Amy: Dr. Richards' Littles 2 Read online

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  Mr. Smythe replied, “I’m so glad we came in, Matt. Thank you for taking care of Amy. We’ll do just as you say.” He rubbed Amy’s inner thigh and nodded.

  Chapter Nine

  “While Nurse Elena is mixing the enemas, let’s give Amy her shot for birth control.” He opened a cabinet door and took out a small vial, filled up a syringe with the clear liquid, and then quickly injected it into Amy’s bottom. “Rob, her periods may be a little irregular for a while. Keeping her diapered is a great way to deal with any spotting.” Amy closed her eyes and whimpered. This was an awful visit to the doctor. She’d gotten two shots. She was going to get three enemas followed by more at home. Now everyone was talking about her menstrual cycle and she was going to have to wear a diaper all the time.

  Dr. Richards left the room and returned with two large containers with large white capsules in them. “Here are the suppositories. We’ll send 2 packages home with you now and you can pick up more when you need them. You’ll need to come back in a couple of weeks for us to reassess Amy’s health. Let me show you how to insert these.” He opened a packet and broke the safety seal. Dr. Richards shook one into Mr. Smythe’s hand. It was 2 inches wide, 3 inches long, and made of a creamy solid material. “Keep these in the refrigerator to keep them fresh. Amy won’t like the cold but it will be better for her. See there is an indentation in the bottom. Put it on your index finger and slide it in her rectum as far as possible. Hold it in until you feel it melt in about 5 minutes. Some will leak out so don’t be worried to find some residue in Amy’s diaper. We’ll adjust the dose to larger suppositories or more frequent applications if needed. Go ahead and put one into her now so I can make sure you’re an expert.”

  Mr. Smythe stepped between Amy’s legs and smiled down at her. “Just relax, baby girl. Daddy’s going to give you some medicine.” He put the suppository at her entrance and slipped it easily into her bottom. Amy squirmed at the cold suppository but Mr. Smythe held it in place until Nurse Elena returned with a bulging bag of suds.

  “Okay, Nurse. I’m turning it over to you. Rob, I’ll look forward to seeing you and Amy back in my office soon. Make a follow-up appointment for two weeks’ time. Call if you have any questions. Take good care of that Little girl. I want to see her smiling and feeling better on her next visit.” He patted Amy’s tummy and exited the room.

  The nurse hung the liquid-filled bag on a high hook next to the examination table. She released Amy’s arms and legs from the restraints on the stirrups and helped her turn over. “Up on your knees, Amy. No, leave your head resting on the table. We want everything to flow in as deeply as possible. Mr. Smythe, let me review the best method of giving an enema while Amy receives this first enema. First, lubricate the opening repeatedly. Amy is very lubricated from the doctor’s exam but I’m going to apply more to help the nozzle enter her easily.” Amy felt a glob of cold lubricant applied to her tight entrance. “Insert your finger repeatedly until it enters easily and then insert 2 fingers, repeating the process. Apply lubricant to the nozzle. We’ll send several home with you like this that are wider in the middle so Amy can’t push them out. You’ll have to experiment to see what size works best for Amy.” The nurse worked for several minutes, pushing in and withdrawing the large nozzle until it popped into place. She rotated it around until she was pleased with its placement.

  The nozzle felt huge in Amy’s rectum. “Please, take it out!” She begged with tears leaking out of the corners of her eyes.

  “This medicine will help you feel better, Amy. I know it’s not fun now.” The nurse patted her softly on the bottom before continuing her instructions to Mr. Smythe. “Click on the medicine flow. You want this first enema to go quickly and deeply. Hang the bag 2-3 feet above Amy’s bottom. Do not stop the flow, no matter how much Amy seems to struggle. It helps if you rub her back or tummy if she begins to cramp, as she is now.” The nurse gently rubbed Amy’s tummy, spreading out the liquid across her abdomen. All the while, the soapy enema burned as it entered Amy’s intestines. Finally, there was a gurgle and the water flow stopped. “You must leave the medicine in Amy for at least 20 minutes or you will have to repeat the process. I’ll be back to start the next step in 20 minutes. Amy, take deep breaths and relax. Maybe your dad will treat you to some ice cream after the treatments. Would you like that?” she questioned softly to Amy as Amy struggled to hold the medicine inside. Tearfully, Amy nodded.

