Amy: Dr. Richards' Littles 2 Read online

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  Amy questioned, “Who will I be playing with?” She wasn’t sure that she wanted to play as a Little girl with someone else.

  “We’re going to a Dr. Richards’ house today for a picnic. There are going to be 5 other Mommies or Daddies with their Little girls and boys, just like you and me. The grown-ups will all enjoy watching you all have fun. I think you will have a great time. Now, let’s put your medicine in your bottom. We want you to be able to use your diaper and not get sick again from being all congested. Stand up and Daddy will fix his pants.” Tucking his large penis back into his briefs and fastening his pants around his waist, Mr. Smythe lifted Amy into his arms and placed her on the changing table. He wrapped the restraining belt around her waist and went to the kitchen to get a cold suppository. Returning, Amy saw that he had brought two. “Amy, we need to double up your medicine today. You didn’t poop yesterday at all. If you don’t poop today, we’ll have to give you an enema. I want you to do your best to be a good girl and use your diaper.”

  He raised her legs and bent them at the knees to she was widely spread with her bottom slightly lifted from the table. Mr. Smythe put the suppositories on the table between her legs and holding her legs with one hand, he opened the drawer and dipped out a finger of lubricant from the jar. “Relax your bottom, Amy.” He slid one and then two fingers into her rectum smoothing the lubricant deeply into her bottom. Mr. Smythe picked up one suppository and pressed it firmly against her puckered anus before sliding it deeply inside. Holding it there for five minutes until it started melting, he removed his finger and repeated the process.

  Amy didn’t try to protest. She had gotten used to the medicine and it did make it easier to use her diaper. She hoped that she wouldn’t have to poop while she was on her play date. That would be too embarrassing to think about.

  Chapter Thirteen

  An hour later, Amy was dressed in a bright yellow sundress with a red tank top underneath and white ruffled panties over her cushioned diaper. Her shiny, brown hair was fastened into two braids behind her ears. She stood looking at her cute, ladybug sandals while trying to ignore the embarrassing items Mr. Smythe was gathering to take with them for the day: a stuffed diaper bag with extra medicine, diapers, wet wipes, and diaper rash cream, her favorite nap blanket, and her pacifier.

  “All right, sweetheart. I think we have everything. Hold my hand and we’ll go to the car,” Mr. Smythe said gently. “You are going to have a very good day today. I promise you’ll like the other boys and girls. The fresh air will help you feel good.”

  He led her to the car and helped her climb into her car seat. Buckling Amy in tightly, he smoothed the straps over her chest taking time to caress her nipples through the cheerful yellow dress until they contracted and Amy moaned quietly. “That’s my pretty baby. Let’s get going,” Mr. Smythe enthused and shut the back door before going around to the driver’s side and getting into his seat behind the wheel. “We’re going to have a great day. You’ll get to see Dr. Richards again and his Little girl, Zoey, as well as some other Littles.”

  Amy was very nervous. What was actually going to happen? Would everyone be like her – an adult girl being taken care of as she was a Little child? Would she be the only one dressed this way? What would happen if she had to use the bathroom? She decided to ask. “Daddy, can I use the big girl potty at the play date?”

  “Amy,” Mr. Smythe replied sternly, “You aren’t old enough to use the big potty. You use your diaper. There will be other Littles at the play date who use diapers as well. You don’t have to worry that you’ll be different. I’ll take good care of you like I normally do.”

  “What if the other kids don’t like me?” Amy questioned nervously.

  “You are a beautiful Little girl who minds her daddy well and behaves like an angel – most of the time. Everyone is going to be very glad to meet you and play with you, Amy. I promise. Look we’re turning into the driveway. We’re here. Look everyone’s outside enjoying the beautiful day. Let me park and we’ll join everyone.” Mr. Smythe pulled the car in next to a large blue sedan and got out of the driver’s seat to walk around to Amy’s side of the car. He opened the door and unbuckled Amy from her car seat. He plucked her out of the car and setting her on her feet, he straightened her dress and tugged on one braid. “Amy, relax. You’re going to have a good time, sweetheart. Smile and show everyone how pretty you are.” He took her hand and led her to the group of adults gathered under a large maple tree. The five kids were playing with a red ball in the center of the yard.

