Abigail: Dr. Richards' Littles 11 Read online

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  Chapter Thirteen

  The next day, April took Abigail to the salon. The other staff members looked at them curiously as they walked in together. April held Abigail’s hand tightly as they walked through the store together. Abigail tried to pull her hand out discretely but April increased her grip and sent her Little girl the look that often preceded a spanking. Abigail immediately stopped trying to extricate her hand. One employee joked as they walked through the store asking if they were a couple now since they’d gotten locked in the stockroom together overnight.

  The store went totally quiet when April replied evenly, “Yes, I am very lucky that Abigail has consented to be a part of my life privately and at work. If anyone has any concerns, please come talk to me privately.”

  A few seconds later, a friendly voice from the distant aisle shouted, “Congratulations, you two. I hope you’ll be very happy together. I may have to hang out in that stockroom if it magically brings you someone to love.”

  Another employee joked with her fellow employee, “There aren’t enough hours in the day for you hang out in the stockroom, Susan. Your love life is way too sad!”

  “Ooooohs,” filled the room as the tension was broken and everyone got back to work joking with each other and accepting that the owner had established a relationship with an employee. April was viewed as a fair boss and she was tough but well-liked by everyone.

  Abigail felt herself being towed along to one of the private treatment rooms reserved for waxing. April opened the door and let Abigail walk in first. She pulled the paper cover over the table and said, “I’m going to go warm the wax, baby. Sit on the table and I’ll be right back to help you undress.”

  Gingerly, Abigail sat down on the table. She wished she could hear the chatter in the front room. “No,” she shook her head slowly, she wished that she was in the front of the store. She’d never had anything waxed but she’d heard customers be very dramatic about how much it hurt when they ripped the hair out.

  April walked in stirring the small pot of wax with a disposable, flat spreader. She could tell immediately that Abigail was worried. After turning to lock the door, she set the wax down on the table and walked over to hug her baby. “Stand up now, Little girl. Let’s get you undressed. You know your Mommy’s going to take special care of you.” April helped the reluctant Little girl undress from the waist down and hop up on the table. “Lay back. I’m going to trim these big girl curls so that it’s easier to wax.” April used a pair of small scissors to trim Abigail’s pubic hair to about a fourth of an inch long.

  “Perfect. Now, I’m going to spread a little wax and then cover it with a strip. I’ll press it down and pull it off quickly. I’ll make this as painless as possible but it helps if you relax.” April opened her large purse and pulled out the pacifier and the soothing medicine. “Would you like to suck on your pacifier to help you relax?”

  “Please, Mommy. I’m scared. Are you sure we need to do this?” Abigail asked with hope in her eyes. She squeezed her bottom together and could still feel the large pain relieving suppository that April had pressed into her rectum before they came to the salon.

  April dipped the pacifier into the medicine and slipped it into her baby’s mouth. She kissed Abigail’s forehead and consoled her. “I know it’s scary the first time but a Little girl like you doesn’t need her big girl curls. Dr. Richards is even going to bring his Little girl in next week so that I can wax her curls away.”

  While she was talking, she gathered all her materials and arranged Abigail’s legs to expose the area that needed her attention. She spread the warm wax over a small area. Pressing the strip firmly into the wax, April held the flesh steady with one hand while quickly removing the strip. She watched Abigail’s face for signs of pain. April saw her eyes widen and her suck on her pacifier quickly for a few seconds but no pain. It was more discomfort and surprise. Obviously, the low dose suppository worked as well as the over the counter pain reliever that they suggested everyone take before coming to the salon for their waxing appointment.

  April worked quickly and effectively ridding her baby of the unwanted hair. She even had Abigail turn over to remove the few stray hairs that had sprung up around the edges of her bottom. It didn’t take very long and her Little girl looked clean and fresh. April rubbed a soothing cream into her irritated skin and kissed her baby tenderly before moving her hands down further to give her baby the reward she had earned. Thank goodness for the pacifier muffling her moans.

  Chapter Fourteen

  A few days later, April pulled up to Thorston Burmingham’s mansion. There were a lot of cars parked along the drive and in front of the house. They could hear voices coming from the back of the mansion so they walked around the house to join everyone. It looked like the nice weather had changed the bowling party into an outdoor party. Abigail pulled back slightly as they got to the last corner between them and the party.

  “Baby, what’s wrong?” April asked worried. “Do you need your diaper changed?”

  “No, Mommy. I’m just worried. What if the other Littles don’t like me?” Abigail whispered.

  “You are a wonderful person and you look so cute in your sundress,” April brushed a caring hand through Abigail’s short brown hair. “Everyone is going to be so glad to meet you. Okay?” she questioned looking toward the party.

  “Okay,” whispered Abigail as she clung to her Mommy’s hand.

  When they turned the corner, everyone turned to look. Dr. Richards immediately headed toward them to say hello. Before he could get there a whole group of eager Littles reached them first.

  Sofia and Isabella immediately hugged Abigail and pulled her into the group separating her from her Mommy. April stood there with a smile looking on as the twin Littles proudly introduced Abigail to the group stating that they had gotten to meet her days before the other Littles.

