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An hour after settling Fiona back in her crib to sleep a little longer, Georges had already talked to Matt Richards. The doctor had been sorry to hear that Fiona was feeling badly and had instructed Georges to bring her to his home office at ten that morning. He had seen a lot of bronchitis here at the end of the winter season. Fiona’s cough and temperature made him suspect that she might have this as well. In addition, he would give her a complete physical to create vitamin supplements to keep her healthy and, hopefully, able to fight off these types of illnesses in the future.
The concerned Daddy woke up his Little girl to change her diaper and cover her with a warm nightgown before wrapping her in a blanket and carrying her to the waiting SUV that he had warmed up previously. As Georges buckled her into her booster seat in the back, her coughing echoed through the vehicle. Georges gave her a peppermint to suck on to ease her sore throat before taking his seat and driving smoothly away from his home.
“Where are we going?” Fiona asked in a husky voice an octave lower than her normal tone. She rubbed her eyes sleepily and lifted her flushed face to meet his eyes in the mirror.
“I’m taking you to the doctor’s office, Fiona. Dr. Richards says there is a lot of bronchitis going around. He and I are concerned about your temperature. Just try to rest your voice, precious. You’re going to feel much better after you see the doctor,” he soothed.
“I don’t want to go see the doctor, Daddy. It’s just a cold. I’ll feel better tomorrow,” Fiona tried to convince him.
“I agree. You will feel better tomorrow after the doctor treats you,” he answered firmly.
Fiona knew that there was no argument that was going to change his mind. She really did feel lousy. Resting her head back against the padded seat, Fiona closed her eyes to rest. She was nervous about seeing Dr. Richards. He seemed to be a very thorough doctor.
Before she knew it, Fiona was standing in front of the padded table in Exam Room 1. Her Daddy had taken her blanket and nightgown from around her body and he was unfastening her diaper. Dr. Richards was making notes in a brand-new patient file with her name. He looked up just as Fiona’s Daddy removed her diaper leaving her completely nude in front of the two men. She automatically wrapped her arms around her breasts and pelvis.
Dr. Richards smiled and walked over to pull her arms from their sheltering positions. He pressed them to her sides and said softly, “Fiona, the only people here to see you are your Daddy and your new doctor. You don’t need to hide from either of us. I bet you’re not feeling too well right now?” When she nodded, he put his hands on her shoulders. “How about if you just don’t worry about anything and just let me see if I can make you feel better?”
She nodded again slowly. Her flushed face illustrated just how lousy she felt. Fiona stepped on the scale and let them weight and measure her height. She didn’t like anyone to know how much she weighed but she felt too bad to argue. Besides, her weight didn’t show up where she could see it, so she couldn’t be embarrassed. Georges helped her lay down on the exam table on her side. The doctor’s thermometer was just as wide as the one her Daddy used at home. She shivered as he pressed it into her bottom.
“Georges, would you hold the thermometer in place. I’m going to let Fiona rest while I take some samples.” The doctor wrapped a tourniquet around her arm and skillfully withdrew several tubes of blood. Then, taking over from Georges, he removed the thermometer and shook his head. “I’m glad you came in today. Fiona is definitely a sick Little girl. All right, sweetheart. Sit up for me. I want to check your chest and throat.”
Fiona sat on the edge of the exam table letting Dr. Richards take her blood pressure and look at her eyes, ears, and throat. She clenched together her buttocks feeling the squishy lubricant left from the thermometer. She hadn’t gotten used to that feeling. It always reminded her that something had been in her bottom just a little while ago. Even sick, she was turned on by the feeling of being invaded in that naughty place. She jumped when she felt the cold bell of the doctor’s stethoscope against her breast.
“Take some deep breaths for me, Fiona,” he said gently moving the instrument across her chest and back. He stepped back as she began to cough once again as her lungs rebelled from the deep breaths. He rubbed her back softly as her coughs eased. “That’s a nasty cough, Fiona. I think we need to do something about that, don’t you?” He smiled as she nodded wearily. “Let’s have you lay back and rest.” He turned to look at Georges. “I’m going to do a brief exam to assess Fiona’s general health now that I have her in the office for the first time. Little girls sometimes get anxious at the doctor’s office. I’ll make this as easy on Fiona as I can. Why don’t you stand here by her side and hold her hand?”