  Mr. Smythe began talking about ice cream flavors and what she liked best. He tried to distract her while rubbing her back to soothe her. Amy began to cry in earnest. This was truly awful. Hearing the sound from the hallway, Nurse Elena re-entered and opened a drawer. She pulled out a pacifier and dipped it in a thick liquid. Popping it into Amy’s mouth, she informed Mr. Smythe that it contained a relaxing agent that would also help to soothe Amy. They would send the bottle home the bottle with him for his use. Amy calmed down and seemed to be holding her medicine internally much easier than she had before. Amy sucked on the pacifier and listened to Mr. Smythe talk quietly to her.

  Chapter Ten

  Nurse Elena returned to the room and opened a door to reveal a toilet. She helped Amy down from the exam table and over to the toilet. Removing the large nozzle slowly, the nurse allowed Amy to drop to the toilet seat as the medicine began to explode from her rectum. She removed the bag and asked Mr. Smythe to monitor Amy on the toilet but not to flush the toilet. It took fifteen minutes before Amy thought all the medicine was gone.

  Nurse Elena came back to help Amy off the toilet. She leaned her over the exam table and cleaned her off with a warm, wet cloth. “Okay, Amy. Back on the table. Lie on your side with your knees bent up. I’m going to relubricate you and slide in the nozzle.” This time, when the cold lubricant was applied to her rectum, Amy felt sore. “I know you’re getting tender. It will be over soon,” Elena consoled.

  Turning to Mr. Smythe, Nurse Elena continued her instructions. “This time, the rinse is a large amount of warm liquid but it goes in slowly. Hang the bag one foot above Amy’s bottom. Place her on her side so she can relax. Again, it helps if you rub her back or tummy.” The nurse clicked on the flow and, after insuring the nozzle was in place, she washed her hands. She removed the pacifier from Amy’s mouth and again dipped it in the thick liquid before replacing it in Amy’s mouth. “Don’t be surprised if she drifts off to sleep. That will be good for her,” Nurse Elena whispered to Mr. Smythe as he rubbed her back. She exited the room, turning off the light.

  An hour later, Nurse Elena returned. Amy slept soundly, sucking regularly on the pacifier. Amy’s tummy bulged with the large amount of liquid and Mr. Smythe had settled into the chair. The nurse woke Amy up gently and led the sleepy girl to the toilet. Removing the nozzle, Nurse Elena strapped her into a harness behind the seat so Amy wouldn’t fall off and left her there to expel the fluid.

  Amy felt the rinse rush from her. She was so sleepy. Finally, it felt like everything was out of her intestines. She did feel better. The enemas must be working.

  Again, the nurse returned to clean her up and have her return to the table. “Bottom up, Amy. Head down!” The final enema bag was small. It was filled with a thick liquid that smelled like cough medicine. This time, Mr. Smythe lubricated her thoroughly before putting in a thick nozzle. Amy whimpered as her sore bottom expanded to take the last nozzle. The liquid was very warm as it flowed inside of Amy. After the medicine went in quickly, Amy had to remain with her bottom elevated for 30 minutes. The nozzle was removed and an equally thick plug was inserted to hold the liquid inside. “In four hours, let Amy expel any liquid that may remain in her bottom. I anticipate her body will absorb most of this. Warm another batch and insert it according to the direction. Again, she should retain it for 4 hours. Keep repeating for the next 24 hours. She needs to remain laying down and being quiet. She should sleep a lot for the next 2 days. Take her temperature each time she expels any remaining medicine before putting in the new. Call if her fever isn’t better immed
iately. I’m going to take her temperature in her urethra now just to check.” Amy felt herself rolled over on her back and her legs parted. A slender cold rod slid into her urethra and was held there for 5 minutes. “Look, the fever has already dropped 2 degrees. Perfect! Let’s let Amy rest here while you check out and take all the medicines to your car. Then, we’ll have you carry Amy out so she can stay in a horizontal position.” Mr. Smythe left the room and returned 10 minutes later. The nurse had put an absorbent diaper on Amy. He cradled Amy in his arms. The nurse threw a light blanket over her so she wouldn’t get a chill, and handed Mr. Smythe Amy’s clothes in a small bag. “Let us know if you have any questions.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Amy slept all the way home, not even waking up when she was carried into the apartment and tucked into her crib under her fluffy comforter. Her eyes opened slowly when she was picked up from her warm covers. Whimpering in protest, she tried to roll over, away from the strong arms, but was too sleepy to evade them.