  One small blonde bounced up to hug her as well. “I’m Zoey and I didn’t get to meet you but you’ve met my Daddy. I’m so glad you’re here.” She took Abigail’s hand and pulled her toward to an open spot in yard. “We’re going to play Red Light, Green Light. Do you know how to play?” When Abigail looked back at her Mommy, Zoey patted her kindly on the shoulder. “It’s okay. Your Mommy will have lots of friends soon, too. My Daddy will take care of her.”

  April had paused as she noticed Abigail looking back at her with concern. When she saw the big smile spread over her baby’s face, April smiled too. She waved cheerfully to Abigail and saw the Littles begin some game that seemed incomprehensible to the adults but involved lots of giggles and running around. She’d promised Abigail that she’d have a good time. Now, she didn’t have a doubt. All the Littles in Dr. Richards’ care were delightful. And the parents were sharing all sorts of great ideas and tips. Once they had learned that April’s salon offered waxing services, her personal schedule was filling with appointments for her to treat all the Littles. She’d make sure that she was there to attend to them herself. She knew Littles worried a lot.

  Chapter Fifteen

  A few days after the Little gathering, April paused in feeding Abigail her breakfast. The Little girl looked lost in her thoughts and scared. “Abigail, baby, what’s wrong? Do you want to feed yourself?”

  “No, Mommy. You do it better. I’m just thinking,” Abigail’s voice dropped to a whisper. “Do you ever think about the future?”

  “I think about the future a lot, Abigail. Are you worried about something?” April asked.

  “I think about the future a lot, too. Are you going to get tired of me, Mommy? I’m trying to be a good Little girl but I know I do bad things sometimes and you have to spank my bottom. I’m really sorry about last night. I just didn’t want to lay on the enema horsie. Sometimes, my bottom just doesn’t want an enema,” she tried to explain.

  “Abigail,” April said in a very stern voice. “You are a Little girl. Little girls sometimes don’t want the things that their Mommies know if good for them. What happened last nigh
t when you were naughty about having an enema?”

  “You spanked my bottom hard until it was red and I was crying,” Abigail spoke very sadly peeking up at her Mommy to see if she was getting any sympathy.

  “And then what happened?” April asked.

  “You made me climb up on the enema horsie and you put a big nozzle in my bottom,” Abigail sniffed as tears filled her eyes.

  “And?” April continued to question. She would never let her Little girl know but Abigail could amuse her Mommy immensely with her dramatics.

  “A whole bunch of water flooded my tummy and made it hurt,” Abigail finished.

  “What made your tummy hurt? Tell the truth. When did your tummy start to hurt?” April shook her finger to warn Abigail.

  “Well, my tummy hurt for a while before the enema you gave me,” Abigail admitted.

  “And how did you feel after you were able to go potty?” April asked.

  “Better,” Abigail admitted before bursting into tears.

  April immediately removed the tray from Abigail’s new highchair and gathered the crying Little into her arms. She pulled her out of the chair and onto her lap cuddling her against her body. “Baby, why are you crying. You’re going to make your Mommy cry, too. Tell me what’s bothering you.”

  “Are you going to get tired of me and send me away?” sobbed Abigail.

  “Where did you get that idea?” April asked astounded.

  “If I’m too bad, you might get tired of me and send me away,” Abigail gasped out between sobs. “I’m sorry I was bad.”

  “Abigail, look at me right now,” April demanded putting a hand under her baby’s chin and turning it so they were looking in each other’s eyes. “I love you, Abigail Rose. I am not ever going to send you away. I want you to stay here with me and Bruno forever.”

  “I love you, too, Mommy!” Abigail leaned in and pressed her soft mouth against her Mommy’s.

  April soon took control of the kiss and her hands roamed over her Little girl’s plump body. Moving gracefully, April stood and helped her baby out of the highchair drawing her down the hall to her own bedroom. Once inside, she pulled the nightie and diaper off Abigail and helped her into the big king-sized bed. April stood by the bed and slowly undressed while her Little watched eagerly. Joining her baby in bed, April slowly began to kiss Abigail’s curves. She had enjoyed helping her baby orgasm frequently during the days following their time in the stockroom but now she felt her soft hands beginning to explore April’s lean body in exchange. The exchange of kisses to each other’s bodies made them both began to breath more heavily.

  Kissing her way to her Mommy’s breasts, Abigail immediately latched on to her pointed nipple pulling strongly on one breast before switching to the other. She loved the sound of her Mommy’s moan and the feel of April’s hands cupping the back of her head as she nursed. Soon, it was not enough. Abigail’s fingers pressed between her Mommy’s legs. It was so wet and warm. She ran her trembling fingers along the pink flesh trying to pleasure her Mommy as much as she had been pleasured by her. Abigail dipped her finger into April’s vagina as she brushed her clitoris. She was unaware that she was grinding her own pelvis against her Mommy’s leg until she felt her Mommy’s fingers slide in to provide Abigail with a rougher point to brush her clitoris against.

