walked down the aisle to marry anyone.

  A large body settled onto the carpet next to her and pulled her sideways into his lap. “Ritagirl, you’re going to give yourself a headache. What are you thinking so hard about?”

  “You don’t want a heavy Little,” burst from her mouth before she could stop it. Rita leaned away from his body to see his face.

  “Wow! You’re really worried about that. What put that thought back into your mind?” He asked, rubbing her back with one hand. Her eyes betrayed her and strayed over to the partially cracked closet door.

  “Oh, I see. You found the clothes that Jeremy and Beau hid over here at my house, so Shelby wouldn’t find them. They are taking their Little girl to the big city to see a musical and wanted to surprise her. Shelby is very observant. They knew that if she noticed some of her clothing missing that she would start asking questions. So they bought a dress for her to wear to the performance and a set of comfortable clothes to wear home,” he explained easily as he watched her face.

  “Really?” He hadn’t seemed to make up an answer, but could the clothing really be just someone else’s?

  “Really. Now, if you looked in the drawers over there,” he pointed to a tall chest, “you would have found a few outfits in different sizes. Moving to SANCTUM has been magic for some of the men who are building here. Their Little has just appeared out of empty air. We’ve learned that it’s a good idea to have several sizes available so that we can clothe whoever shows up next. I have a couple of medium sizes of t-shirts and a couple of x-larges. I bought stretchy leggings that will fit a variety of Little girls.”

  “Really?” she repeated, searching his face to make sure he wasn’t deceiving her.

  Bart laughed when she repeated the same question. After pulling Rita and her new stuffed friend in for a quick hug, he leaned back with a smile. “You can ask me over and over. It’s okay. I will always give you the same answer. I’ve been looking for my Little girl for a long time. I’m sure you’re her.” Cupping her jaw with his hand, he leaned in to kiss her lips deeply.

  When they were both breathing heavily, he leaned back again with a pleased smile. “No one but my Little girl would taste as good as you do, Rita.” Sobering, he told her, “I’m going to take very good care of you while we’re figuring out who you are and what was happening the night we met. But remember this. You are mine.”

  Rita nodded happily. Plucking the stuffie from the floor where it had flopped while she enjoyed Bart’s kisses, she squeezed the soft zebra to her chest. Suddenly, this room felt like home.

  Chapter 13

  That friendly zebra covered her eyes a few minutes later. Bart had lifted her onto the changing table. He stretched a thick strap across her chest, tethering her in place. Automatically, she tested it, trying to sit up. Her body responded, and she clenched her thighs together to hide the gush of arousal as she learned restraint turned her on completely.

  Bart didn’t comment on her actions but simply continued his preparations. He pulled her nightshirt up to her waist. Holding her ankles, he lifted her legs straight up and then pulled them back toward her face, raising and spreading her bottom.

  Rita could feel the air on her most private places. Struggling automatically, she discovered that this position and the thick strap controlled her movements. He was entirely in charge. She froze as Bart pressed a lubricated finger against her tight anus. “What? Stop Bart!” she demanded as she tried to wiggle away.

  His finger continued to slide slowly into her narrow passage despite her efforts to resist. “Little girl, you are not in charge here. I need to make sure you are healing and don’t need to return to the hospital. Littles have their temperatures taken in their bottoms. It is more accurate. Relax. I will not hurt you,” he promised.

  Penetrated fully by one thick finger, Rita finally relaxed her m
uscles. Only then did he withdraw the lubricating digit and slide a thick thermometer deep into her rectum. She shivered slightly at the feel of the cold invader. “I don’t like this,” she wailed to Bart.

  “Temperature time will soon become normal for you,” he assured Rita. “Just relax and let your Daddy take care of you.”

  “All Daddies do this?” she questioned, sure that this was not normal.

  “All Mommies and Daddies know that many things can influence an oral temperature. Like the cold milk, you just drank at breakfast. It automatically dropped your temperature. All Mommies and Daddies who care deeply about their Littles take their temperature rectally,” he explained without hesitation or any sign that this was not the norm.

  “Can’t you take it out now? I feel fine!” she rushed to assure him.

