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Amy: Dr. Richards' Littles 2 Page 4
Amy: Dr. Richards' Littles 2 Read online
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“Okay, Amy.” He turned to look at her in the back seat. “When you are at the doctor’s office, I expect you to behave very well. The doctor always knows best. He is going to examine all parts of you thoroughly. You are to allow Dr. Richards to do anything he thinks is necessary and he will help you feel better. If you don’t cooperate I will be forced to spank you in the doctor’s office and will spank you again when we arrive home. Do you understand?” When she started to cry, he rubbed her leg and said “I won’t let him hurt you. You’ll be fine. I will always be there. Okay?” Amy slowly nodded her head. At that, Mr. Smythe turned around to put the car in gear and begin the trip to the doctor’s office.
Amy watched as Mr. Smythe pulled up to a huge wrought iron gate. Entering a code into the key pad controlling the gate, Mr. Smythe waited for the gate to glide open smoothly. He drove down a tree-lined driveway to a large, beautiful mansion. He parked on the side next to an entrance labeled, ‘Private Pediatric Services for Littles, Dr. Matt Richards’. He unbuckled Amy from her safety seat and, taking her by the hand, Mr. Smythe walked into the modern office.
Dr. Richards had expanded his staff due to the number of new Littles whose parents had begun to consult with him. A large, Hispanic nurse sat behind the desk and welcomed Mr. Smythe back asking if this was his new daughter, Amy. Amy, shyly stood behind Mr. Smythe, hiding due to the embarrassment of being dressed and treated like a small kid. Mr. Smythe tugged her out from behind him and said, “Amy, say hello to Nurse Elena.” Amy ducked her head and whispered “Hi” toward the floor. Mr. Smythe just shook his head and explained that Amy was a little shy.
Nurse Elena laughed and handed Mr. Smythe a clipboard with some forms. “We’re used to shy youngsters here. Amy, you’re a cutie. I’m looking forward to seeing you here at the office regularly. Go ahead and take a seat in the waiting room. When you finish the forms, bring them up and I’ll take you back to an examination room.”
Amy shuffled her feet after Mr. Smythe as he walked to the center of the waiting room and took a seat. He lifted her onto his lap and said, “Let’s look at these forms.” He carefully filled out ‘Amy’ as her first name and ‘Smythe’ as her last name. When she looked at him in surprise, he whispered to her “You are my Little girl, aren’t you?” Amy nodded her head and leaned back. She was starting to love how Mr. Smythe took such good care of her. Amy looked around the waiting room. She was amazed to see that there were lots of Mommies and full-grown babies like her as well as a few Daddies like Mr. Smythe.
When Mr. Smythe finished the paperwork, he scooted Amy off his lap and, taking her by the hand, led her back to the desk. Nurse Elena smiled and looked at the form reading the information Mr. Smythe had indicated. “Okay, Amy’s in today because she has a fever. You already spoke with Dr. Richards last night and he’s going to help her feel better. You would also like her to have a complete check-up and would like to talk about helping Amy have regular bowel movements.” Amy turned scarlet as the entire waiting room heard the conversation. She hid her face against Mr. Smythe.
Mr. Smythe caressed the top of her head and replied, “Those are our concerns today, Nurse.”
“Dr. Richards is working with patients right now and will be with you shortly. Make yourself comfortable. It won’t be long,” Elena explained.
Chapter Seven
Mr. Smythe led Amy back to their seats. Helping her sit up in the chair, he glanced around the room and saw a bookshelf of children’s’ books to help the Littles be patient as they waited for the doctor. Telling Amy to stay in her seat, he walked over and selected a book to read. Mr. Smythe showed Amy the cover of the book. “Do you like stories about princes who search for the perfect princess?” he questioned Amy. She nodded her head vigorously and stretched out a hand to take the book.
“You don’t feel well, Amy. Just relax and I’ll read it to you, sweetheart,” Mr. Smythe suggested. He wrapped a strong arm around Amy so she could lean in and see the pages as he held the book. Mr. Smythe was delighted when his Little leaned her head on his shoulder and relaxed.