  “Relax, Amy. Sleep is the best thing for you but we need to change your medicine so you’ll keep getting better. We need to measure how much is left in your system so we won’t use the big potty. Let me take out the plug and you can sit down on this Little girl potty to let out any remaining medicine,” Mr. Smythe caressed Amy’s bottom as he slid off her diaper. Rotating the large plug around in her rectum, Amy began to wiggle in response to the stimulation. “You like having your bottom touched, don’t you, Little one? Okay, the plug is out. Let’s set you down on the potty. Just let everything fall out of you.” Mr. Smythe knelt next to Amy as she leaned next to him, too sleepy to sit up on her own. She loved being taken care of so well.

  “Amy, do you feel like all the medicine is out now, sweetheart?” Mr. Smythe questioned after 10 minutes. At her nod, he stood her up and leaned her over his knee to wipe her off with a warm, damp towel. “You’re doing so well, Amy. Your bottom absorbed almost all that medicine. Are you feeling better?” She nodded sleepily. “Temperature time and then it’s time for your next dose.” Amy was lifted onto the changing table and turned on her side. She felt Mr. Smythe rub the outer edges of her anus with lubricant before spreading it inside. He slid the large rectal thermometer in deeply and held it in position as he rubbed her back soothingly. Pulling out the thermometer, Mr. Smythe clucked and said “Still elevated, Amy. Good thing we have more medicine. Just stay on your side while I warm up the medicine. I’ll wrap this security belt around your waist so you don’t fall off the table.”

  Mr. Smythe returned carrying the small enema bag full of new medicine. He lubricated the large nozzle and slid it into her bottom. Amy heard a click and the warm, thick medicine began to ooze into her. “I don’t want any more medicine,” Amy whimpered. “Do I have to have it? I’ll feel better tomorrow.”

  Mr. Smythe stated firmly, “No arguing young lady. The medicine is going in and we’ll follow the doctor’s directions for you to have an enema every 4 hours for the next day. You don’t want to stay sick, do you?”

  Amy shook her head “no” and laid it back down on the table in resignation. Mr. Smythe dipped her pacifier into the sweet mixture and popped it back in her mouth. “This isn’t too bad,” Amy thought as the warm medicine crept into her bottom. She sucked on the pacifier and felt herself starting to go back to sleep.

  “That’s right, Amy. You just go back to sleep. I’ll take care of everything.” Mr. Smythe rubbed her back. Amy did not feel the medicine end and the large plug return to block her rectum. She was tenderly re-diapered and tucked back into her warm cocoon of covers.

  The next day blurred into a pattern of warm medicine and naps. Mr. Smythe took wonderful care of his Little girl. Amy began to feel better. Her fever continued to drop until it reached the normal level. Finally, by the weekend, Amy felt like she was back to normal. On Saturday, she woke up feeling energetic and ready to get out of bed. She called to Mr. Smythe to come let her out of her crib.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Wow! You look like you feel much better Amy. I’m so glad to see you smiling and bright-eyed. Use your diaper, sweetheart, so we can get you out of bed and take your temperature.” He waited patiently next to the bed. When Amy asked to use the potty, he shook his head. “Little girls use their diapers, Amy. Soon, you’ll be so used to your diaper, you won’t even think about using the toilet.”

  Finally, he heard Amy groan as liquid escaped from her bladder. “Just let it all out, Amy. That’s a good girl,” Mr. Smythe crooned to her as he rubbed her bottom. When she’d finished, he lifted Amy out of bed and placed her on the changing table. After ridding her of the wet diaper and wiping clean all her nooks and crannies, Mr. Smythe applied a large blob of lubricant to her anus. “We’re going to take your temperature differently today, Amy.” He stood her down on her feet and led her over to the big chair. Mr. Smythe unbuckled his pants and pulled down his slacks and underwear to expose his large, erect penis. “We’re going to let nature take your temperature today, Amy. Come stand in front of me. No sweetheart, you need to face the other way.”