  “Hi, everyone. This is Amy, my Little girl,” Mr. Smythe introduced Amy proudly. Amy ducked behind Mr. Smythe shyly. Mr. Smythe gently pulled her out from behind him and wrapped his arm around her waist. “Amy is a little shy. She’s new to all this fun,” he explained. Everyone smiled at Amy kindly. She felt herself relax a little. No-one was laughing at her.

  Dr. Richards came forward and knelt on one knee in front of her. “What a pretty dress, Amy! I’m so glad to see you feeling better today. Would you like to meet my daughter?” At Amy’s small nod, Dr. Richards called to a petite, blonde [BB2] woman dressed in a cute short outfit with a cartoon penguin on the front of the t-shirt. “Zoey, come here sweetie. I want you to meet Amy.” Amy watched Zoey skip over to her Daddy. Dr. Richards patted her on her small bottom and Amy heard plastic rustle.

  “She’s wearing a diaper just like me,” Amy thought, reassured that she was not going to stand out.

  Dr. Richards smiled at Zoey and asked her kindly, “Zoey, would you introduce Amy to all your friends visiting today?”

  Zoey came forward and smiled at Amy. She took Amy’s hand. “Hi, Amy! Do you remember me? I’m Zoey. I’m so glad you came today. I like making new friends. I think we’re going to be great friends. Don’t you?” Zoey grinned at Amy and waited to see Amy’s shy nod. Zoey tugged Amy’s hand and led her away from the grown-ups toward the other kids. “This is Jake, Tommy, Sara, and Angelina. Their mommies and daddies all brought them today to have fun with me. We’re going to play ball, eat hotdogs, and maybe even get to run through the sprinkler later. Doesn’t that sound like fun, Amy? You can stand next to me.”

  Amy stood next to Zoey as the group started tossing the ball back and forth. She watched the other kids. They were just like her. Grown people who were dressed and acting like children. Jake was very fit and athletic. He was dressed in a pair of jeans and a tractor tee shirt. Tommy was tall and had a rounded belly that hung over his khaki cargo shorts. His left shoe was untied and he kept tripping over the dangling shoelace. Sarah had short, curly black hair and big brown eyes. She was dressed in a short blue dress with lots of ruffles. Finally, Angelina had long, red hair and was wearing a pair of green shorts and a pink princess t-shirt with a sparkly plastic tiara on her head that kept sliding off the top of her head as she played.

  “Tommy, come here so I can tie your shoe. I don’t want you to fall and get hurt,” a kind-looking woman called toward the kids. Tommy took two steps in her direction and tripped over his shoelace, landing hard on his knees. Immediately, Tommy burst into tears and, sitting down on the ground, began to rock back and forth. The woman stood up from her lawn chair and hurried toward Tommy. Kneeling next to him, she wrapped her arms around the sobbing boy and kissed him on the cheek. “Let Mommy look at your knee, Tommy. Oh, I bet that stung. Do you think it would feel better if we put a bandage on it?” she inquired. Tommy rubbed the tears from his eyes and nodded. The woman led Tommy back to the group of adults and, sitting back in her chair, she pulled her diaper bag out from under the chair and wiped off the grass from Tommy’s knee. She sprayed a little disinfectant medicine on his knee and covered it with a blue, monster bandage. “Does that feel better, Tommy?” When he nodded, the woman hugged Tommy closely before pulling back and wrinkling her nose.

  “I think you have a dirty diaper, Tommy. Let’s change you so you smell sweet again and you can play with your friends.” She pulled out a blanket and spread it out on the ground
in front of the chairs. Tommy’s mom helped him lay down on his back and she unfastened his shorts and pulled them down his legs revealing a white diaper. Untaping the sides, she pulled down the front of Tommy’s diaper and lifted his legs so his bottom was raised from the ground. Pulling off the soiled diaper, she used several wet diaper wipes to clean his bottom. As she wiped, Amy saw Tommy’s penis begin to lengthen and thicken in response to the caresses. “Tommy loves to have his bottom cleaned,” the woman chuckled at his erection. “Sometimes, I think he uses his diaper just so I’ll take his pants off.” All the adults laughed as Tommy’s Mommy pulled out a tube of lotion and filled her hand with the white creamy mixture. “You’re all red and irritated, Tommy. Let Mommy sooth your skin.” As everyone watched, she smoothed the lotion all over his penis and began stroking his length repeatedly.