“Once upon a time . . .” Mr. Smythe began reading the story aloud. He noticed that as he read the three other Littles in the waiting room became quiet as they listened to the enchanting story as well. Soon he had the Littles sitting on the floor in front of him as he read. As he finished the book, all began to talk at once.
“What a great book!” said a dark-haired slender man dressed in shorts and tee-shirt with a blue sailboat on front.
“I love it when they fall in love,” shared a delightful woman dressed in a short pink dress and sparkly gold shoes.
“I need to tell my Daddy to get more books like that for us to read,” chimed in slender brunette finally.
“Who is your Daddy?” questioned Amy curiously.
All three answered together, “Dr. Richards!”
Mr. Smythe smiled and nodded thoughtfully, “Dr. Richards. You are sure a cute, young lady. Dr. Richards chose well. What’s your name?”
“I’m Zoey. Is this your daughter?” Zoey questioned nosily.
Amy sat straight up in her chair and looked at Mr. Smythe. When he nodded at her, Amy knew he was leaving it up to her to answer. “I’m Amy. Mr. Smythe is really nice to me. He takes care of me like his daughter. We’re getting to know each other. Maybe he’ll decide to keep me,” Amy peeked at him from under her lashes to judge his reaction. She was pleased to see him smiling at her answer.
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” Nurse Elena kept him from answering. “I have a room ready for you. Come back with me to exam room 2.” Nurse Elena led the way past the reception desk and the open door to exam room 1 where a nude adult male Little sat on the exam table with his male parent standing next to him, waiting to see the doctor. “Okay, Amy. We need you to take off all your clothes. Your daddy will help. I’ll be back in a minute to measure your vital signs.”
Chapter Eight
Amy stiffened. “I don’t want to be naked here, Daddy. All the people in the waiting room will be able to see me.”
Mr. Smythe sat down on a chair and pulled her between his legs. Looking her directly in the eyes, he said firmly, “Amy, we talked about this before we drove here. You will obey all instructions from the doctor and his staff. It doesn’t bother anyone to see you naked. The doctor and nurse want to help you feel better and the others are either children or Mommies and Daddies. You’ll be fine. Now, let’s stop this silliness and get you out of these things.” With that, he stripped her out of her jumper and pushed the diaper to the floor. As Amy stepped out of the diaper, Nurse Elena re-entered.
“Let’s get your weight and height. Step up on the scale, Amy.” The number displayed on a machine on the counter. Amy couldn’t see it but both her daddy and Nurse Elena could. After measuring her height, Amy was told to lean over the examination table. Nurse Elena took out a large rectal thermometer. Amy knew what was coming next. Nurse Elena put on a glove and dipped her right index finger into a jar of lubricant. “Just relax your bottom, Amy. I’m going to prepare your bottom so the thermometer just slides right into place.” She circled Amy’s tight anus several times before slowly dipping her finger into the tight opening a little more each time, until her whole finger was inserted. Rubbing all sides of the passage, Nurse Elena lubricated Amy thoroughly before withdrawing her finger and sliding in the cold instrument. “Mr. Smythe, would you hold this in place while I tell the doctor we’re ready?” Mr. Smythe put his large, warm hand over Amy’s bottom and pressed his finger onto the end of the thermometer holding it securely in place. Nurse Elena nodded and exited leaving the door wide open.
Amy could hear people out in the waiting room. Her body was faced away from the door but she could tell from the noise when people passed the doorway and she blushed to have her bottom displayed for everyone to view. Mr. Smythe rubbed her back and told her she was doing a great job. “You’ll feel much better soon!” he enthused as he held the thermometer firmly in place.
Elena returned saying, “Let’s see what that temperature is now.” She took over from Mr. Smythe and slid the large tube out of Amy. “Oh, some fecal material. We’ll have to tell the doctor. He’ll want to treat her for that as well.” She wiped off the thermometer and read it, stating “Still too high I’m afraid. Good thing you came in today, Amy. I know you don’t feel well.” The nurse wiped off Amy’s anus and helped her stand before having her climb up to sit on the table.