  “Daddy is in charge. Let’s see if I can help you relax.” Bart placed a weighted fabric block against the end of the thermometer, snuggled next to her buttocks to hold it fully implanted with the oversized end securing the instrument safely outside. Switching the hand that held her ankles pinned forward, the handsome man traced her outer labia forward between her thighs. Another gush of slick fluid allowed him to glide his fingers through her hidden pink folds to trace her other opening.

  Embarrassed to have him discover how wet she had become, Rita struggled to move again. This time, each movement jarred the thermometer inside her body. Rita’s eyes flashed to meet his. “No, Bart. Don’t …” she began to protest automatically, but her voice trailed away as his fingers began to stroke her automatically.

  Sure that she should not be enjoying this, she rocked slightly in an attempt to move away from the pleasure but only increased it as the intruder in her bottom pressed deep inside her body. Instantly, Rita moved toward those tantalizing fingers. Unable to stop herself from repeating this slight movement over and over, her eyes peeked up at Bart to check his expression. Was she disgusting him?

  As her brown eyes met his blue ones, Bart’s hoarse voice revealed the extent that he enjoyed bringing her pleasure, “Daddies always take care of their Littles. Let me help you, Ritagirl.”

  “Please,” she begged as her excitement continued to grow. Her eyes drifted shut as she concentrated on the sensations between her legs. What had been a cold invader now seemed fiery hot. “Aaah!” she cried into the room as her body contracted into a body tingling orgasm.

  His fingers slowed, pressing against her sensitive clitoris, extending the pleasure almost to the point of pain. When she could take no more, his fingers lifted from her body. She missed his touch instantly as her body melted onto the padded top.

  Bart removed the thermometer and the soft, weighted cube. Without a moment’s hesitation, he leaned down to pick out a diaper from the stacks below. Lifting her ankles once again, Bart slid the padding under her hips before releasing her ankles and guiding them set widely apart to the padded surface. After expertly securing the diaper in place, Bart dressed his Little in a comfortable outfit before helping her slide to the ground.

  “You want me to wear a diaper?” she shakily asked, patting her hip.

  “We’ll decide whether you always wear diapers or not when we know more about your Little. For today, you’re soaking wet. A diaper will make you feel more comfortable. Right?” he asked, watching her digest all the information he had included in the conversation.

  Her face mirrored the wheels that whirled in her mind, and she processed all that had happened. Finally, she changed the conversation to give herself more time to think. “I need to wear a bra. I can’t go out anywhere or see anyone like this?” she worried. Her hand brushed the front of the t-shirt she wore. Her still erect nipples pointed through the soft cotton.

  “No one will stare. I promise you. They’ll appreciate a beautiful Little, but they would never make you feel uncomfortable,” he reassured her with a smile. “We’ll get some supportive undershirts to make you feel more comfortable. For today, will you try wearing what you have on now?”

  Looking skeptically at him, she finally nodded slowly. The first person who laughed at the fat woman in a diaper and no bra was going to get it. Rita leaned over to pick up the zebra she had dropped as Bart pleasured her. She’d just hold it in front of her to hide.

  Chapter 14

  Wearing a pair of those soft, stretchy leggings and a beautiful jade-colored t-shirt that matched them perfectly, Rita squealed as Bart lifted her into the truck. It was a short walk to the barn, but Bart didn’t want Rita to exert herself for several days to allow her brain to rest. It was easier to drive to see the new calf.

  The door was open when they got there. Bart helped Rita from the truck and took her hand to lead her inside. Rita missed the large, stuffed zebra that Bart had convinced her to leave at home, so it didn’t get dirty in the barn. One person was already at the railing of the enclosure. A young woman turned as they walked in.

  “Come see!” a slender brunette invited before turning back to look at the calves. “They’re so cute!” She didn’t react to Rita’s physical appearance in any way. The young woman just welcomed her like they were fast friends.

  Rita hung back as Bart led her to the fence. She didn’t know why she felt shy. It was different to relax and let her Little side out when they were alone. She guessed she was afraid to have others make fun of her.

  When Rita was just a few steps away, the brunette turned and walked forward to hug her. The stranger heeded Bart’s quick warning to be careful with Rita, and her arms were gentle and loving as they wrapped around her.

  Leaning back, the smiling brunette whispered, “I’m sorry you’ve been hurt. I’m Priscilla. You’re safe here.”