Georges nodded and moved into position. He took her left hand as Dr. Richards began to examine Fiona’s full breasts. He pressed on her tissues in a circular pattern explaining to Georges as he completed the breast exam. Georges nodded when the doctor recommended that he perform this exam at home at once every month. “Try to time this after her period. Is your cycle regular, Fiona?” the doctor asked. He smiled kindly at her when her face flushed, and she looked immediately at her Daddy.
Georges answered for her, “She had a five-day long cycle last week, Matt. She had some severe cramps the day before her period started and for the first two days. Fiona found some relief from holding a warm enema inside her bottom, but it didn’t last too long. I was hoping you might have some medication that you would prescribe.”
“Definitely, I’ll send some suppositories home with you for her next period. The warm enemas are a great solution as well. During their periods, many Little girls get constipated. The warmth of the enema soothes the congestion in their uterus and helps by preventing constipation pains as well. I suggest you give her a half quart warm water enema twice a day to hold for thirty minutes with the suppositories inserted between her enemas. I’ll write the directions out for you on the label.” He began to press on her abdomen. “Have you found that Fiona poops regularly in her diaper?”
“No, Matt. She’s been resistant to using her diaper. I’ve treated her several times with an enema when she has not gone for three days,” Georges answered looking concerned. When Fiona squeaked in embarrassment, he leaned down to kiss her forehead.
“I’ll have you start with regular stool softening suppositories that you’ll insert after each diaper change. I would prefer that you give her an enema sooner than three days without moving her bowels. I’d give her a cleansing enema after a day and a half or two days, tops. We want her to become used to using her diaper regularly. I’ll pack a bag for you with supplies.” Dr. Richards patted the top of her thigh. He looked at Georges and said easily, “Help me move her legs into position for the next phrase of her exam.” He raised her leg and set the foot in the heel cup, securing her calf and thigh to the supports. He nodded as Georges mirrored his actions.
The doctor moved to stand between her legs. As he pulled on fresh gloves, he reassured Fiona. “I’m going to take a look at your internal organs, Fiona. Sometimes, Little girls get excited by this part of the exam. It is a good thing if you have an orgasm. That shows me that your responses are healthy. Okay?” The doctor held her gaze. He smiled as she nodded thoughtfully.
Dr. Richards sat down on a rolling stool and turned on a bright lamp illuminating the area between her thighs. She could feel the warmth radiating on her flesh. He ran his fingers lightly over her outer labia making her squirm in embarrassment. Next, he parted her labia and began running his fingers across her inner folds. He revealed her clitoris and pulled back the hood repeatedly with the tip of his index finger. He tapped on the exposed bud several times watching for a flow of lubrication in response to the stimulation. Within seconds, the area was drenched with arousal fluid. “She is very responsive, Georges. I’m going to take a quick urine specimen. Just relax, Fiona,” he said before wiping the area around her urethra with a cleaning cloth. He slid the catheter into her small open
ing smoothly and patted her inner thigh when she jumped at the feel of her bladder being drained. “Almost done here, Fiona. You’re doing very well.”
“Can’t you take that out? It’s uncomfortable,” she whined in her raspy voice. Those few words irritated her throat and started her coughing.
Holding the catheter in place, the doctor said kindly, “Just a little bit more, Fiona. Try not to talk. It hurts your throat, doesn’t it, sweetheart?”
Finally, the tube withdrew. As Fiona breathed a sigh of relief, the doctor began the next part of the exam. “Just the speculum, Fiona. I’ll take a quick look around and do a quick pap smear, so you don’t have to come back too quickly.”
Fiona felt the speculum stretch her vagina widely. Several swabs touched places deep within her body. She closed her eyes. She hated having her annual exam. When the speculum was withdrawn, she thought the worst was over but then Dr. Richards began his manual exam. He reached deep inside of her vagina and felt along the inside of her lubricated walls. Fiona kept her eyes closed. She was trying everything not to become aroused. She tried saying the alphabet backwards, but Dr. Richards’ fingers seemed to memorize all her sensitive spots. When one hand drifted down to touch her anus, Fiona’s pelvis arched up as a massive orgasm raced through her body. She lay panting as the doctor and her Daddy praised her and comforted her with soft pats and caresses.