A young, muscular man dressed in a white doctor’s coat walked into the room. “Mr. Robert Smythe! It’s been too long. How are you, Rob?” he asked as he shook Mr. Smythe’s hand warmly. He turned to look at Amy nude on the table and asked, “Who’s this beautiful young lady?” Amy blushed and tried to cover herself from the man’s view with her hands.
Mr. Smythe proudly introduced Amy as his new Little girl. “Amy, this is Dr. Richards. We just met his daughter, Zoey. He knows just how to help Little girls feel their best,” he explained to Amy as he pulled her hands away from her exposed breasts and pelvic area. “You don’t need to be shy, Amy. Dr. Richards is going to check you all over to see how healthy you are. Aren’t you glad to meet Zoey’s Daddy?” he questioned her gently.
Amy looked down at the floor in embarrassment while she said softly, “I’m glad to meet you, Doctor.”
“Matt, I’m so glad to meet Zoey. She’s cute as a button, Matt. You definitely have a sweetie for a daughter,” Mr. Smythe added talking to the white-coated doctor.
“I’m glad to meet you also, Amy. I’ve known your Daddy for several years. He has been waiting almost as long as I have to find the perfect daughter.” Dr. Richards addressed his new patient kindly.
“All right, I can tell this Little girl is not feeling well. What’s going on with Amy today?” the doctor asked Mr. Smythe with concern.
“Matt, thanks for seeing us. I know you’ll take good care of Amy. I’m concerned with her fever now. I also discovered last night, when administering the cold-water enema that you recommended to lower her temperature, that Amy has been constipated. Can you help us combat this problem?” Mr. Smythe asked. He watched Amy blush even more than she had when Dr. Richards walked in to find her nude on his exam table.
Dr. Richards nodded seriously. “I’ll be glad to help. Tell me, does Amy wear diapers or use the potty? That makes a big difference.”
Amy wished the floor would open up and swallow her. She was so embarrassed. But Mr. Smythe answered like it was a totally normal question. “Amy has been urinating into a diaper regularly now but is still very reluctant to do so and must be coaxed. I hadn’t realized that she wasn’t moving her bowels. I’d like Amy to use a diaper for all her needs.”
“All right, let me examine Amy and we’ll get started.” The doctor walked over to Amy and looked in her eyes, mouth and nose with a light. He used the special insert to peer into her ears. Pressing a cold disk to her chest and back he listened to her heartbeat. “Lie back, Amy. I want to check your breasts and abdomen. He performed a thorough breast exam finishing by pulling on her erect nipples until she gasped. He pressed all over her tummy and listened to her bowels. “Amy, I’m going to ask you some big girl questions. When was your last period? Are you on birth control?” Amy stuttered as she answered a date three weeks ago and shook her head “no” about birth control. She hadn’t had the money for the pills.
“Okay, Amy. Slide down until your bottom touches my hand.” Amy scooted down until her labia touched his warm hand. Nurse Elena entered the room just in time to assist by lifting Amy’s legs into the stirrups and attaching Velcro strips around her ankles and knees.
When Amy discovered that she couldn’t move at all, she began to panic and squirmed on the table. “Mr. Smythe,” she gasped looking toward him to save her. Amy felt his warm hands begin to caress her shoulders and face.
“Relax, sweetheart. The doctor is going to examine you carefully so you will feel better. I’m here with you,” Mr. Smythe’s voice reassured her kindly.
“Amy, have you ever had a thorough physical exam before?” Dr. Richards asked. When Amy frantically shook her head “NO!”, he continued gently. “I’ll explain everything as I examine you. Your job is to relax and answer my questions honestly. Can you do that for me?”
Amy swallowed audibly, “I’m really scared. I don’t know if I can relax.”
“Matt, could you give her something to help her?” Mr. Smythe questioned softly as he stood next to Amy’s quivering, nude body. “My Little girl worries too much.”
“I think that would be a good idea, Rob,” Dr. Richards answered moving over to a cabinet he stood with his back to Amy and quickly prepared a shot. “Amy, this will be a fast ouchie and then you will feel better.” He quickly administered the shot before she could process what was happening.