  Tommy began to moan, “Mommy, everyone’s watching.” He put his arm across his face to block out the watching eyes.

  “Tommy, no one minds that I put some lotion on you. It’s important to take care of your delicate skin. Does that feel good?” she questioned as she sped up her strokes on his penis.

  “Mommy, don’t stop,” Tommy gasped and began to jerk as thick, white liquid spurted from his penis. “Oh . . .” he groaned.

  Tommy’s Mommy continued to pull on his penis for several strokes before leaning over to kiss his rounded tummy. “I bet you feel so much better! Let’s get you cleaned up and a new diaper on you so you can go play.” She quickly cleaned and powdered Tommy’s bottom and pelvis and securely taped a new diaper around his waist. “Up, up, up,” she encouraged him back on his feet. “Now let’s pull up your shorts. Okay, Tommy. Go back to your friends.” She kissed him on the forehead and, after Tommy threw his arms around her for a fierce hug, he went off to play.

  Dr. Richards stood and said he’d show Tommy’s Mommy where to dispose of the used diaper and wash her hands. When they returned, he wiped the perspiration from his brow. “It’s sure getting hot out here. How about I turn on the sprinklers for the kids to run through? I bet they are getting warm also.”

  All the parents called their children back to them and announced that it was time. Everyone but Amy immediately stood in front of their Mommy or Daddy to have their outer clothing removed so they wouldn’t get everything wet.

  Amy looked around with big eyes as shorts and jeans were pulled off with tee shirts following quickly to be folded away. Mr. Smythe smiled at Amy and waved her over. “You’ll love playing in the sprinkler, Amy. I think you are wearing too much clothing too, don’t you?” he questioned with a sparkle in his eye. “I know you’re shy so let’s take off your sandals, white, ruffled panties, and your dress for now, sweetheart. You can wear your tank top and diaper for a while if you’d like.”

  Amy quickly nodded her agreement. She’d agree to anything to keep something on in front of all these people. She looked around to see all the kids standing in their diapers. Zoey stood in front of Dr. Richards. He patted her diapered bottom and said, “You’ll just get this diaper all wet in the sprinkler and we’ll have to take if off later anyway. Let’s just take if off now, and you won’t have to stop playing later to come and have it removed.” With those words, he unfastened the sides and took off the diaper leaving her totally nude.

  Zoey didn’t seem upset. She just grinned at her Daddy and asked, “Will you turn on the sprinkler now?” Zoey danced in excitement in front of him. Her small breasts jiggled as she moved. “I love the sprinkler.”

  “I know you do, Zoey. You come with me and I’ll turn it on for you.” Dr. Richards caressed her white bottom and squeezed, eliciting a squeal from his baby.

  The sprinkler was placed a short distance from the adults so they could keep an eye on the kids and turned on to a wide arc of water. Shivering, the kids took time running and shrieking through the cold water. The diapers began to sag with all the water being absorbed. Tommy, Jake, Sarah, and Angelina all quickly ran to their parents to have their diapers removed, and then quickly returned to the fun.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Amy kept trying to pull up her diaper until it was so heavy it had pulled down to her knees and she couldn’t get it back around her waist. What was she going to do? She didn’t want to be naked in front of everyone. Embarrassed, she finally turned around to walk to the group. Mr. Smythe was right behind her with a kind smile on his face.

  “Ready to take off your diaper, Amy?” he questioned gently.

  “Maybe I should stop playing,” Amy tried first. “I’m getting really tired.” Amy yawned really widely in an attempt to convince him.