Dr. Richards stood to talk to Georges. “You’ve definitely got a sick Little girl here. I’m going to start her on an antibiotic suppository and a fever reducing suppository. She should get each one every four hours. It’s best to leapfrog the doses so I’ll give her the fever medication before she leaves today. Then in two hours, you give her the antibiotic. In two more hours, she’ll be due for the fever medication again. Stop the fever medication after twenty-four hours and continue the antibiotics until you run out of suppositories. It’s important to finish all the antibiotic suppositories, Georges. Let her sleep sitting up or on an incline of pillows so she doesn’t cough and choke. Push fluids. Give her lots of bottles. Ice cream and popsicles will taste very good now. She should feel better in a couple of days. If not, give me a call. I’ll want to see her again.
“I’m going to give her the fever medication here to bring down that temperature. You’ll have suppositories at home but I’m going to give her something a little stronger here in my office.” The doctor pulled out a rectal syringe and stretched off the bulb. Taking a liquid medication from the cabinet, he emptied it into the bulb and fit the pieces back together. Before she realized what he was doing, Dr. Richards fully inserted the wide nozzle into her rectum and squeezed the medication into her bottom. Withdrawing the nozzle, he quickly replaced it with a medium sized anal plug sealing the medicine inside her.
“Aahhhhhhh!” she wailed. “I don’t like this.” Tears began to roll down her cheeks.
Dr. Richards came to her side and rubbed her tummy. “I know that isn’t fun. The medicine is all inside you and I didn’t have to poke you with a needle to give you a shot. You’re going to get sleepy now. That’s good. Your fever is going to drift away while you nap. You’ll feel better soon,” he said gently.
“You promise?” she rasped before yawning widely.
“I promise,” the doctor replied solemnly. “Georges, let’s put a diaper back on Fiona. Remove the anal plug when you get home. I’d hold on to the plug. It will come in handy if she begins to balk at taking her suppositories and you need to keep her from pushing them out.”
Georges nodded. The doctor certainly knew how a Little’s mind worked. He’d follow his directions to the letter. By the time he had driven Fiona home, she was completely asleep. He carried her into her nursery and laid her on her side. Unfastening her diaper on one side, he slid the anal plug from her rectum. He propped several pillows up and moved her torso to lay on the incline they created. He leaned over to kiss Fiona’s sweet head before raising the crib railing. She would have an hour until her next dose of medication would be inserted. He stared at her for several minutes. She had scared him. He needed to know that she would be okay. Just watching her breath, helped him relax.
At the end of four weeks, Fiona’s injuries had healed, and the workman’s comp doctor had allowed her to return to work. She was glad to get back to delivering produce to her regular customers. They were all glad to see her as well. She did have one stop that she no longer had on her delivery schedule. It turned out that her boss had hired a lawyer. It only took one strongly worded letter in legal jargon to convince the man who’d hurt her to settle out of court. The restauranteur paid for her salary during the four weeks she was out and included a hefty sum for pain and suffering. Fiona’s honest boss had withheld the lawyer costs and then turned over the entire bonus money to Fiona. They no longer delivered anything to his restaurant.
Fiona had thrived under the loving care of her Daddy. When she looked back at her lonely life working as much as possible to pay her mother’s nursing home bills had consumed her life leaving little time for herself. She’d moved out of her apartment and into her nursery full time. Georges fed her much healthier foods and took care of her health with a Daddy’s eagle eye. He had helped her invest the money that she had received. Fiona was amazed to watch it grow. She had more than enough reserves now to support her mother. She didn’t need to work but she enjoyed her job.
Georges and Fiona had become very intertwined with the growing Little community in their town. Today, they were attending a football party. The adults would watch the game while the Littles would have a great time playing together. Everyone was bringing a snack to share. Georges’ sweet treats were always the first to be devoured. Fiona was very proud to point out the dish that her Daddy, the chef, had made.