“This will take effect quickly, Rob,” he explained to Mr. Smythe. Both men watched as, thirty seconds after Dr. Richards had disposed of the syringe, Amy sighed deeply and seemed to melt into the exam table in relief.
Dr. Richards affectionately rubbed the inside of Amy’s thigh. “You look like you feel better, Amy. I’m going to start your exam now. You just hold on to Mr. Smythe’s hand.” He waited until he saw her nod and hold on to the strong man by her side.
“I’m going to first palpitate your inner and outer labia. Just relax. You may feel stimulated. That’s normal.” Dr. Richards sat down on a stool between her legs and waved Mr. Smythe closer so he could observe. Nurse Elena squeezed some lubricant on to the doctor’s gloves and he began parting her and touching all her parts. Dr. Richards stroked her clitoris and pulled back the hood repeatedly.
He asked, “Rob, do you examine Amy when you diaper and bathe her?”
Mr. Smythe responded affirmatively. “Good! You need to test her responses frequently as well by stimulating her to orgasm so she will stay healthy.” Mr. Smythe promised to do so.
Amy made a small sound and Nurse Elena smiled at her, “Don’t worry, Little one. The doctor knows how to help you feel your best. There aren’t any secrets in the examination room.”
“Amy, I’m going to do an internal exam now. Rob, do you wish Amy to be on birth control? I would highly suggest it so you can monitor her vaginal temperature with your penis as a thermometer as well. Sometimes nature is the best judge.” The doctor questioned Mr. Smythe.
“I agree with you that birth control is a good idea. Do you have suggestions? Mr. Smythe replied.
“I would suggest a long lasting 3 month shot. That avoids Amy having to take a pill every day.” The doctor explained. Mr. Smythe nodded in agreement again. The doctor continued sliding his fingers into Amy’s vagina, stimulating the entire area until Amy’s hips began to move on the table. “She’s very responsive. That’s wonderful, Amy. Go ahead and orgasm for me,” Dr. Richards urged as he continued to brush her clitoris and stroke her vaginal walls. Amy tried to stop the rush. She didn’t want to lose control with everyone watching but the motion pushed her over the edge and she shuddered from head to toe. “Perfect orgasm, Amy. I’m going to press on your stomach now and explore how impacted your intestines are.”
“Rob, you’re right. She is very constipated. We’re going to have to put her on a regimen to help this after we get her all cleaned out. This could be what’s causing her fever. Let me explore her rectum and we’ll be sure.” He withdrew his fingers from her vagina and held up his glove so the nurse could apply a glob of lubricant to his finger. “Take a deep breath and relax, Amy. Let’s make this as easy as possible.” Amy automatically clenched her bottom. “Amy, you’re not cooperating. Relax your bottom!” the doctor said sharply.
“Amy, remember what we talked about. You don’t want a spanking. Relax for the doctor. It’s okay.” Mr. Smythe said with a warning tone.
Amy forced her muscles to relax and the doctor’s finger entered her rectum. Doing a thorough search of her tight passage, Dr. Richards began pressing on her stomach again. Shaking his head, he sadly said, “No doubt about it
. We’ve found the problem. Amy is badly constipated. We’ll need to treat her today and start medication to avoid this in the future. This is an easy problem to solve but we’ll have to stay on top of it to avoid Amy getting sick again. Nurse, we’re going to do a series of three enemas. Prepare a 2 quart warm cleansing enema, a 3 quart balancing rinse, and a round of Medenema for Amy.”
As the nurse left, Dr. Richards explained to Amy and Mr. Smythe the procedures. “First we’ll clean out all the built-up fecal material from her bowels. Then, make sure the cleanser is rinsed out. Finally, we’ll put in some medicine that will need to stay in Amy’s intestines for 4 hours, expelled and repeated over a 24-hour period. Rob, you’re going to lose some sleep tonight. After the 24-hour period, Rob, I want you to begin inserting a lubricating suppository every 2 hours during the day or every diaper change, whichever is more frequent. She also needs a complete enema every week. We’ll send directions and a recipe to take home with you. I also want you to increase Amy’s liquid intake. She should be wetting at least 5 diapers a day. More would be better. We need her to be very hydrated.”