  “Amy, you are lying to me and that will earn you a spanking,” Mr. Smythe said sternly. “We are here to play. I know you’re worried about not wearing clothes but it’s okay. You’re just a Little girl. Now, stop being silly.” He quickly unfastened her saggy diaper and it plopped to the ground. Mr. Smythe lifted her chin and forced her to look him in the eyes. “Amy, I know you are embarrassed to be exposed to others. No one has even noticed. Look around.” He waited until she’d looked around. The adults were still chatting and smiling at the kids’ antics as they jumped through the sprinkler. The kids were grinning as they whooped and shrieked in the sprinkler.

  Mr. Smythe was right. No-one cared. No-one was watching her any more than they were watching the other kids. Amy smiled at Mr. Smythe. “I’m okay now, Daddy. I’ll go play.” Just then, Zoey ran over and, taking Amy’s hand, pulled her back to the others.

  “You’re missing all the fun!” Zoey whispered. The two girls grinned at each other and ran together holding hands through the sprinkler.

  The kids played for about thirty minutes until Dr. Richards announced that lunch would be ready soon and it was time to get cleaned up. All the soaked kids ran to their Mommy or Daddy. Mr. Smythe pulled the saturated red tank top over Amy’s head and wrapped Amy in a big fluffy pink towel. He rubbed her skin until she was pink from head to toe. He spread out a blanket on the ground and lowered Amy to the ground. He pulled out, from the laden diaper bag, a container of her medicinal suppositories and removed two.

  “Oh, Daddy. Don’t’! Not here! I feel fine.” Amy pleaded in a whisper.

  Mr. Smythe didn’t hesitate. Dipping a finger into lubricant before lifting her legs up, he applied the goo to her rectum. “Amy, I’m just taking care of you like a good Daddy does. Don’t fight me or you’ll get a spanking too.” Pressing his slippery finger repeatedly into her tight passage until she relaxed, he then pushed the suppositories deep into her bottom. Mr. Smythe kept his large finger inserted fully in Amy’s rectum while she squirmed and looked around hoping no one was watching. Everyone else was busy taking care of their own child: putting on diaper rash medication, smoothing lotion on to newly dried skin. Zoey was even stretched over her father’s knee as Dr. Richards held a large glass, rectal thermometer in her bottom. No one seemed to think anything abnormal was occurring. They were all just loving Mommies and Daddies taking care of their Little ones.

  Dr. Richards asked Mr. Smythe how the medicine was working for Amy. “I’m glad to see you are continuing her treatment for constipation. Is she pooping in her diaper regularly?” he questioned seriously.

  All the adults looked up and Sarah’s Daddy asked, “Do you have a good medication to treat constipation? Sarah really struggles with pooping in her diaper. I’d love to try the medication as well.”

  “Are you using the white suppositories?” asked Jake’s mom. “I swear those work like a miracle for my Jake’s bottom. He doesn’t like them being put in but they are perfect for helping him poop.” Jake’s Mommy paused in applying a white mixture to his bottom. “I also love this cream you prescribed for his diaper rash. I rub it in very well all over, including testicles. He loves this. It makes him feel so good. Doesn’t it, Jake?” Jake nodded shyly and put his thumb in his mouth.

  “Why don’t you bring Sarah into the office this week and I’ll examine her to see if the suppositories will work well for her,” D
r. Richards suggested to Sarah’s Daddy.

  “I’ll call as soon as I have this diaper taped and set it up. Thanks, Matt. I’m so glad you’re here to help all our children stay healthy. I’d like to talk to you about several items,” Sarah’s Daddy responded positively. He taped the sides of Sarah’s diaper and, lifting Sarah up on his knee, he pulled out his phone and called the office to make an appointment for the following day. “It’s your lucky day, Sarah. They had an appointment tomorrow morning at ten. Aren’t you happy you’ll get some new medicine for your bottom?” he questioned his daughter, patting her on the padded diaper. Sarah didn’t look too enthusiastic but nodded carefully as she looked cautiously at Dr. Richards.

  Mr. Smythe pulled his finger out of his Little girl’s bottom slowly. “I think your medicine is all melted inside you now, Amy. Let’s get your diaper on so we can have some lunch.”