  Too soon, Abigail’s breath caught in her throat before she screamed as her orgasm burst over her. She kept caressing her Mommy until just a short time later she heard her also cry out in pleasure. Abigail was wrapped in her Mommy’s tight arms as they both recovered from their shared pleasure. As Abigail drifted to sleep in her Mommy’s arms, April whispered to her, “I love you, baby. Today and all the tomorrows ahead of us.”


  April paused at the door to the backyard. Abigail was running around in her diaper with the sun shining on her tanned skin. Bruno had grown a lot in the last few months. He and Abigail were best friends and he even slept under her crib at night protecting her from monsters in the dark.

  “Come here, Abigail. It’s time to get dressed. Your friends are coming over soon,” April called.

  “I can’t wait until they’re here,” Abigail cheered as she ran to Mommy at the door. “Can I put on my new dress now? I promise I won’t get it dirty.”

  “You’ll have to stay inside until your friends get here. I know just how likely you and Bruno are to stay clean outside.” April smiled as she shooed the Little girl inside. “Let’s change your diaper also. Go potty for Mommy so you won’t have to stop playing later.”

  “Can I have a reward for pottying like last night?” Abigail asked innocently.

  April smiled as she recalled having her Little girl stretched out on her bed. She’d promised her a reward for pooping in her diaper. Abigail had been very resistant to taking this last final step. When she had finally responded to the suppository medicine that helped Littles have regular bowel movements, April had been happy to provide Abigail with the reward that she had been promised.

  Abigail had squirmed and wiggled in her Mommy’s bed as April had kissed all over her body. She’d unveiled the new toys that she had promised Abigail. A new pink colored vibrator marked with an A had been eagerly accepted into Abigail’s bottom as her Mommy’s hands and mouth drove her Little girl wild. Then, the second toy had come from its packaging into Abigail’s eager hands. It had been marked with a M for Mommy and Abigail had enjoyed helping her Mommy enjoy their special time together. “Her Abigail was quite helpful,” thought April with a slight smile.

  “Little girl, you got a reward for pooping in your diaper. If you keep using your diaper for all your needs, you’ll be sure to get your reward. Now, into the nursery with you. I want to check your temperature before you get all hot and sweaty from running around with your friends,” April said urging her baby down the hall. If Abigail was lucky, she could coax at least one orgasm out of her before the other Littles and their parents arrived.

  Excerpt from Sofia and Isabella

  Three months later, Noah was amazed that over three thousand adults had signed up for his age play dating service. Named PLAYTIME, the target audience of dating service was obvious for those involved in the lifestyle while ambiguous enough for someone that just happened upon it or saw the app on someone’s phone. There had been several successful matches between very happy Littles and their new Mommy or Daddy. Noah was keeping his fingers crossed that those matches would survive over time and grow deeper. His goal was to help everyone, including himself, find that special person who completed them.

  His computer began to emit a loud beeping sound. Noah immediately pulled up his PLAYTIME app to see a set of red flashing lips over the icon. “You are kidding me,” Noah blinked in disbelief. He clicked on the icon and a notification flashed on to his screen. It stated, “Your Little has been found.” Noah took a deep breath and clicked on the message. A picture of not one but two similar yet different women opened on his computer. They had dark hair and eyes with an olive complexion. They were very curvy – not obese but padded generously. Noah was glad to see that the app had not matched him with a model thin Little. He thought the two women were stunning. The name SofiaIsabella appeared and there was a special notification that had been attached to the profile. He opened the notification and began reading,

  Dear Daddy,

  If this letter reaches you then you have been chosen as the closest match to become our Daddy. Sofia and I are twins. We have lived our lives together and have never chosen to be apart. It took many years for us to admit even to each other that we were attracted romantically to a man who would be a strong disciplinarian capable of keeping us safe and healthy. We have always known that we would love one man. Our bond is very strong and we will be happy only if we are together.

  This is not what most men would be looking for in a committed relationship. We are not looking for a fling or a brief flirtation with a ménage a trois. We are both individuals who are seeking our other half. We just know that our
other half will be the same person. If you are serious and after reading this message you wish to meet us, Sofia and I are very hopeful that you are the one for whom we have been searching.

  Isabella and Sofia


  Read the rest of Sofia and Isabella’s story in Dr. Richards’ Littles 8!

  If you’ve enjoyed this story, please take a moment to review it on Amazon. I always love to hear from my readers about their suggestions for future stories and what they enjoy and dislike when reading an alternate love story featuring age-play. You can contact me on Facebook, on my website at www.4peppernorth.club or at [email protected]

  For your reading enjoyment, the other age-play stories previously published in this series are:

  Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1

  Amy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 2

  Carrie: Dr. Richards’ Littles 3

  Jake: Dr. Richards’ Littles 4

  Angelina: Dr. Richards’ Littles 5

  Brad: Dr. Richards’ Littles 6

  Charlotte: Dr. Richards’ Littles 7

  Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards’ Littles 8

  Cecily: Dr. Richards’ Littles 9

  Tony: Dr. Richards’ Littles 10