  Amy stumbled to follow his directions. She wasn’t quite sure what Mr. Smythe had planned.

  “Lean over, Amy.” Mr. Smythe pulled Amy back to him until she felt his penis probe her anus.

  Bucking away, Amy shouted “No! I don’t want you to take my temperature that way.” She covered her bottom with her hands.

  Quickly, she found herself over Mr. Smythe’s knee. “Little girls don’t tell their fathers no!” Mr. Smythe shouted. His large hand began spanking her rounded bottom repeatedly until Amy was sobbing. When he felt her droop over his legs and stop struggling, he gave her 5 more sharp swats before setting her back on her feet. “Amy, you will cooperate. We are going to take your temperature this way. Do you understand me, Little girl?” When Amy tearfully nodded her head, Mr. Smythe turned her around again and pulled her into position between his legs. “Relax your bottom, Amy,” he instructed as he pressed his penis against her anus and began to slowly advance and withdraw. “Your bottom is very red, Amy. I wish you hadn’t been such a bad girl. Relax, Amy. My thermometer is almost in place.” With a final surge, his penis entered her rectum to the hilt. Mr. Smythe stopped his movements and gently lifted Amy so she sat on his lap.

  Amy groaned as her weight centered on his penis in her bottom. She felt impaled on his huge penis. Amy began to sob quietly.

  Mr. Smythe hugged Amy gently. “I know you’re uncomfortable, Amy. It will get better in a few minutes when you relax. Nature is always best to determine if a Little girl is running a fever. My penis is much more sensitive than a cold, glass thermometer. Hush, sweetheart,” he whispered to Amy. “Let’s see if we can make you feel a little better.” Mr. Smythe began to run his fingers over Amy’s nipples. As they contracted and Amy’s hips began to move involuntarily, Mr. Smythe smoothed one hand down her tummy to probe between her legs. He moved her legs over his so she was spread out and totally exposed. Running his fingers over her inner labia, Mr. Smythe remarked, “You are really wet, Amy. You must not hate this too much. Are you starting to enjoy this method of taking your temperature, Little girl?” Mr. Smythe questioned softly in Amy’s ear.

  Amy flushed deeply. “Yes,” she whispered back quietly. “You’re starting to feel really good in my bottom.” Amy began to rock back and forth on his lap as Mr. Smythe’s fingers dipped into her vagina and rubbed her enlarged clitoris. Amy felt herself begin to climax and she tightened around Mr. Smythe’s invading penis. He groaned and Amy felt him begin to spurt warm liquid into her bowels.

  “You can be such a good little girl, Amy. Your temperature must be just perfect for my medicine to eject into your bottom. Are you going to be more cooperative next time?” Mr. Smythe questioned sternly. When Amy nodded, Mr. Smythe lifted her off his lap and set her on uncertain feet. He turned her around to face him and hugged her tightly to her. “I love taking care of you, Amy. I’m so glad you came to live with me.” He moved her back so he could look
her in the eyes. “Are you happy here, Amy?” he questioned softly.

  Amy thought deeply. In the last few weeks she had been living as Mr. Smythe’s Little girl, she had been spanked, given multiple enemas, and required to use a diaper. Those could all be negatives but somehow Amy felt loved and cherished. Mr. Smythe took care of all her basic needs while stimulating her repeatedly so she was sexually satisfied more than she had ever been before beginning to pretend she was a Little girl. Even though she felt embarrassed by many components of her new life, she was happy. She no longer worried about paying her bills, finding a job, or being alone. Mr. Smythe was always there to take care of her. Amy looked directly at Mr. Smythe and nodded, “I’m happy here. You take such good care of me. I’m sorry that I’m bad and I don’t always do what you tell me and you have to spank me. Are you going to send me away?” Tears gathered in her eyes as her chin began to tremble.

  Mr. Smythe cupped Amy’s cheeks and brushed a soft kiss on her lips. “You are a very special Little girl, Amy. Over the last few weeks, I’ve grown to love you very much. When you are bad, you will be spanked. Then all is forgiven. I know Little girls are sometimes disobedient. I won’t ever send you away. I want you to stay and let me take care of you.” He smiled as he lifted her to sit on his lap. “Let’s dry those eyes. I have a special treat for you today. We’re going on a play date. Doesn’t that sound like fun?”