All the Littles were very friendly and welcoming, but very quickly Penelope had become Fiona’s bestie. The two Little girls met at Dr. Richards’ office. Neither one of them liked going to the doctor. They’d had a great time creating a playhouse to hide in under some chairs in the waiting room. The doctor had even had trouble finding them. Their giggles had given them away as they peeked under the drapes to see his feet turning in circles as he called Penelope’s name. Now, they were fast friends. Fiona couldn’t wait to see Penelope again. And Zoey? Who knew what fun stuff Dr. Richards’ Little girl would come up with for them to do? She was always very creative.
If you’ve enjoyed this story, please take a moment to review it on Amazon. I always love to hear from my readers about their suggestions for future stories and what they enjoy and dislike when reading an alternate love story featuring age-play. You can contact me on Facebook, on my website at www.4peppernorth.club or at [email protected]
For your reading enjoyment, the other age-play stories previously published in this series are:
Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1
Amy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 2
Carrie: Dr. Richards’ Littles 3
Jake: Dr. Richards’ Littles 4
Angelina: Dr. Richards’ Littles 5
Brad: Dr. Richards’ Littles 6
Charlotte: Dr. Richards’ Littles 7
Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards’ Littles 8
Cecily: Dr. Richards’ Littles 9
Tony: Dr. Richards’ Littles 10
Abigail: Dr. Richards’ Littles 11
Madi: Dr. Richards’ Littles 12
Penelope: Dr. Richards’ Littles 13
Christmas with the Littles & Wendy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 14
Olivia: Dr. Richards’ Littles 15
Matty & Emma: Dr. Richards’ Littles 16
Fiona: Dr. Richards’ Littles 17
Coming soon in the Dr. Richards’ Littles will be more matches from the PLAYTIME dating app and many more lucky age play Littles!
If you haven’t tried Pepper’s other series, check out:
The Keepers: Payi
The Magic of Twelve: Violet
New stories from these series will be coming soon!
/> Excerpt from Penelope: Dr. Richards’ Littles
Chapter One
Jack O’Neil’s phone rang on his way home from the office. It was late, and his day had been complicated with the discovery that a clerk in the accounting department had been siphoning money from the company. He ran an exhausted hand over his face and looked quickly at his phone to see if he could ignore this call or if he needed to answer. He expected to see a call from the accounting supervisor at his company but instead he saw Dr. Matt Richards’ name appear. He accepted the phone call with curiosity.
“Matt, how’s my favorite orthopedic surgeon?” Jack asked with a smile. Dr. Richards had repaired a nasty femur break that resulted from a spectacular descent on a ski slope named the Devil’s Mistress. They’d formed a friendship that had included an introduction to Zoey, Dr. Richards’ Little girl. Jack had admitted that he had his partner, Dylan been searching for a Little girl for several years.
“Hi, Jack. I’m sorry to bother you. I know it’s late,” Matt said with warmth.
“I don’t think it’s time for our monthly social with the Daddies in our group, is it? If so, let’s meet at a bar. I could use a drink this evening,” Jack laughed.
“Been a tough day, huh?” Matt chuckled before getting serious. “I may make your day a little tougher. I have a patient that arrived at the hospital two days ago. She’s young – only twenty-five. She is also very sick. I’m treating her for a broken arm but she’s a cancer patient as well.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, Matt, but I don’t see how I’m involved?” Jack responded baffled.
“She was brought in by a man who she calls Daddy. Unfortunately, he’s not the kind of Daddy that she needs. He severed ties with her when he brought her in to the emergency room. He just dropped her off. He didn’t even get out of the car. The nurses had to convince her to come in and let a doctor examine her obviously broken arm. She didn’t have any money to pay the bill. She was just going to walk away. All she has is a stuffed cat named Persimmon. No clothes, no insurance, no one to care about her, nothing.” Matt fell silent and after a long pause, he continued, “She’s all alone. She’s sick. I believe that she was almost finished with her treatments, but all her progress will be in jeopardy if she doesn’t continue. I do know that without care, her survival chances are small.”