  “I’m Rita,” she answered, unable to resist the friendliness of the other woman.

  “Hi, Rita. Come see the newest calf and his new sister,” Priscilla invited, stepping back to take Rita’s hand and pull her gently to the railings. “Isn’t he cute? Daddy went to get some milk for us to feed them. I can’t wait.”

  Looking at the spindly legs holding up the wobbly calf, Rita had to smile. He was simply adorable. Each time his adoptive mom licked his head, the calf teetered on the brink of falling over. But he was stubborn and stood his ground.

  Any self-conscious thought in her mind melted away as her heart melted for the cute baby animal. Bart was right. They didn’t care about silly things. Besides, bras were really uncomfortable sometimes.

  A tall, dark-haired man joined the group. He was carrying two large bottles filled with a milky substance. “Sugar, you have a new friend,” he said, warmly as Priscilla ran to meet him with a hug.

  “This is Rita. We have to be careful with her. She’s been hurt,” Priscilla shared before excitedly rushing on. “Can we feed the calves, Daddy?”

  Mitch’s eyes met Bart’s over the women’s heads. At the latter’s nod, he knew all the information he needed. “Hi, Rita. I’m sorry you’re injured. I think you’ll find SANCTUM is the best place to heal. Would you like to feed the calves with my Little girl, Priscilla?”

  Rita’s eyes flew back and forth between Priscilla and Mitch. They were so upfront about their relationship. Quickly, she covered her reaction by slowly nodding her sensitive head. “I’d love to feed one.”

  Neither Little girl had ever bottle-fed a calf, so Mitch and Bart helped their Littles hold the bottle at first. Both calves were hungry and enthusiastically pulled on the large nipple topping each bottle. Delighted giggles filled the air as both Priscilla and Rita enjoyed the young animals’ antics.

  When each bottle was emptied, the calves played for a short time before curling up in the straw together for a nap. It was evident that the adopted calf had been fully incorporated into the small family. After giving the mama cow a few sweet oats to fuel her milk production, Bart shooed everyone away.

  “Time to leave, everyone. Let’s give the new family some time to rest. Everyone’s going to need to replenish their energy,” he said as he ushered them through the barn door.
br />   Rita slipped her hand into his when they stopped outside the large structure. She looked curiously at the new people as the men talked about the calving taking place on the SANCTUM grounds. Taking a step forward, she bravely decided to ask some questions.

  Smiling at the friendly brunette, she said, “Hi, Priscilla. Have you lived here long?”

  “I’ve been here for a few months. It’s the best place. You will love it here,” Priscilla enthused. “Are you Little like us?” the brunette openly asked.

  Rita looked back at Bart. He was still talking, but she knew he was listening. Turning back to look at Priscilla, she answered, “I think I’ve always dreamed of being a Little girl.” Despite all the holes scattered through her memories, Rita remembered learning about Littles and knowing that she was one.

  “You think you’ve dreamed of being Little?” Priscilla asked in confusion.

  Automatically, Rita’s hand went to the knot on her head. “I hit my head, and I don’t remember a lot of stuff,” she shared.

  “There’s a lot of stuff that I’d like to forget,” Priscilla laughed before sobering to add, “That has to be scary. I’m sorry to joke.”

  “That’s okay. I’m sorry that you’ve got bad stuff to forget.” Impulsively, Rita stepped forward to hug Priscilla, who squeezed her back tightly.

  When she stepped away, Priscilla took her hand and turned to the men. “Daddy, can Rita come over to play? I’d like to get to know her better.”

  Mitch warmly answered, “Of course, she can if it’s okay with her Daddy.”

  Rita looked at Bart with a hopeful smile. “Can I, Daddy?” The word, Daddy, just came automatically. She knew it was important, and she didn’t use it lightly. Just as Bart seemed to know that she was his, Rita loved how he had taken care of her since they’d met. While most of her memories were gone, her injury truly hadn’t erased her inner nature. She was a Little.

  His eyes grew warmer as he allowed her to see the passion that he felt toward her. Her acknowledgment he was her Daddy for the first time burned deep into his heart. For a few seconds, it was as if they were the only people in SANCTUM. “I will bring Rita over in a couple of hours to play. She needs to take a nap now,” he said without taking his gaze away from her.